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Sen. Graham Ready to Go to War for Chick-Fil-A: ‘I Have Chick-Fil-A’s Back’

South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham expressed his support for Chick-Fil-A in a series of tweets this week after a group of students and faculty wrote a letter asking the University of Notre Dame to stop the school from opening a location on its campus.

Nearly 180 University of Notre Dame students and faculty signed an open letter to call on the school’s Campus Dining division to stop the newly proposed campus location.

“The letter writers, Tilly Keeven-Glascock and Joey Jegier, accused Chick-fil-A of donating millions to ‘queerphobic groups,’ which they said include the nonprofit Fellowship of Christian Athletes. And they objected to owner Dan Cathy’s personal donations to organizations like the National Christian Charitable Foundation, which they alleged ‘funds hate groups,’” according to Fox News.

In one tweet, Graham said, “I want everyone in South Carolina and across America to know I have Chick fil-A’s back. I hope we don’t have to, but I will go to war for the principles Chick fil-A stands for. Great food. Great service. Great values. God bless Chick fil-A!”

In another tweet, the senator said, “It’s disappointing to hear some ND students and faculty want to ban Chick-fil-A from doing business on campus because they disagree with the values held by the Chick-fil-A founders. What a dangerous precedent to set.”


His support may have helped. Notre Dame later announced it plans to move forward with the new campus location of Chick-Fil-A.

The latest Chick-Fil-A culture battle represents one of the more ridiculous attacks of cancel culture. Choose a popular company that at one time in the past did something that offended the LGBTQ community by helping other people and attempt to end their business.

The pattern can be found repeatedly in online petitions and “progressive” outlets. There is no attempt to negotiate. These social justice warriors are better described as social justice terrorists hell bent on ending the livelihoods of anyone who disagrees with them.

The humorous part of this plot is that those leading the petition claim they are the inclusive ones who accept everyone no matter who they are. Evidence points to the opposite.

When there’s a disaster in town, which restaurant is most likely to show up with donated food? Chick-Fil-A tends to come to mind. When it comes to top customer service, who comes to mind? Chick-Fil-A again.

But some activists have to make chicken political. It’s too bad. Even if you’re vegan or don’t want to harm the planet with another Styrofoam cup, Chick-Fil-A tends to be good business for the community.

Now maybe Notre Dame students can enjoy some of benefits of Graham’s favorite. He recommends a #1 with Coke Zero, saying you can’t go wrong with that.

Amazing how controversial a meal can be these days. Maybe some waffle fries and sweet tea is the way to unite Americans in a time when people stand in dire need of some way to come together.

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22 thoughts on “Sen. Graham Ready to Go to War for Chick-Fil-A: ‘I Have Chick-Fil-A’s Back’”

  1. If we do not stand for something we shall fall for anything,People really need to wake up,our country was always based on good principles and morals,faith in God,wisdom toward our future,love in our hearts,so where is our country going if we do not take a stand .God bless us all.

    1. Funny thing is the few that want to ban everything is the group that most of Americans want to ban…


  2. I ate there in Liberty as their food is very good and generous. And boy were the busy, cars lined up in two lanes for take out and some inside getting take out but you don’t wait long for your food.

  3. They are so blind they can not see and deaf they do not hear. They have no thoughts of their own. Herd mentality fueled by hate from others.
    Good and evil. Hopefully they will find the truth before they die…eternity is a very long time.
    We need to stand in agreement in Jesus that the eyes of the blind and the ears of the deaf will be opened. That they will know the truth and the truth WILL set them free.

  4. Today, public schools attempt to teach love, forgiveness, compassion, and understanding in the absence of God! It can’t be done. When I was in elementary school, we attended released time religious education. We were bussed to the local churches one morning per week and taught about God. Although my brothers and sister and myself were also taken to Sunday School and Church every Sunday by our parents. If friends stayed over, they went with us.. Our society today is an example of this lack of knowledge as they spew forth nothing but hatred and division!

    1. I do not see it teaching any of that. I see education on “diversity” and promoting gender warping not to mention anti-religion. The teachers union is the most communistic union in the US.

  5. The liberal left should be considered a cancer to our freedom; and treated with cancer cures. Starting with surgeries, we can cut out and dispose the disease. Otherwise they will consume us and we will be the ones who will die. Stay strong and true and NEVER give in to them. They are just a passing phase like bell bottom pants. People will get tired of their lies and destroy them. You can’t kill our spirit. Give them enough rope and they will hang themselves. God bless America! Keep the faith. We shall overcome this disease. Remember them when you vote. UNINSTALL THE cancer out starting with Facebook, Twitter, and A.O. C. Etc. She is VERY DANGEROUS.

  6. This surprises me–Notre Dame?! This is a Catholic college. Don’t these students already know the Lord? Why would they want to attend a school that I’m sure has some religion classes, if they don’t believe in God? If they don’t want to eat at their Chik-Fil-A on campus, they don’t have to. I’m sure that’s not the only place to eat.

    1. God ? Whose , there are many. None of you realize that YOU are a Creator that makes your own reality. N D is just projecting it’s beliefs on it’s campus. Who are you with chicken spines to say otherwise?

  7. We must push back against these leftest communistic college professors and their brain washing. I think parents should check out the professors at these colleges that preach that kind garbage to be sure your children are not going to those classes with a leftest professor. I don’t understand why any parent would want to pay thousands of dollars to have their child brain washed instead of taught the subject they signed up for.

  8. 180 students out of how many? These students are a waste of space. Give their 180 places to students who will use their education wisely! It is not their decision as to who the chick a filet corporation donates to or why! If you don’t like their corporate ventures, don’t eat there. There is something called free enterprise and the 180 students don’t own the University!

    1. I think you hit it right on the head. If they are going for an education for a profession then shut up and get one. Like you said, if they don’t like the place, don’t eat there!

  9. God Bless Chick-fil-A and Sen. Lindsey Graham for STANDING FIRM on your VALUES my prayers are with you all. We have to stay STRONG to what we believe in because if not any student and faculty of a University or Government, even place of employment will try to dictate to us what to believe in.

  10. When we are traveling, we always look for a Chick-Fil-A – we are sad we do not have one here in Midland, MI. They are wonderful and always treat ALL people with respect that we have seen. Everything Lindsay Graham says is true and we all should be grateful for a company built upon good Christian values…that represent what America is all about…we can tell when we eat there. A quality business with quality food and service.

  11. If Pelosi and Biden (Catholic) can abort babies, I guess Notre Dame can reject Chick fil A. Does the president of Notre Dame (Fr Jenkins) know what they are teaching them now?

  12. Why does Norte Dame, a Catholic college, hire atheist professors? The college needs to clean house and hire professors who uphold Catholic Christian values!

  13. Maybe parents should have their children go into the Military and save their money. They will learn respect and admiration for their flag and America. Schools are teaching our next generation awful things from grade school and on. Vipers are in every level of education. Your children can also get a great education while serving.

  14. So 180 students and faculty out of over 10,000 students want to ban a restaurant from campus. If that is allowed to happen on any campus anywhere, shame on both sides.

  15. Dear Senator Graham, I have become a fan of yours many elections ago. I like listening to you and your views on important issues, and while I may not see eye to eye with you on all the problems, I do agree with you on most of them. Since when have the majority been overruled by the minority? You stand up for the people of your State of South Carolina as well as other states. Keep up the good work that you do. While I’m a registered Democrat and have been since the late 1960’s, I believe the Democratic party has lost their way. They aren’t the party they use to be. I’m hoping that will turn around sooner rather than later with the help of you and others who stand up for our country. Thank you for standing up for the people of the United States of America and your work in the Senate. Chic-Fil-A should be able to have a store wherever they have people who want to eat there. The majority should be able to get what they want and those who don’t want to eat there can eat wherever they want.

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