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Let’s See What Vital American Infrastructure Foreign Saboteurs Blew Up This Week

Massive large blaze fire in the city, brick factory building on fire, hell major fire explosion flame blast,  with firefighters team firemen on duty, arson, burning house destruction

We first started noticing explosions at food processing plants all across America back in 2022. Russia invaded Ukraine and Joe Biden promised Americans that we would have food shortages because of the war.

It seemed suspicious at the time when dozens of food processing plants started exploding in the middle of the night. Chickens and potato chips can randomly explode, right? No?

Fast-forward to 2024 and we suddenly have skyrocketing numbers of random fires and explosions happening at all types of facilities and plants across America. Are we just being paranoid?

The explosions and fires these days are not simply linked to food processing plants, although those are still occasionally blowing up in the middle of the night. We also have all types of manufacturing plants and other vital infrastructure being destroyed, and ships crashing into and destroying bridges.

We suspect that foreign saboteurs or commandos are operating in the country right now, thanks to Joe Biden’s open border policies. America is being killed through a “death of 1,000 cuts” as our vital infrastructure is sabotaged. If you think we’re exaggerating, let’s check and see what randomly exploded across the country this week.


A petrochemical company in Scottsville, TX, caught on fire on Sunday. The blaze was huge, as you’d expect at a chemical company. RB Products makes aromatic solvents, polyisobutylene, synthetic isoparaffins, PAO, additives, and aliphatic solvents.

Why would foreign saboteurs from Russia or China want to destroy that plant? No reason. Except maybe for the fact that the Department of Defense has been experimenting with synthetic isoparaffins as an alternative fuel for fighter jets since 2011.

This isn’t the first time that a major petrochemical plant has randomly been destroyed since Joe Biden started his proxy war in Ukraine. Last July, the Dow Chemical plant near Plaquemine, Louisiana exploded. The plant made ethylene oxide, which the US military uses for the AGM-114 Hellfire missile, the BLU-118/B thermobaric bomb, the XM1060 40mm thermobaric grenade, and the SMAW-NE antitank missile.

On Monday, the Tesla plant in Fremont, CA, caught on fire. It took the fire department several hours to put the blaze out.

Also on Monday, the OMNIS Bailey fertilizer plant in West Finley Township, PA was the site of a massive fire.

In Redwood City, CA, a metal recycling plant caught on fire this week. Some of the scrap metal at the plant has chemical foam material on it, which made the smoke from the blaze especially toxic, and the fire was very difficult to put out.

In Eastman, GA, a company called OHS Resources exploded on Wednesday. The plant manufactures hemp-related products. Three workers were injured in the explosion and one person needed to be airlifted to the hospital.

In Santee, CA, a water treatment plant that was under construction caught fire on Wednesday. When a news station from San Diego flew its helicopter over the blaze, they noticed that two separate fires were burning in different locations at the construction plant. That’s normal, right? Fires breaking out at two separate locations? No? The cost of constructing the plant is $950 million, and it’s unknown whether the fire is going to delay its construction now.

In Manchester, KY, the Vinland Energy Plant caught on fire on Thursday. The fire department was forced to evacuate a nursing home next to the plant because of a significant propane leak. Fortunately, there were no explosions or deaths, but the fire department did have to knock down a large propane burn.

In Idaho Falls, ID, a hot asphalt plant caught fire on Thursday night. When the fire department arrived, flames were shooting 30 feet in the air right next to oil tanks that were being fed by a natural gas line. If the fire department had gotten there any time later, it could have resulted in a massive oil and natural gas explosion.

So, that’s eight fires and explosions in six different states between Sunday and Friday this week. All of them took place at important manufacturing or infrastructure sites. (Well… maybe the Tesla plant fire wasn’t that important.) Is it all just random coincidence? Why does this keep happening every week? Are we a nation of incompetent idiots, where our stuff just keeps exploding week after week? Or is there something more sinister going on?

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7 thoughts on “Let’s See What Vital American Infrastructure Foreign Saboteurs Blew Up This Week”

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  3. There no way that this is not planned out by DEMOCRAT supporter! You can sit down and just ask yourself WHY? Take a look back through the last 50 years! You will find your answer! And the answer to your question, WHY? IT ALL ABOUT DESTROY AMERICA! All due to country that don’t have intelligent people to help build business for them! NOPE! That not it! You see just checked out every country around the WORLD! You will notice a great deal are SOCIALISM CONTROL OVER THEIR PEOPLE! Why? There are those country that ARE NOT UNDER A SOCIALIST GOVERNMENT, and these are country were people are free to live and prosperity in life! But those under SOCIALISM CONTROL are mostly poor country that people depend upon their government to help them get by! But are only given a limit of help! Because THESE COUNTRY ARE CONTROL BY WEALTHY POLITICIANS WHO CONTROL THE MONEY, FOOD SUPPLY, HEALTH CARE! They pick and choose who live or died! They are country that WANT TO DESTORY AMERICA BECAUSE THEY CAN’T CONTROL IT! So these government try to BRIBERY AMERICAN POLITICIANS TO DO FOR THEM THEY DONE TO THEIR OWN PEOPLE! Help destory America economic! That why you see EVERY TIME THEIR A DEMOCRAT CONTROL CONGRESS AND PRESIDENT. AMERICA EITHER CREATED A WAR, HIGHER TAXES, FOOD SHORTAGE, OR FAILING TO LISTEN TO THE PEOPLE! ALL FOR THE BRIBERY MONEY FROM FOREIGN GOVERNMENT AND GEORGE SORO! So WHY? DO YOU CONTINUED VOTING FOR DEMOCRAT POLITICIANS WHO HAS DONE NOTHING BUT LIES TO YOU! Just like Obama did to the BLACK PEOPLE! He DOD NOTHING FOR THEM! But killed FULL TIME JOBS, THAT COMPANY TURN INTO PART TIME JOB! BECAUSE NOT ONE DEMOCRAT POLITICIANS READ OBAMA CARE! REMEMBER IT WAS NANCY PELOSI WHO SAID “LET US PASSED THIS BILLS, SO WE CAN SEE WHAT IN IT!” That there were words of CORRUPT POLITICIANS!

  4. So Where’s Biden, the DOJ, FBI, CIA, & THE ALPHABET AGENCIES in all these Happenings?
    Waiting to hear about them on the 6:00 News?

  5. First was the covid shut down, then the rise in fuel cost bought extensively overseas to curtailing US production, the raid on the national fuel reserves to deplete it’s contents, the rush to make the bird flu the big reason to curtailing movement prior to the elections, the forgiveness of student loan debts at taxpayers expense to garner votes even after the Supreme Court said it is illegal, the unrestricted movements of illegal’s into our country in the course of 11 million known and the flights that are bringing in thousands more monthly, the recent legal moves across the nation to count the illegal’s votes for the up coming elections, the dictator style criminal charges against his opponent one down and still more trials to come designed to tie him up in court during the election cycle with gag orders in place to prevent political speech.
    We are indeed a third World political country now! Thanks to Biden’s democratic socialist’s efforts to make the election one-sided and not about his failures but Trump’s political charges as a distraction!

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