With the midterms failing to adequately serve as a referendum on Joe Biden’s failures as president, the Democrats are now considering propeling him to a second term, rather than dumping him for someone younger, and without obvious Dementia.
There has been much speculation about whether or not the dementia-ridden president would seek a second term in 2024, but now that we’re mostly through midterms, and its obvious the red wave wasn’t a wave at all, the party seems to think it’s a good idea for him to lead the country for an extra four years.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D), who many suspected might retire herself, expressed support for Biden to seek reelection in 2024.
Pelosi, age 82, claimed that 80-year old Biden should run again because “he has accomplished so much,” and had a “great record.”
“President Biden has been a great president for our country,” said Pelosi. “Over 10 million jobs under his leadership. Working with the private sector, of course. He has just done so many things that are so great.”
“He’s put money in people’s pockets, vaccines in their arms, children back to school, people back to work, for starters, creating 10 million jobs,” she continued.
“He has made America independent by passing the CHIPS bill that says we’re no longer reliant on those who would withhold products that enable us to manufacture in our country.”
“The [Inflation Reduction Act]… $368 billion in good-paying green jobs, clean air, clean water for our children, national security issue to stop migrations and competition for habitat and food, as well as honoring our responsibility to future generations. The PACT Act, honoring our veterans, the bipartisan infrastructure bill, all of it with justice, with equity, with inclusiveness, with diversity, taking us to a new place. He has been a great president and he has a great record to run on.”
The policy changes Pelosi is praising are in reality just a number of far-left policies which have accelerated the economic and geopolitical decline of America, but maybe that’s exactly what Pelosi and her gang of America-hating leftists want.
The midterm results have emboldened the Democrats into propping up the failure of a president for a second term, and that’s a dangerous sign that things are about to get much worse in America.
Fox News contributor Dan Bongino warned that America will have to experience even more pain before people open their eyes and realize the Democrats are intentionally destroying the nation.
“You know the old adage: History doesn’t repeat itself, but it rhymes,” Bongino said.
“You’ve heard it a million times — it’s because it’s true. Things are just not bad enough yet for a lot of people to wake up from the Kool-Aid slumber. It’s just that simple.”
He then explained that the current series of crises Joe Biden created just aren’t enough for people to realize it’s because of him and the Democrats.
“Yeah, inflation is at record highs, the border is wide open, the fentanyl crisis is wiping out kids across the country. Crime is surging in liberal cities and the economy is in the gutter. Big government is trying to silence your voice, but apparently, all of this bad stuff just ain’t bad enough,” he said.
“Unfortunately, folks, bad stuff in these crises are going to get worse before some voters realize that it’s the Left’s fault,” the host warned.
Bongino noted that the critical question is, “How much worse is it going to get?”
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10 million people went back to the office instead of working from home! 401k’s and IRA’s have lost 25-30% of their value. biden got 13 American troops killed with his ill-planned and cowardly retreat from Afghanistan, not to mention the millions of dollars worth of military equipment he donated to the Taliban! Inflation is through the roof, and people can’t afford to buy food if they can even find it on all the empty shelves biden has created. Our energy independence is gone with bidens unilateral decision to stop drilling for fossil fuels. biden sniffs and gropes little girls like the pedophile that he is! So what is great about biden Nance? Never mind! Just go help Ol’ Hammerhead pack and GO AWAY!! Leave the gavel. Hahahaha!!
Not millions of military equipment, billions – weapons, ammo, 30+ K nite vision goggles, helicopters, hummers and on and on!!! Worse yet, he sacrificed the most strategic airport with regard to access to China in the world. And not to mention all the thousands of maimed and dead troops, and innocent civilians and the rape and pillage of the innocent people and those who believed in the US!!! And now we’re supppposed to believe what barfs from his mouth!!! God help us!!!
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Pelosi is so full of crap! Not one claim is based on reality.Have fun now because next several years are gonna be spent in the jail cell.