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Dianne Feinstein Dies Right as Biden Impeachment Inquiry Gets Under Way

There have been two huge news developments at the end of the week, so it’s time to put on our tinfoil hats. The impeachment inquiry against Joe Biden got under way on Thursday and Dianne Feinstein died on Friday.

Both of these events have to be viewed through the contest of the 2024 election. When viewed together, both events present the perfect opportunity for Governor Hair-Gel (Gavin Newsom of California) to worm his way into the race. The question is whether this is the plan that the establishment will use to replace Joe on the ballot—or are they waiting for something else?

Feinstein was 90 years old. Condolences to her family.

She wasn’t planning to leave the Senate until she retired in January of 2025. There are 31 people already running for her Senate seat in California, including 14 Democrats. Newsom said a few days ago that he doesn’t want to interfere in the Democrat primary, but he might appoint an interim Senator to hold the seat until the term is up. He did promise earlier to appoint a black woman to the seat if it should come open.


One theory is that the Democrats will simply have Gavin Newsom and Kamala Harris do a childishly transparent switcheroo. Newsom could appoint Kamala Harris to Feinstein’s open seat, thus sending her back to where she came from. That opens the vice presidency up. Biden could appoint Newsom as his new VP, and then they can shuffle Joe off to the glue factory. Newsom becomes a fake president and runs as the incumbent.

This assumes that Harris would even take the deal. What could they offer her that would make her do that? She’s right where she wants to be. Biden is now embroiled in the worst impeachment scandal in American history and her hands are clean. She’s just one catastrophe away from becoming president if the White House’s “Operation Don’t Fall Down” fails to keep Joe Biden vertical.

Here’s the takeaway we should be focused on, however. They know that whether the nominee is Joe Biden or Kamala Harris, Donald Trump wins no matter what. The gap between Trump and Biden is simply too wide for them to overcome his victory with fake ballots in 2024, like they did in 2020.

Remember, the 2020 election was stolen in seven counties: Philadelphia County (PA), Wayne County (MI), Clark County (NV), Fulton County (GA), Racine County (WI) and Maricopa/Pinal Counties (AZ).

Trump is now beating Biden by 10 points in many of those states in the Democrats’ internal polling. Each of those counties might – might – be able to drum up a few hundred-thousand fake votes in 2024. But the Democrats know that Trump’s margin of victory this time is likely to be too large to overcome with cheating. It’s just too much heavy lifting for them to do, especially since they know there’s likely to be a civil war (which won’t go well for the Democrats) if they try to stop the count on election night this time.

Look at what happened this week with the United Auto Workers in Michigan. Pro-union Joe went and stood on the picket line with striking workers. It was a historic moment. In the widest camera angle of that event, I counted 33 people, including Joe.

Trump’s speech had 500 union workers on the factory floor and at least another 10,000 people outside to show their support for him.

If Joe Biden is the nominee, the Democrats don’t have enough fake ballots to fill the gap and steal the 2024 election. Plus, they know that patriots will be watching them like hawks this time. What worked in 2020 isn’t going to work in 2024, if Joe Biden is the nominee. He’s simply too hated by the American people at this point.

Day one of the impeachment inquiry revealed that his family raked in $24 million from foreign sources. Rep. Nancy Mace (R-NY) says they’ve seen evidence that the Bidens actually enriched themselves to the tune of more than $40 million, which is going to come out in the next few days.

If someone else is the nominee, they might be able to narrow the gap just enough to steal the election. Even then, there just might not be enough dead voters on the rolls to overcome Donald Trump’s massive lead. Gavin Newsom is itching to jump in the race… but will he?

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10 thoughts on “Dianne Feinstein Dies Right as Biden Impeachment Inquiry Gets Under Way”

  1. A highly organized and detail oriented Remote Data Entry Assistant is needed at our company to work with our team of professionals to collect. analyze and input Data into our online systems and Social Media sa-20 platforms. This is a remote position and full-time or Half-time job.
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  2. Condolences to the family for there lost. I thank Gavin Newson will end up running cause the dirty democrats know old joe is to old and to dirty to make it. And know matter Trump will beat Newson anyway.** we sure don’t need a Democrat in office , we need that dam borders closed off snd alot of illegal aliens sent back out of here,

  3. I do not want to see Trump back in Office, unless we dump all those RINO’s out. That isn’t going to happen in my lifetime. I will vote for Vivek Ramaswamy as I don’t want another politician for president. We are blaming Biden for this mess with open Borders that we have no plan to solve this problem. After all this time I think it is un-solvable. How do you invite someone into your home and tell them to get out???

    1. You deport their asses. That’s how it will be done if Trump gets in. These people were not invited by the American people. They were invited by billionaire elitists and progressive politicians. A sea change needs to happen in Washington, DC. It seems to me that Donald Trump is the only one in the race who has the courage and the capability to bring about the needed changes to restore our country to it’s greatness

    1. A highly organized and detail oriented Remote Data Entry Assistant is needed at our company to work with our team of professionals to collect. analyze and input Data into our online systems and Social Media platforms. sc This is a remote position and full-time or Half-time job.
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  4. I see the suggestion that Trump’s lead is too many for the Soviet Dems to overcome with their shenanigans, but I don’t know about that. I think they will try it just the same. They have become emboldened and brazen in their use of election outcome management techniques. Just look at the 2020. It had already become.apparent that there was wrong-doing in the November election, but it didn’t stop them from doing the same things for the GA run-off in January. I do t think they will stop until someone is punished severely..They did those audits in all the swing states, and every one exposed illegal activity, but no one was punished. No punishment = no deterrent. Messing with our elections is tantamount to treason of the highest order and need to be punished severely!

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