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Canadians Start Crazy Insurrection Talk as Election Intel Reports Leak

Whoa! Insurrection alert in Canada! According to the BBC, our neighbors to the north have become “the latest Western nation to sound the alarm over concerns of foreign election interference.” It is definitely treason for anyone to think that is true, because as we all know, we have the safest and most secure elections ever.

Canadian PM Justin Trudeau is every bit as loved and legitimate of a leader as (LOL-81-Million-Vote) Joe Biden is here in America. Mister Trudeau would also like all Canadians to please ignore the “racist” and “false” leaks from Canada’s main intelligence agency which prove that China has been meddling in their elections.

This story is very difficult to cover for a couple of reasons, but to boil it down in a nutshell:

Someone in the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), which is sort of like Canada’s FBI or CIA or something, has been leaking intel reports from 2019 and 2021. Those reports prove that China has almost certainly interfered in the Canadian elections those years, which resulted in Justin Trudeau’s Liberal party remaining in power.


In a curious development, Canadians are mad about something for once. It turns out that our notoriously polite neighbors to the north don’t actually like Justin Trudeau at all. Who could? And the fact that Trudeau is now stonewalling a public inquiry into the intel reports has Canadian voters crying foul.

It’s tough piecing all of this together, because British and Canadian press are almost total propaganda. Almost nothing they say can be taken at face value. And forget about the American media covering this story. The implications of this story are just too “on the nose” and obvious. They can’t cover it.

As near as we can tell from the small amounts of leaked intel from CSIS that have been published, the Chinese Communist Party got its meat-hooks into Justin Trudeau back in 2014. That was when the CCP made its first $1 million donation to the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation in Canada.

In 2019, Communist China loved Justin Trudeau so much that they allegedly put their thumb on the scales in Canada to put the Liberals in power. When CSIS realized that the 2019 election in Canada had been stolen sometime in 2021, they were so alarmed that they went to the Liberal party and told them to withdraw Trudeau as their choice for Canadian Prime Minister in that year’s election. They believe he was totally compromised.

China interfered in the 2021 elections in favor of the Liberals again, according to CSIS. By 2022, there were suddenly three Chinese police stations set up in the Greater Toronto Area, the most populous region in Canada. The RCMP is now investigating to figure out how a bunch of foreign cops (spies) just showed up in a populous area and nobody noticed.

And of course, we all remember that Justin Trudeau basically turned Canada into a dictatorship last year, which himself as the Supreme Ruler. The trucker protests resulted in the biggest and most violent crackdown on civil rights in Canadian history. Trudeau seized the bank accounts and property of anyone who opposed him. He had cops running over little old ladies with police horses.

His COVID lockdowns and vaccine mandates were so strict and severe that Trudeau was arresting Christian pastors and priests, and all but forcibly injecting people with COVID shots. It wasn’t a good look, because Trudeau had basically gone from being a total joke to being a guy who is almost indistinguishable from the CCP in terms of ruthlessness and brutality against his own people.

The commissioner of Canada Elections seems to be confirming the reports from CSIS. She notes that Canada Elections received 159 complaints in 2019 about Chinese meddling in the election process. She received at least 16 complaints in 2021 about the same thing.

Trudeau is pumping the brakes and refusing to allow a public inquiry into his Chinese election collusion. He says anyone who believes the few media reports that have leaked about the intel reports is a “racist” against Chinese people. Gee, we wonder why he doesn’t want a full, public investigation to take place?

65% of Canadian voters are calling for a full and completely transparent probe into Chinese election meddling. So far, Trudeau has managed to hold out.

We shouldn’t worry about Chinese election collusion putting an unpopular jerk in power in Canada. After all, nothing like that could ever happen here in America. Right?

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8 thoughts on “Canadians Start Crazy Insurrection Talk as Election Intel Reports Leak”

  1. The enemy of the western hemisphere! CHINA! Doing what it can to a few people that will accept million of dollars! These people don’t care about other , just as long as they get the money. Canada got a fool as PM, it going to take the people FIGHT BACK and take out their ENEMY!

    1. For clarity, it’s the CCP who is the outside overlord and meddler in foreign affairs. The Chinese people are ruled and controlled through an aristocracy of elitists which is the CCP.

      1. Julia, Why are you here? This has absolutely nothing to do with Canada, the US or even the issue or topic discussed here. You are being reported. Thank You a Concerned Citizen.

  2. Trudeau gets kickbacks from every shot administered to a Canadian. Plus he owns a number of shares in two companies in British Columbia which manufacture the nanoparticles for the “vaccine.” Trudeau openly admired Xi’s dictatorship plus how he handled the covid crisis. China locked people in their homes until they starved to death and even cremated people alive. In some cases they dragged people out of their homes and they “disappeared”
    Not to forget that Chrystia Freeland, the Deputy Prime Minister, is on the board of the WEF and several Liberal (and NDP?) members of Parliament are also members of the WEF.
    And even many in Trudeau’s own party don’t like him.

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    1. gloriavanderbilt,
      Why are you posting for jobs or a business when this has absolutely nothing do do with this discussion or topic. You are being reported. A concerned Citizen.

  4. I get the publishers sarcasm. But. We all know the election fraud and interference by the Commie Chines and their useful idiot’s is definitely true! I can’t speak for others? But. I do have eyes , ears and common sense. None of what they tell us on the fake news. Passes my smell test ever! Especially. From our invaded government! It’s always constant habitual, serial lies! What I smell coming from our so called “Fearless Leader?” When he opens his mouth? I smell ?!

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