Tonight is the first debate between President Trump and challenger Joe Biden. It starts at 9 pm EST. The show is being held in Cleveland, Ohio and will be moderated by Fox News anchor Chris Wallace. The debate will be 90 minutes long and will cover six different topics. Each topic will receive 15 minutes. Trump and Biden will each be given two minutes to respond to the opening question of each topic. Candidates will also have a chance to respond to each other as well. Wallace picked out these six topics to focus on in the first debate:
- Trump and Biden’s Records
- COVID-19
- The Supreme Court
- The Economy
- Race and Violence in U.S. Cities
- The Integrity of the Election
In his more lucid days, Joe Biden was a pretty good orator, somewhere between the level of wise guy and semi-articulate hatchet man for the more urbane and glib Barack Obama.
However, the problem with letting an loose cannon like Joe out on his own is that he frequently forgets to engage what’s left of his brain before he shoots off his mouth.
We got a taste of Joe unchained during the primaries from one-on-one responses to challenging questions from voters at his campaign rallies. He nearly threatened to beat an old guy and called a young woman a “lying dog-faced pony soldier.” The latter rambling and embarrassing response was to a friendly questioner, who wanted to know how Joe could win a national election when he came in fourth in Iowa.
But Joe has bigger baggage than poor primary campaign and debate performance even after the fix was in. That baggage will be placed front and center during the upcoming debates. Biden won’t even be able to hide his baggage behind softball questions from the media. President Trump, who told Hillary that he would put her in jail if he won the election, obviously won’t be shy when it comes to calling out Joe’s crime family connections.
Joe claims he knew nothing about all those millions funneled to Hunter’s cronies and his family. A recent senate committee report says otherwise. The mainstream press followed Democrat lead with a collective yawn.
President Trump heaped criticism on the lazy mainstream media for not being interested in the story. “If we had a media that was fair — even just reasonable — this would be the biggest story for years and years. Then you’d be entitled to real Pulitzer Prizes, not the fake committee that gives away these fake awards.”
Donald Trump, Jr. also tweeted about a reported wire transfer to Hunter Biden for $3.5 million from a Russian billionaire widow of the former Moscow mayor. “Hunter Biden received $3.5 million wire transfer from Elena Baturina, the billionaire widow of Yury Luzhkov, the former mayor of Moscow a known associate of Vladimir Putin. Where are our fearless ‘journalists’ now that there’s a real Russia connection?”
Instead, the mainstream press preferred to focus on a New York Times piece that claimed the President paid little to no federal income taxes for 10 of the past 15 years. President Trump’s response, “It’s fake news, it’s totally made up.”
His lawyer, Alan Garten, also debunked the report, “The New York Times’ story is riddled with gross inaccuracies. Over the past decade the President has paid tens of millions of dollars in personal taxes to the federal government. While we tried to explain this to the Times, they refused to listen and rejected our repeated request that they show us any of the documentation they purport to be relying on to substantiate their claims.”
The New York Times, in the meantime, did not release copies of the President’s tax filings, saying they were “protecting sources.”
In the meantime, President Trump continues to donate his annual salary of $400,000 to government agencies, essentially working for free while the press ignores stories about Biden’s corruption and Hunter dines on his millions from his collusion with Russia.