Anyone who bought the lie that as soon as we have a vaccine for coronavirus we can “get back to normal,” needs to wake up and smell the propaganda. Dr. Anthony Fauci just stomped out any kind of hope that lockdowns and movement restrictions are a thing of the past. Dr. Fauci insists that the arrival of a vaccine late this year/early next year won’t be the magic pill everyone’s hoping it will be.
It’s all about how long it would take a safe and effective vaccine to reach mass distribution to a point where new infection rates can drop to zero or near zero. Said Fauci, “If you’re talking about getting back to a degree of normality which resembles where we were prior to COVID, it’s going to be well into 2021 and maybe even towards the end of 2021.”
Dr. Fauci’s definition of “normality” could, however, be a tad unrealistic; i.e., an infection-free environment where no one catches a virus. That environment never existed. The U.S. 2019-2020 influenza season, for example, caused about 34,000 deaths and 490,600 hospitalizations.
Before we get into how the power-hungry liberals love the idea of extending the crisis into a neo-New Deal government dependency era, let’s put the coronavirus into perspective:
–The coronavirus, contrary to those who would prefer to spread panic rather than facts, is nowhere near as deadly as the 1918-1919 Spanish flu. During that pandemic, about 500 million people, or about one-third of the world’s population was infected. About 50 million died, with around 675,000 occurring in the United States. The virus was so deadly because it victimized the young by compromising their strong immune systems.
–The coronavirus, while serious, has infected and killed but a fraction of those numbers worldwide (29.2 million cases, 929,606 fatalities, and 28,862,012 totally recovered as of this writing).
–Likewise, although younger people are at risk, the fatality rate among younger people with stronger immunity, according to the CDC, is only 0.1 percent to 0.2 percent for the approximately 1 in 7 people between the ages of 20 and 44 who are admitted to the hospital.
Nevertheless, for Governors who have enjoyed their newfound powers of locking down their constituents, Dr. Fauci was just what the doctor ordered. It was time to move the goalposts. Not so fast, they said. There have been cases of reinfection, and it could take a long time to convince people to get vaccinated.
Trump-hating state governors of Virginia, California, and Oregon, are planning to mandate extended quarantines and keeping their states shut down until people take a knee and obey. The Virginia Health Commissioner, for example, said he “plans to mandate” the yet-to-be-released COVID-19 vaccine for everyone in his state.
Good luck with that, Doc. We still have freedom of choice in America. Many people would rather wait to see what unexpected side effects might occur. There are also those, who for religious or personal reasons, don’t believe in vaccinations.
So, if Joe Biden staggers into the presidency, expect the deep state to rejoice and promote a federal attempt to mandate the vaccine. They would like nothing better than to shut down our country and hold everyone hostage months after the actual vaccine is out.
The truth is that all those promises that once the vaccine is available we’ll be free of COVID-19 restrictions were just place-holding lies. Liberals want the lockdown to continue as long as possible to hold onto their new enhanced powers.
Voters would be wise to realize just how Democrats want to keep the coronavirus panic alive. A vote to reelect President Trump will kill that panic and return us to normal.