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Dictator Joe Biden Goes All In with TOTAL Ban on Fossil Fuels

(NEW) Bipartisan Observations on Infrastructure Act in New York City. January 31, 2023, New York, USA: US President Joe Biden delivers a speech and discusses topics related to the Bipartisan Infrastructure Act and how it would help with traffic and transportation at the Long Island Railroad West Side Train Yard in New York on Tuesday (31). Credit: Kyle Mazza/TheNews2 (Foto: Kyle Mazza/TheNews2/Deposit Photos)

Democrat President Joe Biden just took the most EXTREME action yet in his presidency when it comes to banning fossil fuels in America – and nobody is talking about it.

Buried underneath all the chaos surrounding the rapidly approaching 2024 election is a move by Joe’s Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to ban the mining of coal in the single most productive coal-mining area in America.

The decision halts any additional mining leases from being issues across the Power River Basin which runs through southeast Montana and northeast Wyoming and is the nation’s largest coal-producing region.

Soon after the announcement was made, the far-left Washington Post described it as the Biden regime’s “biggest step yet to end coal mining.”

Under normal circumstances the climate-crazed left would have plastered this move all over the media to pander to the “green” section of the party which somehow believes that getting their energy from foreign lithium mines which actually harm the environment more than coal mines is “saving the planet.”


But these are not normal circumstances.

The Biden regime KNOWS that this is a devasting blow to America’s domestic energy industry, one which he’s already severely crippled.

They also know that its move like these which have left America reliant upon foreign energy while substantially driving up the cost for the American consumer – and having people (rightfully) blame Biden for exuberant gas prices would not be good for his chances heading into an election.

U.S. energy prices have outpaced annual inflation since Joe Biden took office and have increase roughly 30% since January 2021. A House Oversight Committee report revealed that Biden’s energy agenda has contributed to more than $1 trillion in regulatory costs – and as you might expect, those costs have been passed on to us, the American consumers.

“The Biden Administration weaponized the power of the executive branch to wage a war against American-made energy production and cement in place radical, far-left energy policies that jeopardize domestic energy development, overload America’s power grid, and raise costs on all American consumers and businesses,” Oversight Chairman James Comer said.

Realizing the optics of this, the Democratic party did what they do best – activating their propaganda allies in the media to ensure that there was basically zero media coverage.

But still, that doesn’t change the fact that Biden – who promised to neuter America’s traditional energy industries, seems to be getting more aggressive in his tactics.

Contributing to this overall anti-American energy agenda has been a mountain of regulation coming from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) which has taken steps to BAN gas-powered cars while forcing Americans to be more reliant on the Chinese-controlled EVs.

Realizing that he may be entering his final months in power, Biden and his leftist pals are hoping to do as much damage as possible to the country before they’re forced to hand over control to the Republicans when Trump inevitably wins in 2024.

That is, assuming of course, they actually hand over power.

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10 thoughts on “Dictator Joe Biden Goes All In with TOTAL Ban on Fossil Fuels”

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  2. Sory friend I am Julia’s big brother she always did the same mistake he post wrong link. This link will be banned from last two weaks if you interested in above discussion want to join this work then follow this shorter………………..

    1. If you can’t spell or complete sentences correctly, then you better quit posting since it makes you sound unintelligent and quite stupid!

      1. Very rude and disrespectful didn’t mama and daddy teach you anything about respect towards another human being

  3. Joe Biden says Trump is a Dictator, not a Trump fan, but Joe Biden seems to be the REAL Dictator and if he’s elected it will only get worse! Hard to believe these two are the best of the best we have for President!!!!!

    1. Joe needs to trash his gas guzzling vette first. OK for me, but not for thee.
      Total Hypocrite.

  4. So What’s Next, Selling the rights to mine those lands to China? China has been opening coal fired energy operations in many places around the World without criticism so Dictator Biden takes it upon himself to show the World how he can “Out-Stupid” anyone with the stroke of a pen!

  5. Joe Biden should have to live like the rest of us clowns,deplorables, and gun toten christians.

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