One of the reasons why many of us voted for President Trump was because he wasn’t going to get us into a three-front war with Russia, China, and Iran. If Trump won’t allow the globalist elites to have World War III with those three countries, they might just have to attack us themselves. That’s a scenario that none of us thought about.
France and other EU puppet states are suddenly threatening to send troops to Greenland to fight America if Donald Trump doesn’t back down from his idea of acquiring the sparsely populated island as a US territory. We didn’t see that coming.
President Trump has been driving the EU bonkers. He’s not taking their phone calls. The new White House prefers to engage in bilateral relations with individual sovereign nations in Europe, rather than the unelected bureaucrats running the EU. When the EU calls the White House these days, the phone just rings and rings.
On inauguration day, a reporter asked the president if he planned to send troops to take over Greenland or the Panama Canal. Trump gave a noncommittal answer and said that every option is on the table.
When Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen woke up from his fainting couch, he began a barnstorming tour through European capitals, asking leaders if they would send troops to Greenland to fight a war against America on his behalf. So far, France is the only country that has publicly said it’s willing to send troops to Greenland.
It makes good economic and strategic sense for America to acquire Greenland as a territory. It’s a massive place. Alaska is our biggest US state by far at more than 665,000 square miles. Greenland is more than 836,000 square miles in size. It only has a population of about 56,000 English-speaking, mostly Christian people—so they’d be very compatible with us as new American citizens. (The oldest Christian church in North America is in Greenland, named after Erik the Red’s wife Tjodhilde.)
Communist China currently controls 95% of the world’s rare-earth mineral supplies. Greenland has a lot of those minerals and they’re mostly untapped. The island also has vast mining opportunities for titanium, iron, platinum, copper, and rubies. It has unbelievably huge, untapped oil and natural gas deposits.
Greenland is currently not allowed to tap into most of these resources because its EU rulers are a bunch of environmentalist wackos who believe in the cult of global warming. Despite the World Economic Forum’s nonsense claim that Greenland’s ice shelf will “collapse” sometime within the next five years (even faster than AOC claims!), the data shows that Greenland’s ice has been getting slowly colder for the past 25 years.
It doesn’t just make sense for America to acquire Greenland. It’s a great idea! Drill, baby, drill!
Denmark’s Prime Minister has been to Germany, France, Belgium, and other countries this week to beg for troops to help defend Greenland from America if necessary. Prime Minister Fredriksen also met with NATO Secretary-General Mark Rutte.
Fredriksen has been “freaked out,” according to the Financial Times, ever since she had a “fiery” 45-minute conversation with President Trump about Greenland. Senior EU officials who were briefed on the phone call said it had “gone very badly.” President Trump threatened tariffs against Denmark if Fredriksen proves unwilling to negotiate terms for America claiming Greenland.
“It was a cold shower,” said one EU official describing the call. “Before, it was hard to take it seriously. But I do think it is serious, and potentially very dangerous.”
French Foreign Minister Jean-Noël Barrot has been very vocal that France will be sending troops to Greenland to fight America if necessary.
“If Denmark calls for help, France will be there,” said Barrot. “The European borders are sovereign whether it’s north, south, east and west … nobody can allow themselves to mess around with our borders.”
Uh… how are Ukraine’s borders doing these days, you cheese-eating surrender monkey?
The EU and NATO have completely depleted their warfighting capabilities over the past two years by donating tons of equipment and ammo to Joe Biden’s failed war against Russia. What exactly will these French troops be using to fight the US Marine Corps? Sticks? Cheese? Empty wine bottles?
We know that the globalists hate Donald Trump with a seething passion. He’s tipped their apple cart over once again and this time, he’s much more serious about accomplishing his mission. The Europeans and NATO are supposed to be our allies, but it looks like that goes out the window unless America marches in lockstep with the globalist windmills-and-cricket-burgers crowd. How weird is it going to be if we end up in a war with the EU because these pointless, unelected little bureaucrats can’t stand Donald Trump?