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Illicit Affair, Corruption, Bigotry Prove Congresswoman Ilhan Omar Unfit for Office

The rise of extremism in the Democratic Party has ushered in a disgraceful wave of bigotry, corruption, illicit affairs that prove they are unfit to grace the halls of Congress.

The new wave of radical Democrats are led by four congresswomen the media has dubbed “The Squad.” New York socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC), Massachusetts Rep. Ayanna Pressley, Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib, and Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar have been points of controversy since the upstarts took the oath of office a little more than a year and a half ago.

Tlaib’s uttered a profanity laced tirade directed at President Trump as her first official act, and AOC spent taxpayer money crafting the nonsensical “Green New Deal” that no Democrats voted to pass. Members of the so-called Squad have also been accused of breaking campaign finance laws in their thirst for power.

Since wrestling the leadership mantle away from a helpless House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the Squad has pushed anti-Semitic policies, boycotts of the Jewish State, and Tlaib and Omar were literally banned from setting foot in Israel.

The latest Squad scandal involves a series of serious allegations that Rep. Omar, a known associate of the racist Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, funneled campaign money to a high-ranking staff member who she was engaged in an adulterous affair.

A recent divorce filing by Dr. Beth Mynett alleges that her husband was deeply engaged in an extramarital affair with the Somali-born Rep. Omar. The divorce papers claim that the doctor’s husband had made a “shocking declaration of love” for the Muslim congresswoman.

“The parties physically separated on or about April 7, 2019, when Defendant told Plaintiff that he was romantically involved with and in love with another woman, Ilhan Omar,” court documents filed by Dr. Mynett reportedly state.

“Defendant met Rep. Omar while working for her,’’ the court document states. “Although devastated by the betrayal and deceit that preceded his abrupt declaration, Plaintiff told Defendant that she loved him, and was willing to fight for the marriage. Defendant, however, told her that was not an option for him.”

When Congress opened for business, Speaker Pelosi backed down from calls to censure Omar for bigotry and anti-Semitic remarks. It was a telling sign that the upstarts had taken the leadership away from moderate Democrats and the old guard.

Since that submission to the will of radical extremists within the Democratic party, Rep. Omar has brought dishonor to Congress on an unprecedented level. Rep. Omar’s brazen racism is only equaled by her despicable intrusion into another women’s marriage.

“By way of example, days prior to Defendant’s devastating and shocking declaration of love for Rep. Omar and admission of their affair, he and Rep. Omar took the parties’ son to dinner to formally meet for the first time at the family’s favorite neighborhood restaurant while Plaintiff was out of town,” the court documents reportedly state.

“Rep. Omar gave the parties’ son a gift and the Defendant later brought her back inside the family’s home.”

As if home-wrecking was not damaging enough for the injured, married community member, Rep. Omar apparently engaged in efforts to publicly humiliate the woman.

But the allegations against Rep. Omar are not restricted to a filthy sex scandal. Recent reports indicate that she may have been funneling large sums of money to ply the man away from his marital bed.

Tim Mynett’s E Street Group has garnered more than $230,000 in campaign-related consulting and travel fees from his alleged lover Rep. Omar since 2018.

“Defendant’s more recent travel and long work hours now appear to be more related to his affair with Rep. Omar than with his actual work commitments,” the court filing reportedly states.

And everyday Americans may wonder how much of that money was used to fund rendezvous related to the alleged adulterous affair, and how much was just bait used by Rep. Omar to get a married man. The Muslim Congresswoman already has amassed a sordid relationship history that begs such questions.

According to background checks on Rep. Omar, she claimed to be married to her first political consultant, Ahmed Hirsi, aka Ahmed Aden. She faced tough questions when the pair filed joint tax returns in 2014 and 2015, without reportedly being legally married at the time.

Reports have come to light that she may have been married to another man during that period, Ahmed Nur Said Elmi. Rep. Omar reportedly fired Hirsi from her political advisement team before taking up with Mynett.

Before the rise of liberal extremism in the Democratic Party, any one of these transgressions would have colleagues calling for the congresswoman’s resignation. Ideas about patriotism, truth, and civility have been replaced by bigotry, adultery, and corruption by the far-left. Rep. Omar, the Squad, and Democrat leaders who turn a blind eye to this attack on decency are all unfit for office and the 2020 elections draw near.

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