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Biden’s Campaign Promises Look Backwards to Obama

Back to the Future was a popular movie franchise, but 76-year-old Joe Biden’s plan to take America back to the Obama years looks more like a disaster film.

Since throwing his hat in the ring to be the next Democratic Party’s presidential nominee, the former Obama number two has demonstrated why Pres. Donald J. Trump calls him “Sleepy Joe.” The overwhelming majority of his positions are a repeat of President Obama’s, making him look tired, unoriginal and entirely out of step with today’s economy, political issues, and Americans in general.

Compounding the problem is the fact that Biden’s nostalgic perception of those times defies reality. His outdated plan and perspective on the issues disqualify Biden from serious consideration.

Biden Touts Bringing Back ObamaCare for All

Proving how unoriginal and out of touch he is, Biden’s first campaign promise is to bring back ObamaCare. The current health care fight in Washington, D.C, pits Republicans determined to expand affordable health insurance by bringing down the cost of prescription medications against Medicare for All Democrats.

No one in Washington is seriously considering bringing back Obamacare due to the fact it was a leading cause of higher premium and medication costs. No one except Biden that is.

“We should not be starting from scratch. We should be building from what we have. There is no time to wait. And that’s why I think, what I’m proposing — and we can do it — is to keep Obamacare, restore the cuts that have been made, and add a public option,” Biden said on the campaign trail.

Further demonstrating his unoriginality he stole a line from his former boss when he said, “If they like their employer-based insurance, you get to keep it. The fact of the matter is, all the other proposals make you — you lose it. Period.”

What is particularly telling about Biden’s failure to grasp today’s health care cost realities is his criticism of members of his own party.

“I knew the Republicans would do everything in their power to repeal Obamacare. They still are. But I’m surprised that so many Democrats are running on getting rid of it,” Biden reportedly said.

The former vice president appears to be living in the past in one of those nostalgic pictures of him and Obama with their feet up in the Oval Office doing nothing.

Biden Wants to Reverse Climate Change by Killing Jobs, Again

The Obama years were mired in economic woes. After the financial crisis upended the economy and forced many Americans out of their homes, Biden was on board to raise taxes, and crush industries that didn’t fit the climate change cult thinking. Coal, mining, and other sectors suffered unnecessary job loss due to Obama-Biden policies.

The backward-thinking Biden plan is to go back to those days of high unemployment, despair and give struggling Americans a shot in the arm with an inspiring Obama “hope and change” speech.

Although Biden plagiarized his current climate change plan, it calls for the repeal of President Trump’s signature Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. The law has been a substantial economic driver that shrunk unemployment to 49-year lows, and all-time lows among African-Americans and Hispanics. Biden also plans to reinstate the mountain of job-killing regulations nixed by the Trump Administration.

He reportedly stated on the campaign trail that he would take America back to the previous administration era, “by reversing the excesses of the Trump tax cuts for corporations, reducing incentives for tax havens, evasion and outsourcing, ensuring corporations pay their fair share, closing other loopholes in our tax code that reward work, not wealth, and ending subsidies for fossil fuels.”

The Obama-era errand runner left out essential facts such as the double-digit unemployment in 2009 and that the rate stayed at or above 5 percent for seven of the eight years he was in office. And, African-American unemployment repeatedly exceeded 16 percent during the eight years.

The Trump Administration policies have pushed it below 5 percent for the first time in history. Along with crushing jibs, Biden reportedly plans to achieve zero-emissions in 2050 by raising trillions in taxes.

Biden Foreign Policy Includes Bringing Back Iran Nuclear Deal

If everyday Americans knew then what they know now, they might have thrown Obama and Biden out of the country, let alone office. The pair knowingly sent hundreds of millions of dollars of cold hard cash to the enemy state Iran while its extremist leaders chanted “death to America” and used the money to fund terrorism against us. If elected, Biden confirmed he would re-enter the disastrous Iran nuclear pact.

“If Tehran returns to compliance with the deal, I would rejoin the agreement, and work with our allies to strengthen and extend it, while more effectively pushing back against Iran’s destabilizing activities — which under the agreement we were allowed to do, we had partners to do with us,” Biden reportedly said.

The only problem is that Iran never allowed full inspections, didn’t comply, and team Obama-Biden allowed them to get away with it, they never once enforced the rules of the agreement. Although other Democratic Party hopefuls favor extreme far-left policy positions, they at least don’t want to go backward. America doesn’t need an Obama sequel. The first installment wasn’t very good.

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