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Proud Boys Leader Reveals DOJ Tried to Coerce Him into LYING About Trump and January 6th to FRAME Former President Donald Trump

The corrupt DOJ doesn’t seem to be contempt with hurling countless indictments at former President Donald Trump in the hopes that it will keep him from becoming president again.

Apparently, the Justice Department has been going so far as to try and get people to LIE about Trump’s involvement in crimes to FRAME him – and ultimately lock him away for things he never did.

Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio was one of those individuals targeted by the DOJ, revealing that they tried to get him to falsely link Trump to January 6 to bring him down!


Tarrio, who was recently sentenced to 22 years for his own involvement in the supposedly “deadly riot” that was J6, said that the DOJ offered to cut him a deal ONLY IF he helped them frame Trump.

“They asked me to LIE about President Trump in order to indict him,” Enrique Tarrio said, “I told them to pound sand, and because I refused to lie about President Trump it cost me twenty-two years of my life.”

“The truth is, I could have been home,” said Tarrio. “I could have been home a long time ago. I could be in my warm ass bed right now, laughing at the world, without a problem…and all I had to do in order to do that WAS LIE ABOUT TRUMP. All I had to do was confirm a lie.”

Biden’s absolutely CROOKED DOJ is so obsessed with rigging the 2024 election by putting Trump behind bars that they flat-out asked Tarrio to lie – and then punished him for refusing to do so.

Tarrio claimed that the DOJ attempted to coerce him into signing a false statement that would implicate Trump by swearing that “through several degrees of separation and connections, Tarrio had communicated with Trump regarding ‘plans’ for January 6th.”

According to the political prisoner, two Biden officials – DOJ Lead Prosecutor Jocelyn Ballantine and Assistant US Attorney Jason McCullough – were leading the charge.

It should come as no surprise that these two individuals have been part of the effort to “get” Trump for some time, both of them having been involved in the RussiaGate sham.

Ballantine was caught up in a scandal where the DOJ was forced to admit that they altered evidence in an attempt to prosecute General Michael Flynn. She was also caught lying during a DOJ investigation of Strzok and McCabe – yet she is still a top official in Merrick Garland’s DOJ.

Meanwhile, Tarrio was not even present at the Capitol himself on January 6 because federal officials had him arrested and detained two days prior, but that didn’t stop the DOJ from using the events against him in the hopes he would help them frame Trump.

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32 thoughts on “Proud Boys Leader Reveals DOJ Tried to Coerce Him into LYING About Trump and January 6th to FRAME Former President Donald Trump”

  1. All we require for employment is a dependable smart phone, an Internet connection, and a responsible individual. For all students, regardless of age, whether they are currently enrolled in school, have recently graduated, or are jobless.
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      1. Susan needs to reset her head and begin to realize that the biggest liars today are the Democrats who are “in power” now! We the People must gain control of our government. By this I mean Dems and Reps – especially those who have been in office more than 12 years. TERM LIMITS are a must!

    1. The truth finally comes out! Its not Trump that took the 5 million dollars bribes from China, it was cheating Biden and his son!

      1. Yep. Ya’ nailed it. They also got a couple of $500,000.00 checks from Zelensky’s Ukraine too, according to what I read several months ago.

      2. We need to get rid of the demons in Washington D.C.The clan is still going strong.
        The KKK has stopped off in Washington and we need to clean up that evil bunch of good for nothing trash now ! They had one reason to go to Washington! To kill,steal and destroy our country . Congratulations! You are doing a good job, at what you do best and the only thing you know is evil, Wake up ! AMERICA! ?? Before it is too late!

    2. Name one lie and show me the verifiable proof. Claims mean nothing without facts to back them up and I’m betting you can’t produce even one.

      1. The Comment above was directed to Susan who claims Republicans lie, lie, lie etc.

        September 18, 2023 at 1:58 pm

    3. With all the stuff that is coming out on a daily basis, and past performances I would have to disagree with you and claim the Dems are the culprit.

    4. Yea, and the BIG GU and his CRACKHEAD PIMP son are sterling, aren’t they?

      You want to talk about LIES, LIES, LIE? Start with that. But don’t worry, the proof is in the pudding and soon it will be impossible for LYING CHJINA JOE, will not be able to find a hiding place, especially after Obama is also brought into the circle of LYING SCUMNBAGS

    5. OK, congratulations! you are either a bot or one of the dumbest people on earth! I am hoping the former because I don’t want to believe someone can be this completely braindead!
      God Help US!!!!

    6. You say that the republicans lie? framng Terrio of the proud boy’s to lie for AG Merrick is not lieing? What is framing to convict under false accusation? Can’t you democrats think?

    7. I am curious how did you reach this conclusion. Lies and lies?
      Please elaborate and if you can ,throw in some proof to prove your statement. After all, who will people believe? A guy who got more than twenty years for doing nothing or you who , apparently, are a die hard Democrat thieve

    8. Liberal that can’t Susan you sound like a typical liberal that can’t see the truth right in front of them the man had every reason to go along with them and didn’t because it was a lie so who’s the people that are lying now you need to take a look at those Democrats and the doj and and then think about who’s actually doing the lying here

    9. You better wake up ! You are the problem! Ignorant stupid person ! You are dumber Thy dumb. That is America’s problem. Brain washing the ignorant people that, they are bringing in illegally to vote for them . Dumping them on the conservative States to cause us trouble . There is a GOD in heaven ! He said ! HE would avenge us ! Love to see it today ! Yes ! And Amen! DONE ! ????

  2. We do not have a fair system for non Democrats. If you are a corrupt Democrat you get by with anything, even treason. If you are pro-life, Catholic, you are targeted by Biden’s justice system. We no longer have free speech, the right to protest or control over our schools.
    The ten commandments are still valid and God will be the final judge.

    1. The time has come to “roll in the tanks and armored vehicles” via the military to arrest and cart off to FEMA CAMPS at gunpoint all the corrupt politicians in Washington D.C. An American Tienanmen Square is now called for because of these disgusting politicians and their illegal antics. A Military COUP of Washington D.C. at gunpoint is all that’s going to STOP these mentally ill people.

    2. To Elizabeth. Sorry. I feel sorry for the democrat. Even if the copy’s of the ten commanemts are not on public display. They are still part of our justice system. As long as we are blievers in God, there you find them.

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  4. If Ballantine has committed the crime of lying under oath more than once why is that worthless whore still working for the DOJ at minimum should should be rotting in a prison cell.

  5. Do all of you realize our founding fathers and mothers would have already HUNG or SHOT most of these DEMONRATS for the crime of TREASON against the UNITED STATES of AMERICA!!!

    1. AMEN TO THAT! By the way, We the People should watch or read 1776 again and again and again. Every one of those Founding Father’s were literally fighting for their lives. Here we are, a bunch of spoiled brats acting like total jerks. When will we all put the survival of our Country first and foremost?!

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