All signs are pointing to an historic shellacking of the Democrat Party in the 2022 midterm elections. Democrats could potentially lose US Senate seats in Ohio, Arizona, Nevada, Georgia and Pennsylvania. It’s tough to even predict how many seats Joe Biden’s party will lose in the House.
The Democrats have done such an amazing job of destroying the economy that the GOP is going to pick up House seats in California.
These historic losses are going to force a major shift among the Democrat Party, and Crooked Hillary Clinton has been positioning herself as the party’s non-woke 2024 “savior” for more than a year now. She’s running.
I know she said she’s “never” going to run for president again in an interview with Norah O’Donnell on CBS News this past summer. That’s just the dragon lady’s false modesty. As soon as the Republicans sweep the House and Senate in five weeks, the party leaders are going to blame Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. Especially Biden and Pelosi. They’ve allowed the wokesters to control their party for two years now, and the results have been spectacularly bad for American families.
Even former Clinton advisor Dick Morris now says he believes Hillary is running in 2024. Morris said in a radio interview over the weekend:
“She’s going to say after the election, ‘See, the left cost us the House and the Senate. If we stay with a left-wing candidate in 2024, we’re going to lose the White House. I’m the only one who will tack to the center and give us a chance at victory.’”
If that sounds familiar, it’s because we’ve been saying it for well over a year now. Hillary is running in 2024. Here is one of the first paragraphs of an article we ran in January of 2022 on this subject:
“Crooked Hillary knows that the Democrats are going to get clobbered in a Red-Wave bloodbath in the midterms this November. And when that happens… a certain power-hungry witch who wants to rule over every aspect of your life will swoop in and say, ‘I told you so.’ Crooked Hillary is positioning herself as the moderate ‘voice of reason’ in the Democrat Party now, because she has figured out a way to personally capitalize on the upcoming 2022 losses.”
Even Clinton’s closest advisors are finally admitting to Hillary’s future plans. We’ve been saying it for the past year.
In an interview this past week, Crooked Hillary actually said that Americans do not support open borders. Everyone knows the Democrats are going to get clobbered – badly – in five weeks, including Hillary. She sees this as an amazing opportunity for herself.
The woke leftist politics that have been shoved down our throats from day one of the Biden regime are going to cost them dearly. When that happens, the party leaders and donors are going to push Joe Biden aside. They’ll have to restructure, knowing that allowing AOC and “The Squad” to run the party for so long has now been firmly rejected by the American voters.
They’ll need someone to step in and replace Biden and his mildly retarded sidekick Kamala Harris in 2024. That won’t be someone further to left of the current left. Does anyone honestly think the 2024 Democrat nominee will be someone like Gavin “Gas-is-$6.59-a-gallon-in-my-state-but-HEY-look-at-my-hair” Newsom? Or the racist roads poser who is serving as Biden’s Transportation Secretary?
It’s going to be someone who can “pull” the party back toward the center, or who can at least lie and pretend she can pull the party back to the center. And Crooked Hillary has been lining up all the dominoes to make that happen.
Crooked Hillary has shredded The Squad for the way they’ve run the House. They haven’t passed a single substantive piece of legislation to help the American people, because they’re so woke that they won’t compromise with Joe Manchin or Kyrsten Sinema.
She’s also shredded the current White House. A year ago, Hillary was saying that we can’t count on the Biden regime to be “sane and sober and stable and productive.” She’s right, of course. The Biden regime, or Obama 2.0, or whatever you want to call them, has been terrible for America. But don’t be fooled into thinking she could do any better. We’re looking at Trump-Clinton rematch in 2024, and the announcements for that are going to start in about five weeks.
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YOU REALLY BELIEVE the republican do nothing Party will win? Why would you even say that when NOTHING has been done about the fraud of 2020? Don’t give the people false hope, these demonic entities intend to remain in power and there is nothing and no one who can or will stop them.
Too many dumbocraps interfaces?
Hey Hillary, are you going to tell us Russia is rigging election again or will you pull out your emails and wire taps? You just don’t get it do you? Once corrupted always corrupt. Benghazi? Russia Hoax? Emails? Body count? China?
Didn’t you wear a wire in your debates with Trump not to mention getting questions beforehand? Not smart are you? We the people will make sure you lose by more this time. Actually I could beat you. They call us stupid?
Pat, Thank you. Very well said.
The photo of the SKANK here is a body double. A poor one at that. The Clinton Criminal Foundation & the Clintons have committed more crimes than the likes of Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, Ramirez & Manson put together. The Clintons belong on death row, not in politics.
Thank you Gunny, I agree. Love to see Killary locked up.
Gunny your 100% right, but why are these crooked people not in jail one side justice sad but true.
AMEN, Gunny!
What part of we dont want you we dont like you, does Hillary not get. She is about as dense as Biden. Oh well, let her fall on her face again. Maybe she will soon realize it.
Carole, ? Good comment
Killary Clinton to save the day??? If this skank were to drop dead today it would be the biggest blessing to this country. To think of her to be in the White House again is so appalling and an insult to the citizens of this country. I do totally agree with Pat’s comment too. Thank you, very well said.
Putting her face on here is a waste of time and web space…. She should be locked up for sooo many crimes… put her butt in prison…not working for the good people of America!!!
The socialist democrat party denies that Trump’s election was “stolen” from him, but I wholeheartedly disagree. The socialist leaning media slandered Trump at every opportunity, backed by rich corrupt socialists like Bloomberg and Soros. False claims of Russian intervention and other accusations greatly damaged Trump’s integrity, both red and blue partys and independents. They stopped at nothing to nitpick and lie on a continuous daly basis to the end of the elections and beyond. Today they continue to search for a way to prevent Trump from ever running again. I’m not certain that Trump could pull off another presidential run and win, but I would support him against ANY dem candidate such as the likes of the lying Hillary! We have an illegal immigration problem bolstered by the criminality of the dem party to NOT enforce the immigration laws at the southern border. They promise the illegals expedited citizenship and voting rights so they’ll vote blue and keep the dems forever in power. How do we seal the southern border? It would help if the crooked, oppressive, socialist party were voted OUT and exposed for their wrongdoings. As I have read elsewhere by a red supporter “It’s funny, how come we don’t have a border crisis at the NORTHERN US BORDER?” Kick out the stops, America….. Get out and VOTE OUT the crooked socialist trash!
Very well said !!
Very well said !! Redeye I see a red wave and a big one.
Did Bill punch her in the right eye? Looks a little more puffy than the left.