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New Study Finds Arizona’s 2022 Election Had More Ballots Counted Than the Number of Cast Votes

Our elections in many states are about as fake and stupid as the Bud Light marketing department. How does this keep happening? A new review of the 2022 midterm election in Arizona found that there were more ballots counted than the number of registrants who voted.

The same thing happened in Pennsylvania when the 2020 election was stolen from President Trump. In Nevada, 15 of 17 counties had more ballots than the number of registered voters in that same election.

At what point does the evidence become insurmountable?

John Lott, PhD, and Steven Smith of the America First Legal Foundation have just published their review of the 2022 midterm election in Arizona. They discovered what they call a potential 8,241-vote discrepancy in the results. The number of ballots counted was 8,241 more than the number of registered voters that the Secretary of State’s office says voted. More ballots than voters, in other words.

The Attorney General race in 2022 was decided by 280 votes. Kari Lake supposedly “lost” by 17,117 votes.

As we noted a few weeks ago, there are still 8,000 provisional ballots in Arizona that have never been counted. 8,000 here, 8,241 there, and all of a sudden it doesn’t sound like Kari Lake is such a Nazi white supremacist QAnon insurrectionist, does it?


There are only a handful of reasons why this could be happening, and none of them are good. What are those options?

The first obvious thing that comes to mind is maybe the Democrat-controlled election offices are double-counting ballots for Democrat candidates. We know this is one of the many tactics they used in the 2020 election. We watched Ruby Freeman do it on video at State Farm Arena in Fulton County, GA. She jammed stacks of ballots through the counting machines up to 5 or 6 times after the election observers were sent home for the night. That would be the most logical way to end up with more ballots than voters.

The second option is that the Democrats are stuffing ballots that are completely and utterly fake into the system. These would have to be ballots for which no voter actually exists. This option is not likely, because it could be easily discovered right now by a cursory inspection of Arizona’s voter rolls. So, it doesn’t seem like this is what’s happening.

The third option is that the voting machines are effed up and incapable of counting. This is entirely possible, and yet another reason to switch to a paper-ballots-only system and hand-counting every ballot.

Lott’s team of researchers set out with a very simple goal, “To match the total number of registered voters listed as voting with the total number of ballots counted in the Arizona 2022 general election. Doing so would enable us to see if the vote totals were consistent or if they revealed discrepancies.”

They didn’t try to determine whether any discrepancies were intentional or accidental. They just looked at the simplest metric – do the numbers match up? If your receipts consistently don’t match up with the amount of cash in the register at the end of your shift, guess who has some explaining to do with the boss?

This isn’t the first time that Lott and his team have found massive discrepancies. After the 2020 election, they did a nationwide study of what happened. All ballots are supposed to be preserved, untouched, for 22 months after a federal election. Only 6% of county election officials and two secretaries of state in the entire country were able to produce the ballots they were supposed to have preserved. Out of the 6% that followed the law, there was a 2.89% discrepancy rate in one of two directions.

There were either more ballots cast than the number of registered voters, or more registered voters than the number of ballots counted (which means someone is destroying Republican ballots).

Here’s another damning piece of evidence. Lott’s team found the 8,241-vote discrepancy in Arizona’s 2022 election after studying only 6 counties. Arizona has 15 counties total, so there could be an even bigger discrepancy if the entire state were to go through a real audit. Hey, Republican-controlled Arizona legislature: ARE YOU GUYS LISTENING???

You can read Lott’s full findings HERE.

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9 thoughts on “New Study Finds Arizona’s 2022 Election Had More Ballots Counted Than the Number of Cast Votes”

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  1. Trump was correct, here in Georgia we saw corruption every night on local TV with Ballot stuffing, rerunning ballots that came in the middle of the night at the convention cent and ran multiple times through the counters. Stacy Abrahams was trying to get dead people on the ballots.

  2. Everyone makes a big fuss over voting Democrat or republican, it doesn’t matter their all corrupt. Our goverment is 3 times the size it was intended to be. They over regulate, over tax, over spend. Now they want to stiffle free speech and limit honest media. They want them to be their propaganda machine. Next is control of medicine and our food supply. Do your research it’s already happening.

  3. Neither the Democrats nor Republicans want the corrupt election system to end. Over the years they’ve changed their rules of order to eliminate any intelligent debate or legislative action. Here in AZ, Maricopa County especially, we have the Uniparty in power. Biggs and Gosar are the only 2 who aren’t part of the Uniparty, which means they’re outnumbered and will never accomplish anything significant. Hobbs (AKA “the Hobbit”) is a good example: literally anyone who can still think logically knows beyond any doubt that she didn’t win the election for governor, yet here we are… The legislature continues along as though nothing is wrong, the Hobbit becomes the veto queen of America and still nothing is done… Just like Biden – all the world knows Trump won the 2020 election, yet our entire government just watches as Biden’s handlers (Rice, Obama, etc.) drive the world toward a global devastation greater than anything in recorded history. Ever. Our politicians and bureaucrats stand for nothing except themselves.

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