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The Amazing Donald Trump is Now a #1 Smash-Hit Bestselling Author

You really have to hand it to President Donald Trump. When he fails at something, he fails big. But when he wins, he wins spectacularly! There is new feather that President Trump can add to his cap after this week: He is now a runaway, smash-hit bestselling author.

Trump’s book “Our Journey Together” went on sale on Monday, and it sold out its first print run of 100,000 copies before Friday. You can’t find it online anywhere right now, because it is the most popular book in America today by a country mile. Which just goes to show you how corrupt and broken the woke publishing industry is in this country.

The amazing thing about Trump selling out all copies of his book during the first week is that his family did it all on their own. They set up their own publishing company – Winning Team Publishing – to print, market and sell the book. Barnes and Noble, to its credit, is one of the only booksellers in the country that agreed to also sell copies of “Our Journey Together” – and they sold out of copies this week. B&N has declared the book one of its bestsellers.

Trump and Don Jr. did most of the marketing for the book on their own. And it has sold better than hotcakes. They broke $1 million in sales the very first day that the book was available. And it’s a nice coffee-table style book. It has more than 300 handpicked photos that the president selected for it, and he hand-wrote the captions for all the photographs. Many of the photos are ones taken by his staff that have never been seen before. The book sells for $75, or $229 for an autographed copy. It makes a fabulous Christmas gift for any Trump supporter in your life.


Trump accomplished all of this without any major promotion from any of the normal media channels.

Compare that bootstrap operation to how the establishment has tried to prop up RINO Never Trumper Chris Christie, whose book “Republican Revival” went on sale this week. Fatty Fatty Two-by-Four actually thinks he stands a chance against Donald Trump in 2024. The book is apparently (haven’t read it) about how he’s going to “save” the Republican Party from that yucky Trumpism.

The entire mainstream media has been giving Chris Christie a tongue bath to promote sales of this book. He’s been on literally every TV news channel talking about the book. And so far, as of this writing, Christie has managed to sell a paltry 2,289 copies in its first week. He hasn’t even cracked the Top 50 in American Politics on Amazon. Pathetic.

Despite being a runaway bestseller, “Our Journey Together” is not actually listed on the New York Times Bestseller List. According to the New York Times, the #1 best-selling non-fiction book in America this past week was “The 1619 Project,” the Critical Racist Theory bible of the America left by Hannah Nicole-Jones. That book managed to “sell” 34,418 copies the same week that Trump sold out 100,000 copies of his book.

And that’s after the New York Times Magazine held a promotion and gave away hundreds of free copies of “The 1619 Project” to anyone who stopped by the office. True story!

So, the book that is listed as the #1 New York Times bestseller for this week only sold about a third of the number of copies that Trump’s book sold. If the New York Times was honest and wasn’t censoring the existence of books by wrong-think authors, “The 1619 Project” would actually be #3 on the list this week.

Another book that’s being ignored by the New York Times is “The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health” by Robert F. Kennedy. That’s another book that Amazon refuses to sell. But despite that, Kennedy’s book about the corruption of Anthony Fauci sold 46,851 copies the same week that “The 1619 Project” was listed as the #1 New York Times bestselling book.

Jabba the RINO’s book sold 2,000 copies. The Critical Racist Theory book had to give away copies to beef up its numbers to 34,000. And President Donald Trump the rock star sold 100,000 copies of his book for at least $75 apiece. What an accomplishment!

Congratulations to President Trump on this book. It’s an amazing, runaway success, which must be making liberal heads explode right now!

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43 thoughts on “The Amazing Donald Trump is Now a #1 Smash-Hit Bestselling Author”

    1. Gotta love that man!! His opponents are blind sighted, and we all have to pay the price for their incompetence and stubborn close-mindedness. Shame on them!!!

        1. He is the greatest president we have EVER had and YES he is still MY PRESIDENT!!! LOVE THAT MAN AND HIS FAMILY. hopefully will get his book for Christmas, Charlie.

    2. CONGRATULATIONS Mr Trump!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stick it to them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep on selling the TRUTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No more fake news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  1. And the #1 Winner is PRESIDENT DONALD J TRUMP!


      1. Karen:

        Your response came thru but not on FB. It came to me thru G-Mail. I think this site may be messed up because it seems to be doing weird things like repeating commenter’s comments. Have a most wonderful day and Happy Holidays !!!

  2. CONGRATULATIONS PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP – My “TRUE” President 4-EVER ! No one can stop you from your achievements and the DemoRats are furious. The People are realizing all of the lies of the Biden-Harris Regime ! 2024 / 2024 !

  3. Way to go The real president Donald j Trump’ I like the way you bypassed all of the corrupt unamerican businesses FJB what a pathetic communist CCP CHINA lovin’ bastard!

  4. Way to go President Trump. Please keep on writing and selling your books. We are hungry for it. We will get you back in the White House in 2024. God Bless and Merry Christmas.


  6. Lauren was not wrong. As, she was not addressing a Muslim, she was talking to a terrorist, who disguises herself as a member of congress. A terrorist that likes to play the race card every time she gets the chance. She is an embarrassment to ever American, that has served this country. She is not even an American and should be deported.

  7. What are we waiting for?
    Our forefathers said this is what the second amendment is for!!!!!! We have been told to wait while cities burned, we were told to wait while an election was stolen, we are being told to wait while the country is being invaded, and our treasures destroyed. How much longer should we wait, till this fool has finished the job. I think the time for waiting is past. We need to stop worrying about beagles and get on with the war.
    The constitution calls for a revolt against the Biden administration.

  8. The Europeans worked to destroy their countries, while we here in America have built our country. So, why would we, should we, want to live like Europeans? Most European countries have already given into big government ideology. That is why Trump did not trust them. He thought that he could trust Putin more.

    Putin is, in fact, more trustworthy; he doesn’t want the NWO’s tentacles in Russia. Why should he? He’s the big cheese, there, and doesn’t want to kowtow to some cadre of effete, billionaire elitists. I have a good friend who lives in Germany; his opinion is, that after literal millennia of all-powerful strong men, monarchs, emperors, dictators, etc., Europeans, sadly, are just conditioned to go along with whatever the government says and does.

    1. That is true about European followers: historically if you don’t you loose your head!
      The brave men and women who landed at Plymouth Rock were so different from their countrymen! They were driven, determined God worshipping people who desired to do so at the dictates of their own hearts! That is our history. It has served us well!

      1. To continue; so what intelligent person would approve of the activity of the few terrorist roaming our beautiful country today?
        I believed you were God’s man for the hour in
        2016; AND ALSO, I believe God is not finished using you. Your steps publishing this book in the way you and your family choose will give testimony that AMERICA is supportive of all your efforts to save our AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL ! Prayers daily for your health and safety, as well as your family. God Bless! Merry Christmas!

  9. The Disinformation Specialists;
    Well I think that means that the FDA, CDC, WH, MSM, SM, Big Tech, NYT Wapo, CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, and a list of others are all guilty of spreading mis/disinformation.
    The constitution calls for a revolt against the Biden administration.

  10. Fauci’s Folly.
    Fauci also offshored the Wuhan Flu to China for Obama, and China has said that they would destroy America If you thought that is crazy, take note that the Wuhan lab is a Chinese military bio-warfare lab, and that in 2017 Fauci stated that there would be a pandemic during Trumps administration. Also, in 2019 Fauci and Obama were in Wuhan. Fauci needs to be grilled on more than funding the virus. Try developing and releasing it. Also, the murder of thousands of Americans.
    The constitution calls for a revolt against the Biden administration.

  11. Do you know.
    what is the difference between, being educated, and being smart?
    Being educated means that you have gone to school and learned a lot of things.
    Being smart means that you have gone back to school and learned how to use those things.
    Sadly, there are not too many teachers that teach the difference, if they know the difference.
    And even worse is that politicians got the education part, but they didn’t get the smart part.
    The constitution calls for a revolt against the Biden administration.

  12. The school board in Minnesota, laid out the rules for the school board meetings. Among the rules was one that required people that were addressing the board, to give their name and address, or they would not be allowed to speak. The parent should have replied, in exchange for requiring me to dox myself, “I assume that this means, that the school board is accepting the responsibility, for any and all harm or injuries to myself and family and friends, also any and all damages to my home and or other properties, that I may have”. This is what the parent should have said to the school board.
    The constitution calls for a revolt against the Biden administration.

  13. The FDA is Wheeling and Dealing.
    I wonder how much the people in the FDA are getting from Big Pharma for approving the vaccines. Why have they not approved the other drugs, that have been shown to work. The drug ivermectin has been shown to work in other countries around the world and is much cheaper than the vaccines. Well! let us take a look. They say that ivermectin has not been clinically tested and approved “why not” it has been over a year. Now think about this, the vaccines are only experimental, that means they are not approved either except for testing, so why are they not testing ivermectin also. Big Pharma money. If they need a test, they have one conducted in India that proves that Ivermectin works on the covid virus. So the FDA needs to get off its ass and approve it. The FDA is getting paid to condone murder by the Big Pharma. The FDA is acting as a paid assassin for Big Pharma.
    The constitution calls for a revolt against the Biden administration.

  14. Fauci’s World.
    Fauci should be tried for the mass murder of people around the world. Fauci reminds me of Hitler’s scientists in the Gulags in WWII that used the Jews as human guinea pigs for their testing. Fauci is doing the same thing on the whole world. To him it is just a game he is playing, and he thinks that he has a right to kill others in the pursuit of saving humanity, or his version of it. Sig Heil Mien Kompf.
    The constitution calls for a revolt against the Biden administration.

  15. We also need to convene a grand jury to look into the FDA, and how it is working with Big Pharma. I think that there are too many people, that are being paid off to give Big Pharma, what they want to make money instead of protecting the people. The way that these vaccines are being push through, and now Big Pharma wants to keep adding booster shots to keep getting money from the Feds. At the expense of people’s health. there are too many side effects that are coming out of the closet. This is to damn fishy.
    The constitution calls for a revolt against the Biden administration.

    1. The Vaccine: evidence has proven that there are more cases of the vaccinated people developing the virus and dying over the unvaccinated ones! Take the cruise ship for recent example!
      Then who in their right mind would vote to vaccinate our little children? The “sheep” following the mandates ( which have been ruled unconstitutional) ! The young ones have 0 % death if they contract the disease. Then they have natural immunity! And why push the “jab” onto that group of people? They have natural immunity! There are too many side effects to this “vaccine”! It should have been taken off the market long ago! Use the protocol that works; Ivermectin and Vitamin regime!
      Why is the AMA not looking at this? After all, they took an oath, “ First do no harm” when treating a patient! Let do the right thing! History will “forgive” if you step up and support the truth!

  16. The Greatest of Resets.
    The Founding Fathers started a revolution, by making tea in Boston Harbor. Well! not quite really, but it did sound good. I think that we could start one by lining San Francisco Bay with container ships. I don’t mean on the water I mean under it. If Old Joe thinks that he will hold the American economy hostage. The people will not let him. They will not submit to being slaves. Those ship in the harbor will be a small price to pay for our freedom, but a hugh price for the Biden enslavement of America agenda.
    The constitution calls for a revolt against the Biden administration.

  17. What It Was All About.
    You both are wrong. the civil war was about what the fathers did not fix. The banks! After the revolution the banks were ripping the southern states off and trying to get control of the economy of the south. That is why the south had to adopt slavery to support their economy. It was the bankers in the north that put a strangle hold on the south, that they had to fight back. The civil war was not over slavery it was about money.
    The constitution calls for a revolt against the Biden administration.

  18. Real News that Matters; Really.
    Big News Flash, the J6th insurrection was instigated by Antifa and BLM, with the help of the MSM, SM, Pelosi and the CP, and the assistance of the FBI and the DOJ. More to come as more unsubstantiated accusations, from unverified anonymous sources, are made available.
    The constitution calls for a revolt against the Biden administration.


  20. congratulations Mr. Trump. pray you are our next president. most every one knows biden is not legally our president.

  21. Ever heard the saying “i would rather die on my feet than live on my knees.” 1/2 of America has forgotten this

  22. Thank you President Trump we really need you to be in the White House again to straighten out this mess that biden has caused right now our country is running on auto pilot because we don’t have a President and we need to have you secure our southern border like you had it before the loser ruined it we miss you PRESIDENT TRUMP

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