The healing of America can finally begin. The long national nightmare of being ruled by an invisible cabal of people who hate America and our people is over. A very quiet, menacing, and purposeful Donald J. Trump has been sworn in as the 47th President of the United States.
If you watched his inaugural speech at the swearing-in ceremony, you know what we’re talking about. This was a version of Donald Trump who burned the boats and now strides forward on a mission, with no possibility of turning back. The lion has arrived.
Trump’s discipline during the speech was the thing that stood out the most. He didn’t wander off on any Trumpy tangents. He stuck to his speech and delivered it, with a sterner expression than we had seen previously.
This is the version of Donald Trump who stood up in Butler, Pennsylvania last July after the Biden regime had him shot by a “lone gunman.” It’s the man who stood back up, defiantly thrust his fist in the air, and told his followers, “Fight! Fight! Fight!”
We’ve said it many times and President Trump said it himself during the speech—God did not spare his life from an assassin’s bullet just so he could come in second place in the election. God spared Donald Trump because He has one last mission for this strange vessel.
Trump laid out his immediate priorities for the nation. First and foremost, stemming the invasion. US troops will be sent to secure the border with Mexico. Illegal entries stop now. Remain in Mexico restarts now.
The mass deportations begin immediately. As we reported earlier, the emboldened Border Patrol has already begun rounding up hundreds of illegal aliens in deep blue California. Cities across America are about to get the shock and awe treatment.
Everyone in that room at the Capitol for the inauguration today knows the dirtiest secret in DC, which is that America cannot and will not survive as an intact nation beyond the early 2030s. The mass invasion by unassimilated immigrants since 1965 will destroy the country unless it is reversed immediately. They have to go back, or we lose everything.
Trump’s entire Cabinet has been directed to do everything in their power to get inflation back under control and bring prices down. The energy renaissance that America had just started to enjoy in 2019-2020, which Team Biden strangled, is being reinitiated. The United States has more recoverable oil and natural gas than any nation on the planet. That cheap energy will drive us back into an economy that works for the American people. Drill, baby, drill!
The Green New Deal ends now. The communist policies of banning gas-powered vehicles in favor of EV mandates have come to an end. Shutting down oil and gas exploration ends. Deliberately inflating the cost of fuel to crush the middle and working class ends now. He didn’t mention it in his speech, but Trump vowed on Truth Social over the weekend that his administration will not finance the building of a single windmill in the next four years.
We only wish that the cameras had cut away to a shot of Elon Musk’s face when Trump announced that electric car mandates are now over.
President Trump’s first order of business will be to sign more than 200 executive orders. They’ve got them lined up like planes on a runway. He promises to undo every garbage executive order that Bad Shower Daddy has signed over the past four years.
Joe Biden wanted a legacy. That legacy is now moot. The grim expression of determination on Trump’s face, as he delivered his speech on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, said it all.
That’s not to say that the speech was lacking in fun moments. It was hilarious to see him ripping on the absolute worst policies of Biden-Harris as they were sitting just a few feet away from him. Their facial expressions were priceless. You could see the exact moment when Kamala’s pot gummy kicked in.
Trump promises a manufacturing renaissance in America and a return to prosperity. He even declared that the American flag would be planted on Mars within the next four years. The days of “America Last,” runaway inflation, mass invasion, endless wars, and the destruction of the middle class are over. America First is back and the adults are finally back in charge.