Americans Can’t Afford 4 More Years of Joe Biden

Here is a statistic that should keep Democrats out of power for the next 50 years or so, if only we could get voters to understand and accept it: The price of a new home mortgage payment has gone up 93% during Joe Biden’s time in the White House. A new home mortgage payment has nearly doubled to $3,322 per month, compared to $1,787 per month when Donald Trump left office. For members of Generation Z, many millennials, and even a few GenXers, home ownership in America is permanently out of reach for you if this continues.

Those numbers come from a Wall Street Journal analysis of prices. Compared to when Donald Trump was in office, young Americans are now frozen out of the American dream of owning a home. It’s just never going to happen. With interest rates as high 8%, it costs roughly a million dollars to pay off a $400,000 home. The average down payment on a new home in California right now is $120,000. Most Americans don’t have enough in savings to pay for a car repair, let alone a down payment.

Mortgage rates did drop to 7% last week, but that’s still more than double the rate before the 2020 election was stolen from the American people. And this problem isn’t going away anytime soon. The Federal Reserve has been jacking interest rates up aggressively since last year to try to slow down “Bidenflation.”


After just three years of having His Fraudulency in the White House, buying a home is more expensive than at any other time in American history. Bidenflation has been running so hot that family budgets are being devoured just paying for groceries, gas, and the electric bill. If you think things are going to turn around soon, consider this: Hasbro just fired 20% of its workforce because American parents aren’t buying new toys for their kids this year. Parents can’t afford Christmas.

Hopefully people haven’t forgotten, but inflation was near zero percent when Donald Trump was in office. We actually had a month or two in 2020 when inflation was at zero. Which means the money in your wallet didn’t actually lose any value for that month. Inflation was low enough thanks to the Trump presidency that American wages were rising for the first time since the 1970s.

The housing situation is only going to keep getting worse and worse for the next few years because Joe Biden has thrown the southern border wide open. Even mainstream economists are finally starting to realize what I’ve been saying for years.

Housing is FINITE.

We only have a limited number of housing units in America, and everyone needs one of those. When you invite 20 million foreigners in, as Joe Biden has, there aren’t enough housing units to go around. Scarcity drives the price of homes through the roof.

El Paso has 2,000 illegal aliens showing up and crossing the border every single day. How many empty apartments do you suppose El Paso has on any given day? A couple hundred, tops? A hundred? If you think that El Paso has 14,000 empty apartments just sitting there waiting to absorb a week’s worth of arrivals, you need to get out more.

There’s no housing available in El Paso, so the illegals move on to the next town, and the next one, and the next one. Before you know it, there’s no housing available in rural towns across America, because the demand for housing has outstripped the supply by so much.

The mayors of big cities like New York and Chicago already see this dynamic in action. New York City didn’t have 100,000 empty apartments just waiting for all the illegal aliens that have showed up there in the past year, thanks to Joe Biden.

The leaders of the Democrat Party hate America. They have no solutions for these problems. They don’t want to solve these problems. They want you to live in a pod, eat the bugs, own nothing, and be happy, because they’re a bunch of global warming cultists who actually work for the World Economic Forum.

One candidate running for president next year has a solution to all of this. If you’re a member of Generation Z and you ever want to be a homeowner, you need to vote for Donald Trump next year.

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3 thoughts on “Americans Can’t Afford 4 More Years of Joe Biden”

  1. I just got paid 7268 Dollars Working off my Laptop this month. And if you think that’s cool, My Divorced friend has twin toddlers and made 0ver $ 13892 her first m0nth. It feels so good making so much money when other people have to work for so much less.
    This is what I do………> > >

  2. Another benefit that is deprived to some if not most American citizens is Education, Medical and jobs costs to illegals.

  3. Biden is so far from being “legally” elected as the moon is from Earth.He was placed by the evil wing of the Democrat party and CCP

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