There is so much new data coming out on the harm caused by the mRNA Covid shots that it’s difficult to keep up with it. The latest example is a massive study of 284,000 vaccinated people that was carried out by Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles.
They found that in the three months following a Covid injection, a person has a much higher risk of being diagnosed with a heart or skin disorder, or even a psychological disorder. Risks are normal for people in the three months prior to the shot, but during the three months after, you have a much larger risk of getting very sick.
The peer-reviewed study was published in the journal Nature Cardiovascular Research. They found that three months post-vaccination, all recipients were 21% more likely to be diagnosed with a serious, new health condition that they didn’t have prior to vaccination.
With 262 million Americans coerced or tricked into getting at least one shot, that translates to just over 55 million serious injuries, just in our country, and possibly hundreds of millions around the world.
Shot recipients were 25% more likely to be diagnosed with hypertension in the first three months after vaccination. They were between 10% and 20% more likely to be diagnosed with diabetes, eczema, cellulitis or depression.
Myocarditis was the biggest health risk associated with the first three months after vaccination. Shot recipients were 2.6 times more likely to get myocarditis after the shot than in the months before receiving the shot. The rates for men were even worse, which is no surprise to anyone reading these pages at this point.
Here’s an example of how the risks were calculated among the 284,000 people that they tracked three months prior to vaccination, and three months after. Prior to vaccination, 2,080 individuals were diagnosed with hypertension. Within the three months after vaccination, 2,560 were diagnosed with hypertension – an increase of 480 patients. That translates into a 23% higher risk of hypertension after getting a COVID shot.
Here are some other serious conditions associated with the shots from the data, and the increased risk of diagnosis in the first three months after getting jabbed.
Hyperlipidemia, Edema, and Fatigue (24% each). Lumbago (27%). Dizziness (30%). Urinary Tract Infection (32%). Mast Cell Disorders (37%). Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (52%). Dysautonomia (124%).
Those are really big numbers for a vaccine that is supposedly safe and effective. If you got the vaccine, did your doctor notify you before receiving it that there’s a 50% increased chance you will develop postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS syndrome), for which there is no cure?
Some of these conditions, like urinary tract infections, don’t even make sense. You get a shot in the arm, and then it causes you to develop a UTI? What?
But then we’ve been talking about this for two years now. The mRNA technology in these shots produces wildly divergent results in people’s health. One person takes it and they’re perfectly fine afterward, while another person becomes sexually sterilized by it. And the ghouls in our healthcare system still won’t admit that anything is “off” about the shots. They want to put mRNA in the food and the water supply.
The FDA’s advisory panel just voted 7-4 this week to approve a new mRNA vaccine for Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV). This is a disease that is supposedly worse than the flu that nobody had even heard of until about 11 seconds ago. And now here comes Pfizer with a new mRNA shot that they want to jab into everyone, when we still don’t know the full extent of the dangers from the Covid mRNA shots.
The advisory panel is recommending this brand-new RSV shot for anyone over 60. Following its previous track record, the FDA should vote for full approval of the RSV shot sometime before this summer. And while they’re recommending it for people over 60 now, they’ll start dropping the age limit over the next year, just like they did with the Covid shots – and despite having no evidence that the shots were safe and effective.
This is just a hunch, but… you should probably avoid that RSV shot when your doctor recommends it to you soon.
If you want to read the new Cedars-Sinai study referenced above, you can find it HERE.
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Why are you posting your income in this forum? It has nothing to do with the content of the article. I’m guessing that you have signed on to some kind of pyramid scheme and need to entice others to step up so you can make your income. Shame on you!
The law makers and the mega rich corporations have been conspiring to control this country. They started with covid as a means of population control. Removing the elderly tax base because most don’t vote left. Putting children in jeopardy so they can control the parents. Weeding out the ones in between even if they lose supporters as a result of the manipulated pandemic doesn’t bother them one bit. They want a political do over for this country where we eventually all vote left.. that is until we implode !!!!
I will never vote left and I will never get any jab from here forward !!!!
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With 15 years in the Bio-Med industry I tried to warn people prior to the Pandemic and vaccine inoculations that it WASN’T save and would never be but people just wouldn’t listen. I got ridiculed and beat down so I just gave up, to this day I am VACCINE free and will remain that way. I still talk about the effects of adding something to your DNA that CAN’T be removed. There were way too many lies about everything related to this pandemic and I still predict that millions more will die and it will continue for MANY generations as a result…..PERIOD….
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I have several skin diseases from exposure to chemicals while in the military in Vietnam working on aircraft. Primarily psoriasis and eczema. These diseases are permanent and involve my immune system. Anything can “trigger” them if it affects my immune system. I got my J&J vaccine and booster in 2020 and shortly after getting each one my diseases were triggered and I had severe blisters, sores, bleeding, itching all over my body except for my face! My doctors at the VA agree it was the vaccine and boosters that caused this and I suffered for 1 1/2 year before they found a treatment. I am NOT allowed to ever have any Covid vaccine or boosters as it could kill me but would definitely cause flares and severe reactions. Now I know the Covid Farce was all fake and no one ever should have had these vaccines or boosters and no need for anyone to wear a mask. Thanks Dr Fauci for your fraud! You and your friends caused me severe medical issues for your fraud!