Last week, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) sent a letter to the Justice Department demanding answers on why the January 6 political prisoners are being treated so poorly. This didn’t come from the party leadership, but at least a Republican Senator had finally spoken out somewhat favorably about his own political supporters being thrown in a gulag. That sentiment isn’t exactly spreading like wildfire, but another five GOP Senators did follow suit this week. They sent a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland on Monday, asking basically the same questions as Grassley. It only took you five months, guys! Where have you been?
The Republican Senators, to at least give them credit, were Ted Cruz (TX), Rick Scott (FL), Tommy Tuberville (AL), Ron Johnson (WI) and Mike Lee (UT). You can read a copy of the full letter on Ron Johnson’s website HERE.
The Senators do a great job of highlighting the stark differences between the way actual insurrectionists in Antifa are treated by the DOJ (with gentle kid gloves), while Trump supporters are treated as if they were caught staging a coup in central Africa and thrown in the worst jail conditions imaginable.
For example, the Portland rioters who have been tearing the city apart for a year now are frequently given community service after spending no more than one night in jail. Have you seen Portland recently, by the way? It now looks like Beirut after a civil war. You wouldn’t want to live there.
The Portland rioters are also given “deferred resolution agreements.” These are a special deal from the Department of Justice in which felony rioters have their criminal records wiped clean if they stay out of trouble for a short period of time.
Compare that to the treatment of the Trump supporters who have been in solitary confinement for five months, who have their hands zip-tied behind their backs for jailhouse beatings under the fists and boots of racist jail guards, and who have been denied soap, toilet paper and other amenities since January.
The Department of Justice also set up a special website, just to post the names and information of all of the January 6 protesters and publicly shame them. No such database exists for Antifa or BLM members. Not that very many of them have been arrested anyway.
The big question I have is this: Why are elected Republicans so timid about this issue? Their own voters are rotting in jail conditions you normally don’t see outside of Somalia.
They’re talking tough about Dr. Anthony Fauci these days, calling for federal investigations of the creepy little gnome and demanding that he resign. They’re doing that loudly, and every single day. Why aren’t they calling for Merrick Garland’s resignation, or drafting Articles of Impeachment against Joe Biden and Kamala Harris for allowing this to happen on their watch? Why has it taken them five months to sheepishly write a toothless letter that the Department of Justice is under no obligation to even answer?
Couldn’t they take time out of their busy schedules of denouncing Fauci to demand blankets, mattresses and Bibles for the jailed Trump supporters?
I think we know why elected Representatives and Senators won’t speak out on this injustice. They’re terrified.
America went through a coup last November. We all watched it unfold in real time as the Deep State, Big Tech and the Democrat Party used subterfuge, lies and outright cheating to take out the rightfully elected President of the United States. If they can do that to a president, what’s one little old Representative or Senator to the Deep State?
I suspect that’s also why no federally elected Representatives or Senators have stopped by Maricopa County, Arizona this month. They’re too afraid to rock the boat, because they know what will happen to them if they give credence to the most professional forensic audit of a presidential election that has ever taken place.
Look at it this way: Out of all the subjects that we discuss in these pages and share with each other, the two hottest topics among Trump supporters like us right now are the audits and the jailed Trumpers. By a country mile! Yet the only thing that our elected Representatives and Senators want to talk about is Anthony Fauci. Yawn! Just thinking of that little creep makes my eyelids start to droop. Fauci is boring and old news – we all knew he was a fraud a year ago.
It’s pretty sad that the two issues we care about the most are the two things elected Republicans are terrified to talk about.
I doubt there are any Trump supporters in the group of jailed people. Antifa organized the riot and invited BLM, Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, insurgents USA. They were told to dress like Trump supporters. Not many black supporters of Trump, yet you saw quite few of them storming the capitol. They even told the guards that Trump invited them. Trump was giving a speech, a mile away, when it started said the FBI. Antifa planned on blaming Trump, but now they are jailed , which is good, because they got away with so much damage in Portland, etc. and never got punished. The joke is on them.
Thankyou ! What HE said !
There is no doubt the biden regime with appointed commie cronies are enemies internally destroying U.S. Freedom, Rights, Liberty and National Security to establish the NWO dem leaders wannabe dictator regime ! All the illegal foreigners E.O.’d by biden is proof that his dereliction of duty is a crime of treason protecting illegal entry of terrorists as a sub-human weapon of mass destruction that destroy U.S. Citizens Freedom, Rights, Liberty and U.S. Economy ! Proof of biden’s treason is obvious & impeachment with criminal prosecution is mandatory for justice ! All dem leaders since bo’s 8 years of treason are a U.S. #1 enemy !
Unfortunately I believe there are no ANTIFA, on SOROS payroll, in jail for 1/6, even the guy in SLC that is a self admitted ANTIFA captain. We saw him on news, portions of the video he sent out nationwide. It was obviously all pre planned, and not by Trump supporters listening to him speak, 16 blocks away, until 1:11pm, riot started at 12:46pm.. The video material was confiscated and hasn’t been seen since. ANTIFA doesn’t stay in jail. Soros/Obama don’t want them to spill anything on them. Kamala even arranges bail for BLM.
The husband and wife arrested in Florida are Trump supporters, farmers plus both worked another job. Husband was pushed off road on way to work, surrounded by FBI vehicles. She was grabbed at the farm in front of kids, with FBI pointing guns at 12 yr old girl’s head, per son’s statement on news. He’s trying to keep them fed and not lose farm. The parents have likely lost their jobs.
They have been charged with misdemeanor for WALKING ON GRASS OUTSIDE CAPITOL, per son. They never rioted or entered bldg. They are bejng kept in solitary confinement 23 of 24 hrs/day. NO BAIL allowed. Democrats.. some.. say the Trump supporters need to be “deprogrammed” and apparently inhumane treatment and torture is their method of choice. This is on Biden/Harris/Pelosi/ Garner, etc. 5 months.
Another man was arrested at 5 am in his cul de sac home with neighbors coming out with all the spotlights and vehicles. Drug away in cuffs.. Charged with misdemeaner of grass walking also. Phone and computer seized, the farm family’s were. NO BAIL. SOLITARY 23/24. 5 months.
A pro Trump couple in Alaska had their B&B lodge raided pre dawn. Showed wife a picture of a woman at Capitol and asked if that was her, while searching her closet for clothes like in picture. She said it was NOT HER. Picture showed a woman with a definite widows peak hairline…she doesn’t. Picture also showed that woman had attached ear lobes; Alaska woman doesn’t. No matching clothing found. Apoarently FBI was convinced. With NO offer of an apology, they left but took their phones and computers with no justifiable reason. Hard for a booked up B&B business to have phones and computers gone. As of weeks later, they had not gotten them back.
These are all more reasons to charge this Administration with CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY.
Biden and Jilli are in England saying it’s so beautiful there, THEY DON’T WANT TO COME BACK TO AMERICA. Fine with me. Guess they can ignore the border crisis and imprisoned Trump supporters from either place. THEY need to be imprisoned.
Absolutely. How do we start grass roots change and out cry. I’m older and sick but would try to help. Fund raise etc….
We need a Ross Perot rescue team to free the incarcerated Trump supporters who are being treated unbelievably in America as Gio Terrorists or really worse, per reports.
We need a new party that is open to Americans of all stripes who are absolutely disgusted across the aisle.While the country is being burned to ground and sold into a global NWO, the Republicans are focused on banning abortion. Never mind that R v W was written into law fifty years ago and supported by a substanctial majority. They prefer beating a dead horse and losing. The Texas Ban will likely cost the midterms and 2024. Worse, their extremism has begotten extremism that now allows abortion on demand during labor. This would have been unthinkable if not for the fundamental zealotry on the right.
I’m pro-life by personal choice. That said, having given birth to two children, by choice, it is beyond horrific to force any female to bear an unwanted child for any reason within sane parameters
They are screaming about bodily autonomy and freedom to not be forced into masking or taking an unproven and unecessary. vaccine( which I wholly agree with). As they deny the right of women and girls to determine their own reproductive rights. And not even see the hypocrisy… replete with surveillance and paid tattletales
There are absolutely Trump supporters in jail – the Antifa and BLM people arrested have been set free. It is outrageous how they have been treated! Biden/Harris and all their corrupt cronies need to be arrested for crimes against we the people.
Innocent people who weren’t even inside the building were arrested. Some were arrested at their homes days later.
If they were Antifa 1) they’d have been released 2) I hope they’re dead.
The division in our country began with Obama, destroyed from the inside out, just as planned.
BLM killed 30 people, Fauci killed how many? Republicans can storm the “house” unarmed and have been in solitary confinement ever since.
Trump won the election, if there wasn’t so much to hide the Dems wouldn’t be such a__holes. Dems lie? That’s all they can do, and they’re not good at that either.
You can tell the plans Pelosi dreamed up because they always fail. She planned January 6th, mark my words.
I’m even angrier with the Republicans. Some praised Antifa, BLM and are shilling for CRT, the most anti-American, anti-Semitic, anti-Christian, anti-Hindu, anti-Buddhist,anti-Muslim Reformist, anti-family,anti-children,anti-military,anti-citizen, racist, divisive,corrupt,hateful, CommunoFascist Great Reset global tyranny implementation
Between the Jan 6 FBI setup, political prisoners, murder by corrupt cop of Ashli Babbit and complete disregard for their country and constituency, they have green lighted the end of America
You are lumping these 4 groups together. The Proud Boys and Oath Keepers are patriots , many are retired military and law enforcement who have protected our cities and our nation. BLM and Insurgents USA, the Sullivan group of no one, are fascists who want to destroy America. The Proud Boys, proud to be AMERICANS, the Oath Keepers, those who took an oath to support AMERICA and wish to keep supporting America.. Why wouldn’t they be there to support Trump?
So…not true. They are Republicans who were acting in good faith. The Antifa people were well away by the time arrests began.
What can we do to help these jailed Trump supporters. These is wrong and needs to stop immediately. It needs to be more widely known and talked about. We should all be ashamed regardless of race, color, or party affiliation
I personally think it is time for Supporters of DJT to put their money where there mouth is, and start a fundraising campaign to get the innocent victims out of Nazi DC. Another reason fundraising is needed, most of these victims of Antifa and BLM, cannot afford good lawyers , they are stuck with appointed lawyers, who anyone who knows anything about lawyers, they will take the money and run, leaving the victims to suffer the consequences of their actions. I never saw one Trump Supporter act violently, I did see Capitol Police, open the barriers and invite them in. I saw Trump Supporters entering without weapons, unless the American flag is now a weapon. I did see violent Antifa & BLM breaking windows, entering and open the doors to get the Trump Supporters to come in. That guy they call Shaman, has been seen with Antifa and BLM and he is no Trump Supporter, and is testifying against the Trump Supporters. Congress doesn’t care, they only care about themselves unless of course they can have a video to use for their next election cycle. Pelosi is the ultimate responsible party, and should be severely punished for her deep state actions. We must flood congress with faxes, emails, letters, calling is a useless exercise, so don’t bother. Justice needs to be served on Congress, both Democrats and Republicans. When your representatives come home, let them know how you feel. organize demonstrations, meeting, and conferences. Frankly let them know, if they don’t take action, get the Trump supporters out, they will not be reelected. That is all bureaucrats understand. We must push for the 15,000 hours of video evidence Pelosi is holding, that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt, Trump Supporters, are non-violent, peace loving, proud to be American people. I am sick of all this crap, it needs to end, and we must patriotically and peacefully for those who have had their Rights taken away. Invite your local news outlets, get them to talk about your grievances. 5 mos is too long to be torn away from your family and friends, be beaten, and not charged, and those who have been charged (5) are scapegoats. Congress is Our House, and to secure our freedoms, we must stand up for the oppressed. Trump offered DC and Congress 10,000 National Guard, because he knew Antifa and BLM would come to DC, and all hell would break lose. He was flatly turned down by Pelosi and mayor Bowser of DC. What say you?
You are ‘right on’, and those in jail need to testify once they are out (Pelosi, etc. are waiting for total control before releasing them). Many Repubs are afraid because of exactly what is happening to those jailed; maybe time to use any guns not confiscated, or, at least, stand up to the most corrupt admin. in history!
$$ is not the answer and MANY in America have “HAD IT” What do you suggest?
Amen!!! What a great statement—you are right on all accounts–what makes me
sick is these feckless republicans letting this happen to American citizens!! They are afraid
to say “shit” if they had a mouth full of it—I am sick and tired of this traitorous behavior
from both sides–I know Trump has no power to help but there are plenty of people
who do!! We need to rid this party in 2022 and get real patriots in!! I am outraged!!
Amen to that.
I, also, want the name of the Capitol Police officer who shot and killed unarmed Ashli Babbitt. Congress is keeping silent on the murder of a Trump Supporter, because she climbed thru and already broken window, wearing and American flag, and she was murdered in the People’s House. That’s RIGHT, Our House, not Pelosi, Schumer, or any other deep state actor, who I believe perpetrated these actions, to bring down a duly elected President, and steal the election from the American Voter.
NO doubt the marxist, Islamic, bo shadow over biden’s imploded vacuum between his ears ! More proof a dem biden wannabe dictator regime, to be eliminated to save U.S. Freedom !
Write you representatives.
I received emails from a few politicians asking for donations for reelection campaigns. Instead of donating I hit Reply All figuring that surely SOMEONE would get my message. I asked for them to start investigating/standing up for our people being held illegally in DC jails. Also I notified them that I would not begin donating until something is being done towards returning those people their rights. We all have our ways to protest. My way is attached to my pocketbook. Tis worth a try.
Kudos! Where the hell is the ACLU? The bastards stood up for the KKK! Nobody should be imprisoned for thought crimes or political ideology.Or standing outside the fucking Capitol! And the Republicans who abetted the Dems and Deep State promoting this con belong in Federal Prison w/ all the colluders and conspirators.Including Mitch,Romney, Ryan,,Nikki Haley,McDaniels,Kinzinger,Cheney,,the Bush Cartel,Barr,Burr,Bolton,McMullin,George Conway,Koch,Kasich,The Bulwark,Lincoln Project,Thune,Barasso,DeWine,Issa,Sununu,KernerChristie,Military Industrial Complex,Condoleeza Rice,Petraeus,Podhoretz,George Will,Carly Fiorina,Bill Weld,Justin Amash,Jeff Flake,Orrin Hatch,Tillerson,Rove,Baier,Bream,etc
They all threw Mike Flynn,KT McFarland,Nunes,Grenell,Herman Cain, Milo Yiannopoulis,Hope Hicks, Kash Patel,Ajit Pai,Barbara General TataLagoa,Naomi Rao, Kushner under the bus, protected Wray,Mueller,McMaster,Haspel,Dr.Scott Atlas, ,the use of repurposed therapeutics,criminal Justice reform, reducing the cost of prescription drugs, the border wall in exchange for DACA path to citizenship, immigration reform, a new healthcare plan, Walk Away, Muslim Reform, Hindus For Trump, Blacks For Trump, Jexodus,LGBT For Trump, Dems For Trump,every new, diverse, crossover candidate,California Republicans,Caitlyn Jenner,Larry Elder,Raheem Kassam,Laura Loomer,Lara Logan,Sharyl Attkisson,Frank Gaffney,Bill Binney,Dr. Hatfill,the RJC,Frontline Doctors,The Great Barrington Project,Lou Dobbs,Dov Hikind,Lacey Johnson, Joe Collins, Scott Pressler’s Persistence,Roger Stone,Reince Preibus,Vernon Jones, Jeff VanDrew, the Uranium One Whistleblower, the Marine who rescued the baby in Afghanistan,Isaiah Washington,Buck Sexton,David Friedman+ under the bus. They were all for the Russian and Ukraine Hoax and almost drove us to war over a wicked lie, pushed to Bomb Syria over a fake “Assad used gas to attack his citizens” without proof, claimed Russia had bounties on Americans to stop the withdrawals from Iraq and Afghanistan,voted to reinstate the Patriot Act, FISA,fight to keep Rosenstein, Sessions, Wray,Fauci,Birx,remain in bed with China,Qatar,expansion of NATO, not label the MB , CAIR,BLM,Antifa Terrorist entities, start a war with Iran but wouldn’t stand with the Greens to overthrow the Ayatollah and mullah regime, did nothing to promote the Abraham Accords, go after Biden, Kerry, Strok,Page,Nuland,Mueller,Comey,Ivonovich,Pelosi,Obama,Hillary,Abedin,Sullivan, Bruce and Nellie Ohr,Yates,Glen Simpson, Judge Emmett Sullivan,Soros,Bloomberg,Gates,Tedras,Collins,Garcetti,the Awans,DWS,,DeBlasio
Remember, the government defines humans as animals. There lies the problem.
The DOJ is the real criminal in this fiasco. The unfair and inhumane treatment being foisted by the DOJ upon Trump supporters is brutal and unconstitutional. The GOP needs to fear God—not the Deep State. Grow a spine, Republicans. If you allow the Deep State to bully you into submission with it’s evil agenda then you are complicit with the anti-America seditious agenda of those New World Order Satanic thugs. What have they got on you that could be used against you? The corruption infesting our government is vast, deep, and appalling. God is getting ready to hold the evil ones accountable. The window of time in which you can repent is closing, and when it closes you cowardly politicians will know the righteous wrath of God Almighty for your misdeeds against your constituents and against humanity. Amen.
I’m with you…It is just horrific what they are doing to the Trump supporters..!!!!!!!! There are many people who are starting to wake up…including Demos…God wants us to see how bad our Country has become..! The Demos want all this Evilness to go on so they can pass there agenda…Wake up people..You can’t wait till you are thrown into the fire and ask for Water to put it out..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A treasonous dem leader regime of commie stench; Not “In GOD We Trust” U.S. power !
PAST 13 YEARS OF dem LEADER’s SUPPORTING bo’s 8 YEARS OF TREASON IS the “REAL CRIMINAL” commanding their execution to save U.S. Freedom and Rights !
Is Due Process Dead? Why are People in America being treated like Muslims in China?
Pretender Biden should be spreading some of that “Equity” that he is always spouting between Reprimands from “Doctor” Jill and his rants about the “Non-Existent” America Destroying White Supremacy Nonsense and the Evasive Unity that he talks about but acts Divisively in everything he fails to Accomplish
Is there anyone in The American Center for Law and Justice, who will take the evidence of the rioters’ right to an attorney being denied, and the right to bathe and be fed decently, to court ? If they were beaten by guards, with hands tied behind their backs, they need a medical doctor to document this too. Even if they were all paid agents to make Trump look monstrous, I take it personally, that their civil rights were denied, regardless of their intentions for being at the capitol.
biden is doing what obama tells him to do…!!! obama hates white people and blacks to…he is a Muslim…! He wants to run this Country to HELL…!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well f. him with a baton !
FBI, CNN, BLAMTIFA, DEMOCRAT, and DOJ live harvested skin rugs for sale… CHEAP
IF they really are TRUMP supporters then DAMN this government. I think(I hope) they really are the nasty ass lefties and they need to rot. PLEASE TELL US WHAT IS RIGHT !
For 13 years the bo treason has controlled the asinine whims of dem keaders and now the bo wannabe dictator has the U.S.A.’s #1 idiot commanding abused power E.O.’s to dictate !
I tend to believe they’re ours.
Demo-monsters would have been sent back onto the streets to cause more trouble.
Pelosi had alot to do with Jan. 6th with her obsession. She an her goons planned that days before bc they all know Trump supporters always peaceful NOT violent. She incited violence when she had help bringing in ANITFA an they were told how to act an what to say .
Egregious that socialist democrats have started the confinement of citizens without bail or release and hearings. Patriots have a right to address their government and citizens now know it was police who let demonstrators into the capital, who shot an innocent woman and who lied about a police officer being killed. Pelosi knew in advance of the demostrations an wanted machinegun positions set up and ammo issued. This socialist government is an enemy of democracy and the Republic in that we appear to see the creation of gulags and government function sequesteres behind fences.
Worst, is the stupid U.S. Citizens that still believe dem’s are legit & do not have brains enough to see the commie dictator regime that has happened in past 13 years of bo’s treasonous marxist, Islamic stench of tyranny to be a NWO dictator over the U.S.A. !!! Fraud vote with new audits appear as #1 proof to eliminate dems as a #1 U.S. enemy !
And these cowards come on my computer every day looking for donations. It’s just why I cut off any help to them. Only Trump gets anything from me
This is great! But are you making them aware that they must work for any money they want from you?
Gotta let ’em know. ??
I knew people that were in Vietnam, that got treated worse. But my point being when they got loose, let’s just say the captors didn’t farewell.
I hope to see the day when Biden and Obama get the same treatment.
Commie A-holes!
I believe that the plans for the Capitol intrusion of Jan 6th is on the missing Piglosi laptop and that the FBI is using illegal actions against Citizens of the USA !
Hopefully that laptop will be found and turned over to a Responsible Loyal Patriot and used to Convict the Traitors within our government and their Minions !
I want to see mass hangings of the Traitors .
This must never be allowed to happen again !
Elected officials take an oath to “defend and protect the Constitution”. Those in violation should be arrested, their positions made available….and their bloated salaries confiscated.
Its going to take a revolution to get rid of this corruption and treason going on in the government and law enforcement.
These people in jail are not Antifa, BLM etc. Antifa and Oathkeepers are two opposite groups of people. Oathkeepers have been showing up at Antifa riots to stop them from rioting in various states and that is why the DOJ is keeping these Oathkeepers in jail, so Antifa can do their thing. The lead Antifa directing the incursion is an undercover agent of the FBI, of course now, his picture has gone nationwide. Many of the people the FBI arrested were discovered to not be at the Capitol but at other tourist sites and thank goodness they had time stamped pictures of being at the other sites. There is no reason for these people they have to be in jail so long without seeing a judge and definitely not seeing a jury. It is terrorizing people to not show up at Trump marches or rallies. Trump rally people aren’t visiting Washington, DC, have cancelled tourist plans, etc. and that is exactly what the democrats want, terrorizing the people so they will shut up and not rally. These people are being held uncontitutionly without due process. That is illegal no matter who a person being arrested is. I watched a bearded man telling these young in dark clothes men tearing down the fences that hey, this is peaceful, stop tearing down the fences. Guess what, the bearded guy was told to leave and the young men kept tearing the fences down. You had Trump people there being quiet and suddenly these young men in dark clothes turn everything into a riot. Now I haven’t seen young men being arrested, you see older Trump middle class people being arrested and they are losing their jobs being held so long on what are trespressing charges basically.
why doesnt someone who knows the facts of the matter contact Fox News CARLSON TUCKER and get this information to him ,He is fighting issues against the democrates and the Biden adminstration ,so they he can break this story wide open against our corrupt far left and Bidens and harris and Peloski s dirty politics , against Trump supporters that were arrested who are being treated badly and inhumanly in unsanitary conditions that most red blooded Americans dont even know about , While Aftia is being given a gold card to get away with unpunished crimes and even helped by corrupt politicans,, WEve got to do the right thing ,President was targeted because he was going to clean the swamp ,so the democrates did all the could to get President Trump out of office ,lie steal and cheat,and whatever it takes to destroy our rights our liberties and our freedom to destroy America ,May the Biden adminstration and every evil and corrupt politican go down ,and get life in hard prison without benefits and without bail ,some guilty guilty of treason ,, death by firing squad or lethel injection ,
I believe a day of reckoning will be coming for all of these evil people. Their cups of iniquity are becoming quite full.
The Deep State needs to be taken down by WHATEVER MEANS NECESSARY! This political malignancy has been allowed to fester MUCH TOO LONG already!
History repeats itself again, almost 100 years ago in Germany an idol of George Soros named Hitler and his Antifa/BLM predecessors did the same thing as is happening here, control of the media (those days press) equates control of the gullible masses along with intimidation, outright physical abuse and immoral, evil fascist in power.
I didn’t see John Cornyn’s name on the list of senators who spoke up for these people. He is nothing but a rino pos bastard.