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After Ignoring the East Palestine Environmental Disaster for the Last Two Weeks, Biden Suddenly Wants to Help After President Trump Announces Visit

With the ongoing crisis in East Palestine, Ohio, President Joe Biden has thus far refused to visit and instead decided to show face in… Ukraine?

Biden traveled to Kyiv for a meeting with Volodymyr Zelensky to show the world that Ukraine has his FULL support.

“One year later, Kyiv stands,” Biden said from behind a podium sporting both American and Ukrainian flags. “And Ukraine stands. Democracy stands. The Americans stand with you, and the world stands with you.”

Joe announced hundreds of millions more in support for the foreign nation’s war effort and East Palestine Mayor Trent Conaway said that it was the “biggest slap in the face” to residents of his city.

Biden pledged long-term support for Ukraine, saying “freedom is priceless. It’s worth fighting for for as long as it takes.”


When it comes to the residents of East Palestine, Ohio the president doesn’t seem to hold their lives in the same regard. While Biden was pledge everything he’s got to the people of Ukraine residents of the East Palestine are literally begging for help amid reports of dead animals, asthma symptoms, contaminated water and air.

Biden’s Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg doesn’t give a rip either. What, a train carrying toxic chemicals tipped over? Whatever. He’s too busy turning the roads equitable to worry about something like that.

The EPA told people in East Palestine that the water and air are safe, and everyone could go back home after a two-day evacuation. Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) went to East Palestine and is now urging people to NOT DRINK THE WATER. He even challenged EPA Commissioner Michael Regan to drink a glass of tap water from East Palestine.

In a bizarre appearance on CNN, Commissioner Regan was asked if it’s safe to be in East Palestine right now. Here was his response:

“As the conditions on the ground become safe, so that we can put our scientists and engineers – not in harm’s way, but in a position where they could do their work – we will then be in a position to provide those updates to the public.”

So… the EPA says it’s safe for East Palestine residents to go home… but it’s not safe for EPA workers to get in there and do their jobs yet? Sounds legit.

The Democrat president’s decision to prioritize Ukraine at this time PROVES his ‘America last’ ideology is in full swing.East Palenstine’s Mayor called out the fact that Biden was “giving millions of dollars away to people over there, and not to [them],” noting that it “tells you right now he doesn’t care about us.”

Asked about if he was surprised by the president’s decision to rub elbows with Zelensky in Ukraine rather than the American people in East Palestine, Conaway said, “Absolutely… he can send every agency he wants to, but I found that out this morning in one of the briefings that he was in…Ukraine giving millions of dollars away to people over there, and not to us, and I’m furious.”

The White House is not even bothering to try and hide the fact that they care MORE about Ukraine than they do your average Americans. Initially, FEMA declined to offer the Ohio city any disaster aid and only decided to do so after Former President Donald Trump said he was planning to travel to East Palestine.

Is President Trump’s visit a political stunt? Sure. But look at what the immediate response was.

Trump’s visit to East Palestine forced Joe Biden’s hand. Biden now has no choice but to send aid to small Ohio town, because even the dummies running the White House know how bad it’s going to look when Trump gets there and starts tearing them to shreds for their uncaring inaction.

Until now, Biden’s blind devotion to Ukraine has ‘only’ cost us $196 BILLION. Biden wouldn’t even lift a finger to help the people in East Palestine, because they didn’t vote for him. It’s disgusting.

Trump’s visit also highlights just how much “The Swamp” fears his return. After two weeks of sitting around doing nothing, FEMA suddenly sprang into action just a few hours after Trump announced he was going to visit. They’re suddenly pretending that it’s an important issue to them, because President Trump made it an important issue.

Just look at this timeline.

On Friday, Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine announced that FEMA would not be sending any assistance into the state to help. Trump then announced he’d be visiting East Palestine next Wednesday. On Friday night, just a few hours later, DeWine announced that FEMA was sending a team on Saturday. There’s no way that is a coincidence.

They’re terrified of Donald Trump. Meanwhile, Trump is going to be doing what he always does, which is stand up for the American people when they need his help.

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30 thoughts on “After Ignoring the East Palestine Environmental Disaster for the Last Two Weeks, Biden Suddenly Wants to Help After President Trump Announces Visit”

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    1. Yep. I don’t know the demographics of East Palestine, but I’m betting that Biden doesn’t think that he has anything to gain by visiting the village.

  2. That one reason president Trump should be the president right now he always care about America and its people it’s time to drop Ukraine and help America Biden is a traitor to are country

  3. Don’t you love that nasty smirk when asked a question ??? He has the compassion most dogs show cats…How in the hell can a working, tax paying, Democrat support tis bozo ??

    1. since I have three dem step children adults, I can tell you how effective brainwashing is. They support the dem party no matter what they do. When I talked to one about abortion, She said WE have to have ABortion. It was looking into the eyes of satan when she said that. It must be the kool aid. propaganda does work. It is like their brains are gone and this took its place. By the way all three are college grads.

    1. Yep, I’m waiting for him to comeback with something like “I’ve just personally brokered a peace deal between Zelensky and Gorbachev ”.

  4. This is the most anti American regime in the history of this country. We’ve never witnessed this level of incompetence, corruption, and embarrassment and it’s going to get even worse, if that’s possible. Americans are far less safe thanks to Bidens unprotected borders and the threat of a nuclear war looming in our near future. Biden has created countless disasters with the intentions of destroying our country, and our enemies have been rejoicing everyday since he took office.

    1. obamas was too. it was the harbinger of this one. Very marxist as is obama. fast and furious, bengazi, the list goes on.

  5. In the meantime while the gov. is display the usual disregard, the people need to evacuate. No matter what you had your life and future are not worth the pain and suffering you will be dealing with if you stay. Hopefully you have family to move in with till you can get your life together again. For yours and your families sake get out.

  6. Joe Biden is a traitor and needs to be dragged out! What a discrace ! WE WERE SAFER UNDER TRUMP ! ALL YOU WOKE PEOPLE WILL PAY !!!

  7. What a disgrace to the True American People.and a once very respected Country around the World. To all the True Republicans, stop the name calling get together and work with each other. To President Trump you are the only one so far that has the Capabilities to bring back this Country and put the Corrupt Democrats in jail. Name calling fellow republicans will not get you back in the White House.Get a good VP and work with people who really care likr yourself. The Rhino Republicans mean nothing they will never be in power . You have some very talented Govenors to work with I am sure you know who they are. Get rid of Mitch Mc Connell he is trouble.

  8. I’m in Akron Ohio about 70 or 80 miles away. I’m outraged that the EPA, would outsource the responsibility of sensitive clean-up to the very party that so negligently caused this catastrophe. There’s a few things about the situation I’m shocked doesn’t seem to be conspicuous to the rest of the country. First, the train was on FIRE miles before entering East Palestine. There’s video footage of the train with 1 car with flames near the rails and the wheels of the train. Everyone keeps talking braking systems, and yes, I agree that definitely needs addressed, but I think its obvious that car was leaking, and that’s ultimately what caused the derailment. Perhaps the fire got so hot the wheel morphed and got hung up on the track. Or maybe the entire car blew up and the blast energy threw it off track. My thought is, had the train had more than one operator, could this have been avoided? Why aren’t each car required to be monitored by cameras? How long had that car been leaking whilst travelling about the country? How many other compromised cars are being operated by this company and others? Furthermore, I CANNOT believe nobody has said ANYTHING regarding the SECOND TRAIN DERAILMENT IN OHIO THIS MONTH!!! Let’s just hope we aren’t being lied to about the contents of that one, but if there was anything dangerous I’m pretty certain Dewine would do everything he could to avert transparency. He hasn’t demanded it the first disaster, why would he for number 2? Clearly the area is so toxic that the powers that be will do anything not to expose themselves to the chemical contamination they’ve insisted on exposing the residents of East Palestine to, as well as the rest of the population of Ohio and Pennsylvania to. One county south of mine has reported large amounts of cattle and horses dropping dead, regardless of age. This is a deadly treason and abandonment of duty by the Fed and the State of Ohio. Why do we fund a super agency like the EPA with our tax dollars if all they do is outsource environmental disasters to the offenders. The same thing happened with the Deep Water Horizon disaster. If you ask me the environment seems to be getting worse since implementation of the EPA. We have to expect more from our government on EVERY. single level, regardless of party, level, or function. Government agencies funded by taxpayers need to start being held accountable with transparency reports and citizen oversights. Lobbying HAS to stop. The collusion of government and corporate interests CANNOT continue! Its one atrocity after the next. Lets organize as Americans and take our rights back before it’s too late!

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