Well, that’s odd. The new “bivalent” booster shot from Pfizer has been released, but despite the best efforts of the Biden regime, the CDC, and the Pfizer-financed mainstream media, no one seems to be rushing out to get the shots.
That’s the booster shot that is supposed to protect against the original strain of coronavirus AND the Omicron variant. Joe Biden spent your tax dollars to purchase 171 million doses of the bivalent booster, but only 1.3% of Americans ran to their local pharmacy to get boosted. As one public health official who was trying to find a silver lining put it, “Maybe we should have called it Omicron Plus.”
The bivalent booster shot made some interesting headlines over the summer. When people started asking to see the safety trials on this new booster shot, Pfizer and the Biden regime assured us that they needed to ACT FAST in order to SAVE LIVES, and therefore shut up.
Besides, they actually did a safety trial. Sort of. They did a safety trial on 8 mice. Eight (8) mice. And sure, even though the mice all caught COVID, it could have been much worse if they hadn’t been boosted!
Anyway, once the news about the 8 mice tests went viral, the propaganda campaign was under way. The FDA approved the bivalent booster because of that rigorous safety test on 8 mice. Good to go! Safe for humans! Joe Biden ordered 171 million doses of the booster and made you pay for it because it was such a huge emergency.
To date, only 4.4 million of America’s roughly 330 million population has gotten the bivalent booster. That’s a vax rate of about 1.3%, which is pretty dismal when you consider that 62% of Americans trusted Pfizer enough to at least get the first shot. In other words, public trust in the shots and our health officials has plummeted to near-zero levels. That’s good news, if only we could get Joe Biden to start rescinding his vaccine mandates against the military and other federal employees.
Albert Bourlas, the CEO of Pfizer, has COVID again, by the way. He had COVID a month ago and recovered, and now he’s got it again. Bourlas raised eyebrows last year when he had to cancel a trip to Israel to meet with the Prime Minister there, because the Pfizer boss didn’t have the proof of vaccination that was needed to travel there. Gosh, why wasn’t the CEO of Pfizer vaccinated at the time? Was there something about his miracle shot that made him skeptical about its safety?
Since he got caught. Bourlas has allegedly taken the two series shots plus two boosters. Maybe he did, maybe he didn’t. Who knows with our virtue-signaling elites, right? I tend to think that Bourlas probably is double vaxed and double boosted, since he’s now catching COVID over and over again. If only he had received the bivalent booster that was tested on 8 mice in time!
Meanwhile in Canada, Pfizer’s future fortunes have been permanently ensconced in national law. All Canadians are now required to get a booster shot once every 9 months. Justin Trudeau is going to (try to) force his subjects to get 5 shots every 4 years, in other words, guaranteeing a steady flow of income for Pfizer for years to come. That’s… if everyone doesn’t die from receiving so many experimental mRNA shots.
There was a terrible tragedy just last week in Saskatoon, Canada. A woman named Carol Pearce went to her local pharmacy to get the bivalent booster that was tested on 8 whole mice. Carol was double vaccinated a double boosted already, but like most Canadians, she was a nice person and a rule follower. She received her bivalent 8-mice booster and died 7 minutes after the injection. The pharmacy staffers failed to revive her, and the paramedics were also unsuccessful when they arrived. Somebody’s mom is dead after trusting Canada’s public health officials.
The Saskatoon Health authority then had the audacity to publicly declare that Carol Pearce had died of “natural causes.” Right. Seven minutes after the injection, she just happened to coincidentally expire from natural causes.
What’s everyone waiting for? Aren’t you eager to rush out and get your bivalent booster shot that was tested on 8 mice? Dr. Fauci says it will protect from Omicron. Or was it Omicron Plus?
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