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Election Integrity Group Reveals Massive Georgia 2020 Coverup by SOS Raffensperger

The citizens’ voter integrity group VoterGA has done a tremendous amount of commendable work since the 2020 election. Georgia and Wisconsin seem to have had a contest in that election to see which state could run the dirtier election. Maybe it was a tie.

Based on the ongoing work of VoterGA, we know a lot more today about what happened in 2020 than we did just, say, a month ago. The group has issued a new report that shows incredible malfeasance by state election officials to cover up the truth. Here’s what they published on a Rumble video report this week.


First, Georgia has an open records law in which individuals or interest groups can request documents. VoterGA has tried to obtain copies of the ballots from the 2020 election this whole time. Under Georgia law, a physical ballot is a sealed record for some reason that cannot be opened (presumably to avoid voter intimidation and protect privacy). Therefore, based on this law, Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger has instructed ALL counties in Georgia to not comply with VoterGA’s open records requests (ORRs).

To get around this protection, VoterGA has asked for copies of the ballots – not to open the actual physical ballots. What could be wrong with that? The identities of voters could be protected that way. But Raffensperger has told all 159 Georgia counties that they can only provide images of ballots that are provided by Dominion voting machines. There’s a big difference between images of the actual ballots and the images provided by Dominion, naturally.

You kind of have to wonder why Raffensperger absolutely refuses to comply with reasonable requests that would protect voter privacy. (Just kidding! We don’t have to wonder!)

Now, here’s where it gets weird. After Raffensperger told counties that they’re only allowed to provide Dominion images to comply with ORRs, almost half of all counties in Georgia have admitted to VoterGA that they don’t have those ballot images. 74 counties don’t have ballot images from the November 2020 election.

6 counties don’t have any ballot images, period. 22 counties only have images from the December 2020 recount, but not from the November election. 28 counties only have partial original images. And 18 counties have failed to comply with the intent of the ORR.

So, Raffensperger is telling VoterGA they can’t look at the original ballots; they have to instead look at the ballot images. But 48% of the counties in Georgia don’t have any ballot images. Huh?

This, by the way, is a violation of both federal and Georgia state election laws. Records from federal elections – including ballots and ballot images are supposed to be preserved for 22 months. That would be this upcoming September. Georgia state law is even stricter; it requires records to be kept for 24 months, which would be this November.

Why isn’t Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger moving to have the Georgia Attorney General enforce those laws? Why isn’t Governor Brad Kemp doing so? If they can’t produce the records, then that’s a violation of the law. Yet Kemp and Raffensperger haven’t fired anyone and are not making criminal referrals to the AG.

Here’s where it gets really hinky. On November 4, 2020 – the day after the election – Raffensperger told NBC News that they only had 13 precincts left to count. Those 13 precincts amounted to an outstanding 50,116 votes. And at the time when Raffensperger made that statement, Donald Trump was leading Joe Biden by 102,000 votes.

Raffensperger stated that there were 4.7 million votes counted, with 50,116 to go. But then the results that he eventually certified showed 4,998,482 votes cast in Georgia in the 2020 election. With 50,000 votes to go, where did an additional 300,000 votes come from?

How did Donald Trump go from a 102,000-vote lead and end up losing in Georgia by 11,779 votes – when there were only 50,000 additional votes to be counted on November 4th? Even if all 50,000 of those votes were for Joe Biden, Trump still would have won Georgia by 52,000 votes.

All of this reeks of a coverup. If Brad Raffensperger wanted to restore the integrity of Georgia’s elections (and himself), more transparency would be the way to do that – not less transparency. If you want to watch the full video explaining all of this in much greater detail, you can view it below.

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21 thoughts on “Election Integrity Group Reveals Massive Georgia 2020 Coverup by SOS Raffensperger”

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    1. Was this in Georgia? Did you receive and turn in votes from nursing home facilities? What’s this got to do with Georgia voting tabulations?

      1. It means the vote’s were rigged which we already knew that. It means Brad Raffensperger and Brian Kemp also helped the democrats rig the election so that they could win. It means Donald Trump was the duly elected President.

        1. It means Raffensperger is the biggest traitor slimeball- sucking lizard fuck in the country and he’s NOT IN JAIL! That’s what it means. Georgia is a RINO state, and the good people of America don’t deserve their two-facedness

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  4. Don’t care about Apple and your earnings doing this that or the other thing, if I wanted to, I would have read about Apple and it’s employees, or whatever!
    NOW, lets get to the cheating in Georgia and elsewhere. YEP, it happened! Joe Biden campaigned from his basement, answered NO questions, when and if he did campaign and rallies, his attendance was 200 tops, there were never panoramic views by media, as they had done at Trump rallies. Further more, either Michigan or Wisconsin, kept his attendance level at 200, while over 4000 stayed outside the gates, at which Trump went to greet after leaving his podium.
    Hillary Clinton told Joe Biden, “Whatever you do, DO NOT CONCEDE”! She knew the election was rigged before the alleged final count/tallies were made! Pennsylvania had more votes than registered voters! How does that happen?
    It all stinks rotten and The People Of The United States Of America need to take control of THEIR COUNTRY!!!!

  5. Reports and more reports stating what we all have known for 2 years, Stop the damn reporting alreasy & DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. The crooks doing the dirt & making the decisions won’t say a word & “we the people” will continue being sheeple and allowing this shit to happen. It will only get worse moving forward & we, the little people need to refuse to vote, refuse to accept the lies & bs, protest, rebel, stand up, open our mouths & make them hear us. Anything less then that and they win. So….are you ok with the joke our country has become or are you ready to take action? Most will do absolutely nothing while continuing to complain. Those people need to sit down & shut up… over the pathetic whiners, spineless Americans & everyone else that are willing puppets on a daily basis. Stand up or sit down don’t care but either way….stop TALKING & DO SOMETHING!!

    1. Republicans refusing to vote is exactly what the Democrats and RINOs want. Refusing to vote hands the election to the Democrats. They certainly ae not going to refuse to vote…even multiple times or “helping” ineligible people to vote.

    2. I’d put us at the second to last stage right now. Will the balloon pop before reaching the worst case?
      “If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.”
      Sir Winston Churchill

  6. YES ! We know there is a cover-up ; there is a lot of evidence-Our President is Donald J Trump; and it is clear that it was all plained by the Democratic Party & Obama & Clinton’s ; where is the FBI & Justice committee- because they are all doing criminal & being paid for it – and don’t forget The Fake January 6 committee ; Really ,wake up !!! The swamp is deeper then we thought , so I say to we the People- Stand up and never give in (or)up . Please watch flashpoint. Truth – and take Our Country Back – Vote & look who & what they stand for , America First “ GOD Bless The USA . Terri

  7. You are an idiot if you believe that there was no cheating!! There is no way in hell Joe Biden got more votes than Obama got in 2008!! We need transparency in the Georgia elections. Go to paper ballots and hand counts while on video!!! Problem solved!! Required voter ID, and no ballots counted after election date. Problem solved!!!! The machines can be manipulated!!! We cannot see the operations inside the machines!!! Built for cheating!!!!!

    1. There was video of massive amounts of ballots being pulled out from underneath a table that mysteriously appeared that morning. Strangely, it was the only table there with a tablecloth on it hiding what was underneath. They were shown running those ballots through the counters multiple times. Nothing to see here folks. Our election “officials” were doing their part in the fascist coup d’etat to install Biden and the Ho. The dept of INjustice is heavily involved. All it took was 5 states with one or two large cities to flip the state. This is Alinsky tactics, so you can bet 0bama and Clinton are heavily involved, along with Schwab, Soros and Gates.
      Our elected “representatives” failed us. Our “law enforcement” failed us. Our “military” failed us. The time may be here to pop the balloon and salvage what we can before the Marxists destroy everything.
      “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants.”
      Thomas Jefferson

  8. Raffensperger is TRAITOR, Nazi Fascist and Gauleiter of NSDAP Drittes Reich, endorsed by the “Fuehrer”.

  9. Unbelievable what has happened to our once great country. There is NO WAY an idiot like Joe Biden got 81 million votes. Everyone in the entire world knows it. And yet, the criminials that perpetrated this get away with it. Look at what they’re trying to do to Trump through the Fake Bureau of Instigation, and the Dept. of Injustice. What is most disturbing is almost half the country still supports these criminials. I am afraid. All is lost. All is lost. All is lost…

  10. Their response? It’s racist to try to suppress the vote.

    I understand that in spite of minor differences about abortion, the Pope has granted sainthood to Biden for the miracle of raising millions of dead voters back to life.

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