Will wonders never cease! A foaming-at-the-mouth Trump hater who use to work for the Treasury Department has been sent to jail for her role in the Russian collusion saga.
Don’t get too excited, though. She’s not going to jail because of her relentless efforts to hurt Donald Trump. The Swamp is sending her to jail because her overzealous leaking of classified materials to the media gave Robert Mueller’s team a bunch of headaches.
But still – she’s a peach! Wait until you get a load of this gal and what she did to help drag the country through more than three years of Russiagate BS.
The former official’s name is Natalie Mayflower Sours Edwards. She was a high-ranking advisor in the US Department of the Treasury in 2017, which you will remember as the first awesome year of having Donald Trump as your president. Natalie Mayflower Sours Edwards worked at the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, otherwise known as FinCEN. That’s a really important job in an important federal agency.
And boy, is this story going to bolster your confidence in our government employees!
Ever since 9/11, banks have been required to file “suspicious activity reports” (SARs) with FinCEN anytime a person makes a “suspicious” transaction with their own money. “Suspicious” is so loosely defined that a SAR is filed against anyone who takes out as little as $4,000 of their own money in cash from their own bank account. That might not trigger an FBI investigation of your finances, but a SAR is definitely filed if you’ve ever done that.
Due to the sensitive nature of suspicious activity reports, they are supposed to be confidential. SARs are supposed to be a safety measure to keep an eye on terror groups like Al Qaeda or ISIS, but everyday Americans have SARs filed against them all the time. The confidentiality of SARs protects your right to privacy, so that you’re not branded as a terrorist if you pay cash for a used car or something.
Because the threshold for “suspicious” is so low, there are a ton of SARs filed every single day. Most of them are never investigated and never go anywhere. They’re just filed away as computer records at FinCEN.
When Donald Trump was sworn in as the Greatest President Ever in January of 2017, a lunatic named Natalie Mayflower Sours Edwards began feverishly poring through FinCEN’s confidential SAR reports. She was part of the #Resistance, and she was going to do her part to take down Literally Hitler. She tracked down every SAR report with the name “Trump” on it. She also searched for SAR reports on Paul Manafort, every Russian diplomat stationed in the US, Rick Gates, and that poor Russian immigrant girl who was dating an NRA official.
And she gave them all to the internet’s most famous cat blog – Buzzfeed News.
You probably remember Buzzfeed for the reckless, irresponsible and dumb reporting on the Russian collusion hoax for several years. They were the only news outlet in the world that decided to publish the Steele dossier after John McCain gave it to them. (Every other news outlet refused to publish or talk about the dossier, because none of the information in it was ever proven true.) Buzzfeed’s publication of the Russia dossier opened the floodgates for the media to help James Comey gin up the Russia hoax.
Buzzfeed’s reporting was so bad that in June of 2017, Robert Mueller was forced to take the rare act of publicly denouncing Buzzfeed. Even though they were being aided and abetted by a steady stream of illegally leaked SAR reports from Natalie Mayflower Sours Edwards, Buzzfeed’s reporting was so incorrect the Mueller had to tell them to shut up.
Natalie Mayflower Sours Edwards was finally caught and arrested. Not because she was leaking the confidential banking records of Donald Trump, Manafort or the others, but because she was leaking the SAR reports on the Russian diplomats. The “suspicious” transactions that Buzzfeed kept getting its hands on actually proved that the Russians weren’t giving cash to anyone even vaguely related to the Trump campaign (they were paying for swanky dinners in DC). Mueller had to shut Natalie Mayflower Sours Edwards down because her “help” was proving Trump’s innocence. Whoops!
In case you think I’m exaggerating by describing Natalie Mayflower Sours Edwards as a nut, when the courts asked her to identify herself at her sentencing hearing, she introduced herself as a “matriarch warrior whose spirit cannot be broken.” Your Treasury Department, American taxpayers!
For leaking more than 2,000 confidential SAR reports to Buzzfeed, the matriarch warrior was sentenced to six months in federal prison. At least it’s something.
Better Late than Never, I believe that when the “TRUTH” finally comes out and Law-abiding
Citizens that are supposed to practice the Law get their “Second Wind” and actually do their Job, We the People will be witnessing more Criminals Jailed
Wish your comment was true, but don’t hold your breath. The GOP doesn’t have the balls to go after anyone.
Too many GOP have their own corruption they don’t want to get out. Nothing happens to those at the top because they all know about the crimes of the others, indict one and by the time it’s all over we won’t have a government left.
Yep, you’ve said a mouthful! Even as the msjority, they will want the corrupt Dems to “like” them, so they wouldn’t dare treat Dems as Dems treat them.
God I hope so,but with Dems in control don’t hold your breath ?
There are many more biased, angry, untrustworthy employees and officials just like Natalie violating laws and committing criminal acts inside our nation’s corrupt federal, state, and local governments. Natalie’s the rarest of the rare — a highly placed official who’s been actually held accountable for her crimes. Her punishment is equivalent to a slap on the wrist, but at least she got a slap. That’s one tiny drop of justice in a sea of corruption and sedition.
Absolutely true….and it’s throughout the whole government.
Defund the bureaucracy; Defend the police
I like this one… we have spine
less politicians… it seems like they all want to go to each others cocktail parties… so the Republican leaders won’t “offend ” the Dems,,, who then mow them down without a thought.
This is how democrats get up the political ladder, go to jail, come out and the dems reward you with a great position anywhere. Look at doper Hunter now a professor at university 101. Wonder if grandpa Biden has seen his granddaughter by his son Hunter.
Duane — Yes, and they often become well paid broadcast analysts on the Fake News Media channels or receive massive money-laundered payments-in-advance by leftist publishers for a ghost written book no one reads but which Soros will buy by the thousands and then warehouse to get it onto the NYT best seller list. Corrupt leftists look out for each other.
Duane — If the mother is wise she’ll keep her daughter far away and forever removed from having even the slightest contact with the evil Biden clan—especially the pedophiles Dad Hunter and Grandpa Joe.
Hurray – “1” down and many more to go ! Hallelujha ! Hallelujha !
Using “sarcasm” to amplify criminality of one’s actions totally redirects journalistic writings into alignment with lying, legacy media outlets who wouldn’t recognize truth if it bit them in the @$$. Now is the time to extend to humans who can read, write or listen the freedom to draw their own conclusions based on FACTS. NO MORE “INFLUENCING” AS PRACTICED BY THE DEEP STATE SWAMP!
Anonymous — Marxists, the New World Order, and the CIA despise actual, verifiable, validated facts. The CIA set up Operation Mockingbird under the Dallas brothers back in the 1950s to control, manipulate, suppress, propagandize, and invent the news we hear every day, and the culmination of all that deceit is today’s Fake News Media.
Every day, we just keep racking up the wins, that win over the Vendetta players, that have no reason to be a winner, so they just in the end get screwed anyway. So keep on going winners, we know what you caused to be lost for those who liked to see you win too, and the end game you did, till you have what you reaped boomerang you right back, and for what real reason. You really hate yourselves from within, and till that is mended by you, you want everyone to be as miserable as you. Well, they are miserable and the BIG CHINA DICTATOR cares really less about anyone one, so you reap it all.
Time to pass this on and make sure this is heard by as many as you know, we need to get back on the winning and with this we will keep and make AGA
Six months, wow! That is a state paid vacation for this nut case. She should have gotten at least six years, if she was a Republican you know she would have gotten that or even more.
She should have gotten the maximum penalty! Six months is a slap in the face of America! And— she will be right back out there, in a high level job, doing the same thing!
6 months, are you joking? She’s a flipping terrorist.
That whole long ass story that was more about trying to describe how “kooky” a government employee is rather than focusing on her whistle blowing on Russians spending money in America, is shoddy “journalism” masquerading as “news”, the “reporter”can do better.
Colateral damage
Too many names! Definite left wingnut. Mentally unstable, like most liberals. Drain the Swamp!