At least two known sex offenders have been released in Texas after President Joe Biden’s sanctuary country orders, according to News 4 in San Antonio.
Aristides Jimenez, the former agent in-charge of South Texas Homeland Security Investigations, told the outlet, “They’re basically telling state and locals to just release them into the community. When ICE is not responding it underscores the importance of good information sharing and good public safety between state, local and federal entities.”
A total of 36 inmates have been release despite having an ICE retainer.
The change follows the president’s order in February to the Department of Homeland Security stop deportations unless the person is a known terrorist, gang member or has been recently convicted of an aggravated felony. The order allows for approximately nine out of 10 deportations to be stopped, according to Breitbart News.
The problem underscores the depth of the growing immigration crisis. The issue is not only about the quantity of illegal immigrants entering America. It’s also an issue of the kinds of immigrants sometimes entering and living in the nation.
Yes, it’s already concerning for deportations to stop, resulting in hundreds of thousands of new illegal immigrants in the U.S. during Biden’s first 100 days in office. However, it’s more problematic when known felons are released into the nation rather than held or deported.
What’s next? Does Biden want to create sanctuary cities for Mexican cartels? Maybe he can build a training camp for ISIS along the southern border while he’s at it. It’s not like he’s going to visit the border anytime soon, so he shouldn’t be too worried.
Vice President Kamala Harris isn’t heading to the border anytime in the near future either. Last the media reported, she wants to work with Mexico to plant trees.
Trees! Unfortunately, a forest along the border won’t stop the influx of immigrants. A wall would help, but Biden ended that too.
Harris seems convinced that she needs to visit nearly all 50 states and a few countries in Latin and Central America before taking on the border. So far, she’s covered Illinois, California, Connecticut, and North Carolina.
In fact, it’s difficult to come up with a single thing the Biden administration has accomplished that has helped protect the border. Arizona has sent its own National Guard to clean up Biden’s mess. Texas is trying to sue the Biden administration to make some progress.
How bad will it have to get before the border is closed to illegals? At what point will illegal immigrants be deported, especially those who are under arrest for criminal activities?
Unfortunately, it’s hard to tell if anything will turn the Biden admin around—except losing power in Washington. Conservatives really need to buckle up and prepare for the 2022 midterms. We can’t wait four years to do something.
A win in the House will at least slow down the immigration crisis. Until then, we’ll have to hold on, cry out for help and pray our country holds together long enough to make it to the next election.
Biden himself is a sex offender, as is his son Hunter, so that explains his having no qualms about releasing other sex offenders—including those of the illegal alien variety—onto our public streets and elsewhere to offend to their evil heart’s content. Birds of a feather flock, support, and work together etc. Any police, ICE, or border patrol officers who might try to stop this proliferation of criminal sex offenders from harming the public will immediately be accused of racism, vilified in the Fake News Media, defunded, and/or physically attacked by Soros-paid BLM and Antifa Communist thugs. Welcome to Biden’s America.
Biden has put our country in harms way. This migrant problem is the worst in American history. We ate in a pandemic and these migrants are just pouring into the United states. Biden is destroying our country, you can’t believe anything he says, the vice president too. THE ELECTION WAS RIGGED.
It is the Marxist playbook. Let the subjects fight for survival while the elites reap profit off the subjects labor. Fight for survival includes rampant crime (take away our guns and the crime reigns), food shortages (Gates is mapping out control of food distribution and the food credit vouchers), medical needs (that is controlled by insurance co. Executives), electricity/water (the elites will give us vouchers limiting our access), depopulation ( Gates plan using “vaccine” and Wuhan virus to eliminate the weaker of us) Housing/jobs (no private property rights will be recognized). Sounds like Venezuela ? Pinch yourself … it is real and planned for to overthrow the American people for control of commerce and money. God help us …
And “we the people” have constitutional authority to put an end to treasonous acts by OUR government without violence!
WE CAN put a stop to this IF we can work together (ALL races) for the good of OUR nation!
The pedophile/rapist fake President needs to pray that one of his sex offenders in crime doesn’t attack the wrong person. If they hurt someone I love or know, I’ll take it very personal. And I will hold biden and his gang responsible for the crime. Him and heels up Harris need to go. Whether it’s jail or hell makes no difference.
The only patriotic thing real Americans can do is get rid of the entire biden group of thugs. Impeachment is the first step.
He’s a sick man. Its hard to believe that in this country we have a man as president that you would never trust leaving your young daughter in a room alone with him. He is the type of person you would warn your young daughter to get away from and report the kind of actions that we’ve all seen the videos of him doing. As a father I would have no problem confronting someone thats done what he has done to young girls.
it is bad enough that he banned a motorcycle group from honoring the fallen Vets from all wars on Memorial Day. Did he ordered it or someone/group pulling his puppet strings
The military men and women who ride as well as any other riders should should say F/U to Biden and ride anyway to honor the fallen Vets. Would be quite interesting to see thousands of motorcycles show up and get turned away. Would make a large amount of chaos and very bad publicity to the Biden Administration.
2024 is way too long to wait. By then there will no longer be any voting by the people. It’s already in the hands of Congress. They own us and our country. Biden has turned us over to China and Russia. He Is taking our retirement away. Nothing is being done for American citizens. Only illegals, murderers, rapists. It’s time to take back control of our country. Our Founding fathers brought forth a new nation with their blood. We were a Constitutional Republic, not a Democracy. Our Constitution is bit by bit being destroyed. We are now being controlled by communists. All our rights are being taken away one at a time. Where are our military who swore to defend our country, foreign or DOMESTIC?
Stick to your American ideals: The Biden’s have been caught again in bed with the China Spy Rings,” Hunter” is now suppose to under investigation for working with Chinese spy rings. It’s apparent socialist Biden’s policies are not working, our country is in turmoil, beginning downslides of financial declines, in energy, employment, with total economic failures. Tax and spend, spend and tax is not a forward moving policy, it just points puts us in a quick trend towards total bankruptcy. Time for positive change, with leadership that can solve problems, not add to the false promise of equal government controlled solvency. The Biden’s have sold their American values for profit, power, and are now trying to hold that position of socialist, communist values at all cost. They are violating our Constitution, our principal, and most of all our American values. The Biden dictatorship is done, all are seeing the truth of his lies now, the worm is turning and America will return to it’s glory.
MORON, is the best way to describe “obiden”
Dems should ask vigorously for any election check, to proof the validity of elections.
No, they are strictly against any verification of elections, they know, most likely, there are some illegal activities involved.
Round up all the wetbacks, bus them to Calif. drop them off in front of Piglousy’s house, tell them they can stay their. Take the next load of 10000 to the State of Delaware drop them off all over Biden’s home state tell them to dig in like rats there. Continue the process.