The United Nations will convene its Climate Action Summit next week and leftist politicians like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are preparing for it by ramping up her predictions of environmental disaster.
At a recent NAACP forum in Miami she addressed critics of her “Green New Deal” by predicting yet another hysterical prediction by suggesting the entire Florida city would vanish within “a few years.”
But it isn’t just a newcomer like Ocasio-Cortez who is beating the drum of Climate Change Doomsday Hysteria. A Senate climate crisis task force met last Tuesday where senior lawmakers sought the council of 16-year-old Swedish activist Greta Thunberg on the best way to fight for climate change.
When asked what she and other activist students wanted Congress to do, her answer was telling:
Don’t invite us here to just tell us how inspiring we are without actually doing anything about it because it doesn’t lead to anything … If you want advice for what you should do, invite scientists, ask scientists for their expertise. We don’t want to be heard. We want the science to be heard.
She may be too young or sheltered in a liberal cone of silence to realize it, but a few select scientists have been providing fuel for the fire of hysteria for over 50 years.
During that period the media has repeatedly warned of everything from an impending ice age to global drought and famine if world governments did do something about climate change.
An Associated Press headline from 1989 warned: “Rising seas could obliterate nations, says U.N. officials.” In that article, a U.N. environmental official warned that the entire nations would be swallowed up by oceans if unless the world reverses warming by 2000.
The Competitive Enterprise Institute has compiled a lengthy compilation of dire climate change predictions that didn’t come to pass. That list shows a pattern of doomsday warnings followed by hysteria and bigger government to “fix” the problem.
In the last 1960s, the prediction was global cooling rather than global warming. Along with that, scientists like Dr. Paul R. Elrich predicted that “oceans will be dead as Lake Erie in less than a decade.” Quoting Elrich, The New York Times reported: “everybody would disappear in a cloud of blue steam in 20 years.”
One year later, The Salt Lake Tribune cited Elrich warning of a “disastrous” famine,” and the need to place “sterilizing agents into staple foods and drinking water” to stave off overpopulation.
It was at that time that President Richard Nixon created the Environmental Protection Agency along with its unending regulations.
In 1974, Time Magazine ran a lengthy story that suggested another ice age” was imminent. According to Time:
Telltale signs are everywhere – from the unexpected persistence of pack ice in the waters around Iceland to the southward migration of a warmth-loving creature like the armadillo from the Midwest.
The Time Magazine article said the mean global temperature had dropped 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit since the 1940s. To further support this warning the Time followed the advice of Greta Thunberg – they asked scientists what they thought. Climatologist George J. Kulka of Columbia University’s Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory and his wife Helena confirmed the doomsday warning.
The New York Times reported in 1978 that an “international team of specialists” confirmed their fears the world was entering a never-ending “cooling trend in the Northern Hemisphere.”
For several years after that liberal politicians and the media repeated the warnings of an impending ice age. That is now all but forgotten.
Touting her New Green Deal, Ocasio-Cortez mused earlier this year that if the world didn’t address climate change it would “end in 12 years.”
When Vice President Al Gore presented his infamous “An Inconvenient Truth,” documentary the media was still repeating his unfounded claims a decade later.
ABC released a disturbing video in 2008, depicting what the world would look like in 2015. The video warned of rising sea levels accompanied by a graphic showing significant portions of New York City engulfed by water.
With Gore, it was the media blowing his trumpet of doom and gloom. Now, Democrat presidential hopefuls are the ones providing cover for newcomers like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Almost every Democrat candidate has endorsed her plan.
The question as to why leftist Democrats are so intent on promoting their failed doomsday predictions should be obvious. They are more interested in scaring Americans into accepting socialism than solving the “problem” of carbon emissions.