Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s battle to return teachers to in-person public schooling is former President Trump’s fault. Why? Because she says so. Don’t ask her for evidence. She doesn’t have any. She just says you have to take her word for it or else you’re a racist bigot who clearly hates children. Obviously.
Students were scheduled to return to in-person learning February 1. However, the Chicago Teachers Union refused to show up, arguing it is not safe until every teacher can be vaccinated. The mayor originally planned to force teachers to return, threatening loss of jobs, but has since relented.
With the anger of parents rising, the mayor needed someone to blame. Who better than former President Trump? He’s been the go-to for four years. Maybe he will work a little longer.
This time, the Chicago Tribune reported, “Lightfoot didn’t invoke the name of the nation’s 45th president but she suggested the ongoing impasse between Chicago Public Schools and CTU, over whether it is safe to return to in-person instruction as early as Thursday, stems from the failed vaccine rollout under former President Donald Trump.”
Is this the same vaccine the internet repeated “fact-checked” as impossible to make available by the end of 2020? Yep. Despite the Trump administration’s unprecedented development and release of the COVID-19 vaccines, it’s apparently his fault every teacher in Chicago hasn’t received a shot.
Never mind President Joe Biden has now been in office a couple of weeks. He’s busy signing off legislation to destroy everything American that Trump worked to accomplished over the past four years. If Biden had been in office in 2020, we’d likely be under the same Draconian lockdown orders as the UK or the recent stay-at-home demands in effect over the holidays in California.
Mayor Lightfoot doesn’t want to admit it, but the reason teachers aren’t returning to Chicago schools is because they know they can get away with it. Her liberal policies have allowed the city to become a new wild west where anything goes. NBC Chicago reported under her leadership, “Chicago police released crime statistics for 2020 that show a steep increase in gun violence, murders and carjackings over the year before.”
Some have even labeled carjacking a Chicago pandemic, leaving residents in fear of traveling. noted 2020 marked the first time in four years more people moved out of the city than moved into the city.
So despite over $100 million in safety upgrades to Chicago public schools, students and teachers remain stuck at home in the middle of winter without in-person learning. The prolonged shutdowns are hurting both education and the economy, as many parents must make difficult choices regarding work to stay home with children.
In contrast, many of the city’s private schools have been safely meeting in-person since September. Private schools aren’t blaming Trump or the lack of vaccines.
Private schools are doing their job and educating students. It’s time for Chicago’s public schools to do the same. If they can’t figure something out, maybe it’s time to have a new teacher hiring fair that’s free of the teacher’s union and reboot the system. Might even help to consider new options for a new mayor who doesn’t blame past presidents for her city’s problems.
If, Lori LightER FootLOOSE had ALLOWED the National GUARD to PROTECT the citizens of Chicago like the Mayor of Kenosa, Wis. did in the FIRST 24 hour so ANTIFIA and BLACK LIVES MATTER’s KILLINGS, DESTRUCTION of MILLIONS of PROPERTIES in KENOSA and BILLIONS in CHICAGO, LOTTING, and RUINING the INCOMES of the INNOCENT of the PAST, present, and FUTURE. WHY, so Lori could say, We did NOT “MILITARIZE CHICAGO !” THE RESULTS of the TWO different policies are obvious to ALL !!! HIGHER TAXES for the CITY of CHICAGO like $1.5 BILLION !
Yes that is true. We never heard a word about all of the destruction that the left knew about and probably funded and planned EXCEPT on FOX NEWS. The other news media never reported any of their destruction so those people that voted for Biden have no idea what the truth is. THey are brainwashed.
No Surprise Here —- She Never assumes Responsibility For Anything that requires THOUGHT — Its Always Somebody Else’s Fault
Yes now everybody just blame everything on President Trump are you get surprise about this kind bling game,have your guy give him any credit at all ? As human being had to learn how to act as human such as loyalty, honest true to yourself, that is only way to teach our children and extend the culture and moral for long long time, thank you.
Sounds to me that the mayor needs to get off her high horse and take action against these teachers. Either you go back to school or loss your job. Have a job fair like the person suggested. Hiring new blood that probably needs to happen fir new blood gives a breath of newness and we all could use that!!!
They need to get rid of all the Mayors and governors of the democrat states that did nothing to stop it!! That is one thing I wish Trump had the power to do! If you are not going to protect your state he needed to take over and bring more police and National guard! They also need to make them up there state taxes and pay all there damages that got done to there state! They truly not American if u are going to let state go bad just because U don’t like President Trump! I don’t like Biden but I sure would not want anything go bad to our Country!!
They need to get rid of all the Mayors and governors of the democrat states that did nothing to stop it!! That is one thing I wish Trump had the power to do! If you are not going to protect your state he needed to take over and bring more police and National guard! They also need to make them raise there state taxes and pay all there damages that got done to there state! They truly not American if u are going to let state go bad just because U don’t like President Trump! I don’t like Biden but I sure would not want anything go bad to our Country!!
It going to get WORST under BIDEN! You have not seen anything yet! Even these leftist are going to be afraid! So best you can do is prepared for what going to happen! Don’t trust all your friends or family member! Know which one stand up for the country and AMERICA!
Don’t worry Lori;
Biden will give you more money to throw away. That I get to pay back. So just throw my money at the problem. Keep blaming Mr. Trump instead of excepting responsibility for your poor judgement. Like most democrats you like the money and the power but not the responsibility. Put on your big girl panties and except your part in the mess you help create. Mr. Trump did his job, it’s time for you to do yours.
I couldn’t have said it better!
How are you going to pay it back? With all the jobs killing bills these DEMONcrat POLITICAN are passing. It them that need to be removed from OFFICE! Everything looking like SOCIALIST CONTROL IS HAPPENED NOW! Remember VENEZUELA Government brought in their military force to guard the Building? Then those SOCIALISM got control of the country! Same is happening here! The same happens in every socialist country! Use the military force to keep other at base! Then pass all the laws you can to handicap them!
People it’s time to unite and disband the entire government and reinstituted a new government, THE PATRIOTS PARTY, we no longer have a need for Democrats or Republicans they do not represent the people any longer, they have forgotten who they work for, they seem to be more interested in giving all the other countries everything and the American people are supposed to eat shit, and bow and scrape for these POS that could care less about us and more about illegal immigrants I emphasize that word ILLEGAL, if we do something illegal we get in trouble but as long as you’re not an American the government will let you do whatever the fuck you want, really people how much longer are we the people going to take this SHIT
Count me in. We need a plan.
Yes Yes Yes — count me in – let’s get it going —-I’m ready — THE government is overrun with LEACHES- we pay the bills – let’s get rid of them all and start over —
I totally agree. There shouldn’t be two parties in the first place. Everyone should be working together for the good of the people. I think everyone is tired of being walked on. Americans should come first, LEGAL AMERICANS! I did not pay taxes my whole life to give my money to illegals to get everything for nothing, and to take our jobs! The time has come; we all need to do something to resolve this issue. It ticks me off; we pay their salaries in government, they are supposed to be working for us.
It is time that Americans stand up for America and how it was founded, why it was founded and who founded it instead of trying to destroy our history and our livlihoods. The Democrats are only good at one thing – spending our tax money on their foolish and stupid schemes. The spent four years trying to get rid of President Trump who is the best president we have ever had since Reagan and NOW they are still blaming him for their stupidity and crap. The news media is run by the Democrats and those billionaires that want us to be overtaken by China so they can make more money by giving them more imports and by making us once again, dependent on foreign oil and gas. How stupid are they. WE need to take over our country and do it NOW.
This country was built on my forefathers land. But that is okay, I guess. Now the current Dog-Face wants to drill on the Ute’s land, which is illegal to do. Guess we don’t matter, and we have never mattered
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. This so called government of ours needs to be trashed. We the people are the ones paying their salaries.
Amen to that!
Mayor Lightfoot’s lack of focus and leadership since last year’s beginning of the pandemic. No doubt businesses are fleeing the unsafe and unpredictable surroundings in Chicago as are Chicago citizens who value and love their family and children. Why not rent/ lease freed up business spaces to accommodate the spacial needs for direct teaching of students. Each day students throughout the world grow academically while America’s students hobble along – now for over a year- with remote learning. The long term impact of this will cripple our academic and economic standing. What future will our children and grandchildren have to pursue their dreams and goals? Mayor Lightfoot and others like her through their decisions and lack of leadership have really abandoned inner city families especially youngsters! No wonder those who can leave the city are.
Lightfoot is not now, nor has she ever been fit to be Governor. Neither is Cuomo, or Newsom or any of the other Demon-Crap “governors”. GITMO is too good for these traitors.
Beetlejuice He’s a total failure Oh I’m sorry that’s a woman right she’s a total failure.Loses could never accept personal responsibility.She’ll still be blaming trump 10 years from now. She’s just a phony nasty hypocrite of the American communist party.And into year’s midterm elections if they keep going this way they should be near extinct unless they keep stealing the elections.
WOW Lightfoot you got this all wrong as usual, all the crap that has happened in Chicago falls squarely on your shoulders, you are the idiot who decided to do all this stupid stuff, the list is extensive all there on the internet. You Dems. are really stupid you always try to blame Trump when you screw up, what you don’t realize is we that voted for Trump know just what you all did!
Democrat Communist Chicago Mayor Blames Trump for City’s Public Schools Being Closed for Past Year, she and the demo governor closed the school due to virus, Trump had nothing to do with it and then blame falls directly on the Communist democrats!
Don’t you love politicians that don’t take responsibility for there own failures.
I live in Arkansas and kids have been going to school since it started back in September 2020 and buses running picking up kids like normal. These Governors and Mayors that have their cities shut down are idots and need to be removed at all costs. Stupid Lightfoot it’s your city you run it so the blame falls on you dumbass not on President Trump our real president. It’s all political control with you idots and blame everyone else for your mistakes most of us know the truth. You traitors to our country your time is coming we will rid ourselves of you trash.
Maybe if she hadnt had most of the police force guarding the block she lives on they would have had enough personnel to catch some of the thugs running loose in Shitcago. Although that wouldnt have done much good either when the DA would just turn them loose to go right back to crime. That whole state government needs to be locked up and start fresh.
The only solution is to remove them all from our CONGRESS AND THE WHITE HOUSE! I don’t care if you black or white or hispanic or an Indian! Just remember you have been screw by both party! All this was being planned when you were a kid! First it started in 1968! Johnson was President, it was the DEMOCRAT idea of using the BLACK RACE TO GAIN POWER UNTIL THEY GOT IT! YOU ARE WITNESS IT NOW! Then use the ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION TO PUSH THE BLACK RACE DOWN! Common sense people! Media know what they are doing! Just twisted everything and BLAME it on the WHITE PEOPLE! But the problem belong on the POLITICAN WHO MADE AN AGREEMENT AND A PROMISE TO HELP THOSE WHO HELP THEM GET TO THE TOP! YOU are witness it now! Money talk to lot of people. And it their mind that get GREEDY! Atheist has been trying hard since the 1970 to remove GOD FROM AMERICA! Yes they were silent for a while! But BACK IN FORCE WITH THE HELP OF LIBERAL! Bible verses are coming TRUE! Revelation is now beginning! In the END GOD WIN! BECAUSE LIKE THE BEGINNING HE CREATED EVERYTHING NOT MAN!
I am so tired of teachers refusing to go back because,because, because,are they not essential services?what would happen if all the other people deemed essential used the same excuses , they all have the same because,were would we be? A lot of the essential people earn a lot less than teachers yet they do their jobs every day, if it’s that bad find something else to do, see how that works for you.