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Damning Report Alleges Dr. Fauci Lied about Gain of Function Research, Sen. Rand Paul Calls for his Investigation

Kentucky Republican Sen. Rand Paul has formally requested that the Department of Justice investigate Dr. Anthony Fauci regarding alleged lies concerning COVID-19.

The Washington Examiner obtained the criminal referral Senator Paul sent to U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland on Wednesday.

“I write to urge the United States Department of Justice to open an investigation into testimony made to the United States Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions by Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, on May 11, 2021,” Paul wrote.

Fauci also faces new calls to resign after the release of a new report showing gain of function research funded by the National Institute of Health at the Wuhan Institute of Virology that many believe is the origin of COVID-19.

“NEWLY RELEASED documents provide details of US-funded research on…coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology…The Intercept has obtained more than 900 pages of documents detailing…work of…Eco Health Alliance…at the Chinese lab…” Richard Ebright tweeted on Monday.

The new report reveals Dr. Fauci repeatedly lied to Congress regarding statements that he authorized and was involved in gain of function research in Wuhan connected with the release of the coronavirus.

Ohio Republican Rep. Jim Jordan tweeted, “Your tax dollars funded coronavirus research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China.”

He added, “What is Fauci hiding?”


The report makes it clear that a Fauci-led group funded research at the Wuhan institute that included gain of function research in direct contradiction with the NIH Director’s statements under oath. Fauci has committed a crime that could get him up to five years in prison if convicted.

In addition, his group is partly at fault for the development of the virus that likely leaked from a lab his group funded that is responsible for thousands of lives and the shutdown of normal life worldwide.

The Biden administration should be making this one of its top priorities, but President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris cannot even be found speaking a word of criticism on the topic. Perhaps it’s lost in the pile of problems Biden fails to address, along with Americans in Afghanistan, a tanking economy, skyrocketing inflation, rising gas prices, an out-of-control border crisis and host of other issues that continue to escalate.

But of all the problems facing our nation and world at the moment, COVID-19 has arguably impacted the most people. Americans want to know who is responsible for it and how to end it. We may not have the answer on how to stop it, regardless of claims about vaccines, but we now have a better idea of how it began.

With more than 900 pages of new information on the research behind coronaviruses in China, it’s clear there were dangerous situations that could have led to its release. Research was conducted both in the lab and at least one other location, according to the report. The jump from the lab to a human would make more sense than most other theories that have been offered, but Fauci doesn’t want to make that case, as it only hurts him as more information is released.

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43 thoughts on “Damning Report Alleges Dr. Fauci Lied about Gain of Function Research, Sen. Rand Paul Calls for his Investigation”

    1. He should be infested with the virus and left to fend on his own. He deserves worst than prison…for those of us that have lost love ones …and having to take vaccines not approved.

  1. I have never believed flip flop Fauci and I would believe he was and is behind this virus that has crippled our nation . Not to mention the millions of lives he has hurt by his greed.. Five years is too short a sentence if you ask me!!

  2. There’s alot of questions to be answer here, like was this a accident or a mass- murder, did Fauci have hands on, or just knew about it from the beginning since he was one of the people in charge, or what about the white house obama repeatly said old people was in his way they should all die off, whatever the cause – way over four million people have died, it has crashed America, the leaders have taken advantage of what has happen, they have used and abused our constitution. yes five years in jail wont cut it !

  3. Dr Fauci needs to be put away for life.I will never get the vaccines.The CDC even says it won’t keep me from getting or spreading covid .And they say the vaccines might even kill me.The last time I was sick was in December of 2019.I have worked around coworkers elbow to elbow that were diagnosed with covid and I never got it and I don’t wear mask.The Biden administration is killing this country.We need Trump.

    1. Tom, you hit the nail on the head, with one exception. You left a word out in your next to last sentence. It should read that the Biden administration is DELIBERATELY destroying our country.

      1. Absolutely true! The only question is “WHO is driving these operations to destroy the USA?”, not Biden who’s intellect is just a hair above a rock.

    2. You are right. The Biden Administration is again using the virus to push people into getting the vaccine and it is not one size fits all. This virus nonsense flared up again after the no border stuff started. We had a handle on it until the borders were opened and new strains arrived. They want another lockdown. We have to stand up for our Rights while we still have them. FYI, by not vetting the refugess from Afgahnistan there is now a known case of measles. Biden has dishonored anyone who has sacrificed everything to protect this nation. Ever notice that those like the Woke movement and socialism abuse our freedoms to try and start this garbage here because they can’t get away with it anywhere else.

    1. Is there anyone out there with some real guts to do and start something!!
      All they do is TALK, TALK, and DO NOTHING!!!
      START with the IDIOT, LYING, CROOK in CHIEF, and DOWN the LINE!!!

    2. I agree Linda, how many republicans has the Dem’s tried to put in prison for doing the same thing, lying to congress?

  4. Been saying it since 2009! Dr. FAUCI IS LYING! He hate Trump because Hillary was not pick! She the one who put him in this position!

  5. Lying to Congress is only one of his crimes. Fauci should be tried for his crimes against humanity perpetrated by his lies and misleading information regarding Covid virus. I’d like to see him imprisoned for the rest of his life.

  6. Why were they creating the gain of function virus in the first place? Seems to be an evil act of science that leads to germ warfar. Why would the United States financially support this type of research?

  7. The United States did not fund the Research, but the elite people living in the United States did fund it, to fulfill their dream of reducing the world population to 500,000.

  8. Here we go again ! Lots of accusations lots of evidence but again there will be no accountability. The only thing I want to here is who’s going to jail. But guess what ? Nobody has and nobody will . Dumocraps kill people destroy lives commit several acts of treason and guess what people? Nothing happens . Trump was impeached over a phone call , really . If your still thinking Biden is anything but a disaster your part of the problem. The problem with this country is it’s about votes and power . It’s not about what’s good for this country anymore. . The people migrating to the USA are turning this country into where they came from instead of fighting and dying for their country . And what were expected to just give it away . What’s gonna happen when where not so great anymore , they gonna move back ? Because they won’t fight to make there country great they desert it . Well if the “ white suppremicist” didn’t fight and die for this country , where would they go ! Let’s just give it away to traitors, racist, terrorist, drug cartels and anyone else that will vote Democrat. I’m afraid our republicans aren’t doing enough or maybe just accusing the other side for votes because nothing is being done about . What a disgrace and betrayal to all that have given there lives for us . Disgrace , Drain the swamp ! Or else !

    1. They seem to forget that they were elected to office to protect the people. THEY WORK FOR US NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND. WE THE PEOPLE need to take our government back. They are overstepping their bounds. The government also has no business telling us how to raise our children. These are OUR CHILDREN NOT THEIRS

  9. These mad scientist like Fauci sought to reduce the world population to a number they determined to be acceptable. No statement as to how they were planning on maintaining this population count thereafter. Maybe for population increases after their sociopathic plan was executed they were just going to line us up on the streets and run us down with automobiles or something similar. Maybe that is why the abortion cartel works so hard to kill and murder untold numbers of unborn children. One thing is for certain, left wing communist plans are being exposed and each has a connection to the other. It is time for true Americans to be seen and heard.

  10. Is there anyone out there with some real guts to do and start something!!
    All they do is TALK, TALK, and DO NOTHING!!!
    START with the IDIOT, LYING, CROOK in CHIEF, and DOWN the LINE!!!

  11. I am tire of the elite government officials of the Democratic party lying to the America and the whole world and spinning words to say they do not mean what they really mean.

  12. You have a better chance of seeing God than seeing this Fauci piece of shit prosecuted for anything. The fix is already in Wake up and smell the roses!

  13. Friends, what is at the very core of all of your comments is the very fact that the ‘Elite’, in this country have “hardened their hearts” to such a degree that they have no ‘care’ except for amassing more & more POWER and MONEY! These are the ‘Idols’ that they worship and perhaps even Mulock himself. They simply do not care for you and me. Certainly, they don’t care about 1.5 million immigrants coming across the ‘southern border’. Nor do they CARE about the ‘Betrayal and the Shameless’ manner in which this Regime defected and Abandoned our American Citizens and Afghanees that ‘helped our Military’ throughout this Twenty year War in Afghanistan. Nor do they CARE about the consequences of this ‘withdrawal on those still remaining in ArmsWay their in Afghanistan with the murdering, Terrorizing of these people trying desperately to get out. It is absolutely remarkable how Veterans Groups have responded to this ‘Humanitarian Crisis’ by obtaining the necessary manpower with a very high-level skill set of the type like Navy Seals and others with similar military skill sets to go behind’ Enemy lines’ & remove these people. It is noteworthy that Glenn Beck and the Nazarene Group/Fund has responded with over $33 Million dollars to help get both American and Afghanees out but the State Department is blocking them at every turn; as for example not granting them ‘Clearance to Fly’ out of Afghanistan, so these planes are literally stuck on the Tarmack with hundreds of people on board! This is OUTRAGEOUS, DEPLORABLE & MAYBE EVEN TREASONOUS. Many in the media have called for Bidens’ Resignation! While appropriate, he and others within his Cabinet should be “CourtMarshalled”. But unfortunately, the SocDems are in control of the Congress, & realistically neither his Resignation, Impeachment much less CourtMarshalling won’t happen for at least another year and a half! That is disgusting. Returning to my earlier fundamental premise that these Elites don’t CARE, & are cemented with their ‘Hardness of Hearts’ combined with their ‘godlessness or more to the point of worshipping Mulock and his associated idols of POWER AND MONEY. Until we as a people are willing to Stand Up Against this False Socialist Government regime by demonstrating the Transformative Power of Prayer and committing this Country to Jesus Christ and His Mother, we will experience as a nation more ‘darkness and evil in the coming months and years ahead. Clearly, some of this ‘demonstration of Faith’ is happening through these ‘First Responders’, like our Veterans and other private groups like the Nazarene Group making an extraordinary sacrifice for these people behind Enemy lines, for this Country, and risking themselves and their families for this scared cause. As a Veteran, myself of the Viet Nam era, all I can do is offer my service of ‘Prayer’ for all of these people involved with the hope that through Our Merciful Saviour, those behind enemy lines will be returned to safety either in this country or in another country willing to take them. As well as those assisting them in this effort; Which is essentially the continuation of the ‘War in Afghanistan’ until all of them are safely in their ‘New Home country’. May God save us all. God Bless.

  14. The jesuit Georgetown justice department is NOT going to drop their affiliations with The Vatican and The Church of England, LDS, and Rothschilds to throw their point man, Anthony Faucifraud, under the bus. The take down of the U.S. as part of this centuries’ old grandiose plan to destroy the world in their CJ ‘EWnd Times’ pageantry shall not be infringed. God wants us to infringe on this. He promised us that this is our world, and we need fight to earn it. The earth stays. Fauci fails.

  15. Let’s see whats more he gets away with.. We may never see justice in our time here on earth, but there is one man no one can escape.

  16. Let The Truth Be Known. Fauci Is A Disgrace To The Medical Field And My Great Country America. Money And Public Recognition Is His Claim. He’s Proven This With AIDS-HIV And Much More Failures In This Bio-Weaponry For Depopulation Over Many Years Planned By The Deep State As Their Called Or New World Order. In Elbert County Georgia There Is The TEN COMMANDMENTS Of The ILLUMINATI’S It Tells You Right Out What Is Happening They Are Called THE GEORGIA GUIDESTONES. They Were Built Their Back In 1979. This Evil Person Was Sent In From Another Country To Have This Built And This Is The Area He Chose. Seen 3 Times In Person I Was Purely Surprised Seeing This From The Road By Just Driving Through Georgia. You Can’t Miss It It’s Humongous And So Well Built Really Wasn’t Sure What It Was Till A Georgian Man Explained it To Everyone. Depopulation It Speaks Of And More. Fauci Is Apart Of That Among The Demoncrats. Fauci Needs To GO. ARREST HIM And The REST. GOD BLESS AMERICA. GOD IS OUR ONLY HOPE PRAY TO GET THE REST OF OUR AMERICANS AND AFGANS OUT ALIVE IN AFGANISTAN.GOD HELP THEM AND THE RESCUER’S HELPING

  17. Been doing research on this evil corrupt liar for some time. People need of go out to medical research NC University and see whatelse he funds…it’s inhuman and I can’t believe any research of this is kind can be used for any thing good. Using full term aborted babies scalps to attach to a rats back! And more sick things. Our poor babies. How can this be allowed in our Universities.Talk about sick it’s as sick as it can get. These people that want to end the life they created…they should see what is being done to their babies.
    How did he know that Trump would be facing a pandemic before it happened? Research back in 2016 a video of Fauci predicting the pandemic. How would he have known if not involved and aware of this research? Heas one hell of a track record an if you knew the truth this reporting on his options would have been dismissed long ago and his fate should be much worse then jail.
    Research. …Fact! Beware it might turn your stomach.

    1. Fauci (aka Dr. Death) he is a kin to Josef Mengele, should be fired immediately without benefits, and tried for this and treason.

  18. With all the corrupt deep state politicians/judges/law enforcement personal ….never fear “Anthony Mengele” will be cleared of all charges.

  19. As a democrap all the way he will never face this in any courts. No wonder they don’t want this out. We the people are now a part of making this killer virus that has murdered millions. Not a happy thought. Now between usa and china we can place the blame on both now. How about that for working together…… this is on our heads as well as china. Fucki can go to h with his pals at the us/china lab. Why was this even allowed. We will never know the full report as long as demonrats are asleep at the wheel

  20. What I don’t understand is why we are letting Dr. Fauci Frankenstein be the determining factor on what medications are used for this so-called virus why are we letting him say that we can’t use ivermectin or HCQ ! We have doctors all over the country saying that it is effective and safe but yet this evil man that is destroying us is the one making the call!
    A man who isn’t even an employee of the United States he is nothing to us yet he is CONTROLLING US!
    He is committing genocide United States, and the people that we have voted into our government to take care of us are allowing it!

  21. There are millions sayings that Dr. Fauci is wrong, a traitor and a fabler, but he remains in his position. This tells me he is doing his job correctly. Focus on jerks like Soros, Pelosi and Chuckie boy Schumer.

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