Which two Republican leaders made the following statements?
Statement #1: “It is wrong and ultimately self-defeating for a nation of immigrants to permit the kind of abuse of our immigration laws we have seen in recent years, and we must do more to stop it.”
Statement #2: “That is our direct message to the families in Central America: Do not send your children to the borders…Undocumented workers broke our immigration laws, and I believe that they must be held accountable.”
That was a trick question.
The speakers above were former Democrat presidents Clinton and Obama. Statement #1 is from Bill Clinton’s State of the Union Address in 1995. Statement #2 is from a 2014 Barrack Obama interview with ABC news.
Contrast the foregoing with the hard-left turn made by the 2020 Democrat candidates for president. According to a recent Gallup poll, 80% of adult Americans want an increase in border security to stop the recent influx of illegal immigrants.
However, 100% of the Democrat candidates favor decriminalizing illegal entry to the United States and making violation of our borders equivalent to a parking violation. Then, as if to put icing on their crazy cake, every candidate held up their hand in favor of free health care for illegal immigrants.
The classic photo showing the candidates’ unanimously raised hands on the front page New York Post June 29 issue was captioned, “Who wants to lose the election?”
Joe Biden was probably thinking that, but he had to go along with the left-wing lemmings. However, his hand didn’t make it past his shoulder, and he had a decidedly uncomfortable scowl on his face.
So, the Democrats are adopting a losing issue of an open-borders policy. Also, not one candidate has come up with an idea on how to handle millions of poor, unskilled workers and families heading straight to the welfare rolls.
So, average working Americans, who previously felt that the Democrats were on their side are scratching their heads. “Say, what? You want to cancel my company health insurance so I can get in line with people who aren’t even citizens?”
Democrats behave like compassionate social workers dedicated to the health and welfare of people who were not invited. They also viciously attack the people with the toughest job in the nation: immigration control enforcers. They accuse them of Gestapo tactics and complain that rounding up illegal immigrants is just another form of child abuse.
A recent ICE raid at a Mississippi food processing plant resulted in the arrest of almost 700 illegal alien who had stolen jobs from Americans. Democrat run new agencies complained that child welfare services were left grappling with children who came home from school to find their parents had been arrested. Although ICE took “some precautions to ease the burden on families,” one ICE official correctly said, “We are a law enforcement agency, not a social services agency.”
Imagine hypothetical President Elizabeth Warren directing ICE to become more sympathetic to child welfare in planning illegal immigrant roundups. Notices to schools and child welfare agencies would probably include a planning calendar with times and dates of scheduled ICE sweeps…And please don’t tell the parents (wink, wink).
The real President Trump responded to reporters’ questions on why there wasn’t a better plan “to take care of the children.” His answer was direct, simple, and obvious, “The reason is because you have to go in, you can’t let anybody know, otherwise when you get there, nobody will be there.”
Echoing his two-term Democrat predecessors, Trump continued, “But I want people to know that if they come into the United States illegally, they are getting out…And this (raid) serves as a very good deterrent…And when people see what they saw yesterday…they’ll know that they’re not staying here.”
Democrats may have just stepped into a minefield on this issue. They are trying to navigate the truth with the trite bromides and the clichés of compassionate speech. (“It’s about the children!”) They insert the benign term “undocumented” for its real meaning, “illegal.” They call for “immigration reform,” but what they really want is amnesty and open borders for new generations of Democrat voters dependent on government support in a welfare state–run by Democrats.
On this and other issues affecting normal Americans, the Democrats have one foot in a chasm, and the other on a banana peel. Meanwhile, nutcases like Pete Buttigieg run sanctuary cities and set up phone tree alerts. They put the word out warning of impending ICE raids.
And normal Americans shake their heads and wonder what ails these people.