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Leaked Phone Call Exposes How Democrats Sought to BURY Discovery of 100K Illegal Voters and Cover Up Clear Election Fraud

Recently the news broke that the state of Arizona had nearly 100,000 non confirmed citizens on its voter rolls due what they’re claiming was a “glitch.”

But a leaked audio recording of a phone call revealed that when this story broke, the Democrats in charge of the state were SCRAMBLING to try and bury the truth.

This call took place back on September 10 and at the time original estimates were that as many as 150,000 voters could be affected.

The call was between Governor Katie Hobbs (D), Secretary of State Adrian Fontes (D) and Attorney General Kris Mayes (D) discussing how “urgent” it was that they hid the truth about these 100,000 illegal voters.


Throughout the call, the Democrat officials engage in a heated debate over what the best way for them to respond to this crisis was.

These Dems were trying to determine how they could save face to avoid being accused of election fraud.

Why would the Democrats fight so hard over how to handle this if it was just a harmless “glitch?

Governor Hobbs referred to the news as an “urgent, dire situation”  which needed to be dealt with whole AG Mayes said he was worried it would lead people to accuse them of trying to rig the 2024 election.

Interestingly enough, Gov. Hobbs – who served as the Secretary of State and oversaw elections in the state from 2019 to 2023 seemed concerned that this would open up probes into the past three Arizona elections.

When this goes public, it is going to have all of the ‘conspiracy theorists’ in the globe—in the world—coming back to re-litigate the past three elections, at least in Arizona,” Hobbs said.

“And it’s going to validate all of their theories about illegal voting in our elections, even though we all know that’s not true.

Hobbs was seemingly worried about the fact that people will catch on to the fact that this mountain of illegal voters is how the historically red state has suddenly been turned into a Democrat haven.

Fontes was the most vocal throughout the call and he said, “They’re going to beat us up no matter what the hell we do, no matter what the hell we say.”

After the leak of this call, spokespeople for the Democrats made it clear they never truly landed on a consensus.

A spokesperson for Fontes said that voting by non-citizens is “vanishingly rare.”

Governor Hobb’s spokesperson deflected by claiming that their handling of this crisis” instilled bipartisan confidence in Arizona’s free, fair, and secure elections.”

Attorney General Mayes refused to comment on the call.

Back in 2020 the presidential race, President Joe Biden oddly won the state by roughly 10,500 votes – a 0.3% margin.

President Donald Trump pointed to widespread electoral fraud and voting by non-citizens as the reason for this Biden “victory” and while many officials on the left and their pals in the media claimed that he was spreading “conspiracy theories” these dirty voter rolls PROVE he was telling the truth all along.

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