Democrats maintained majority control of the US House of Representatives from 1952 until 1994. Those were miserable years to be a conservative in America, to say the least.
It looks like the Democrats are about to get to spend their 40 years in the wilderness in the wake of the 2024 election. The party is now historically unpopular with American voters.
It’s also clear from the Democrat National Committee’s new leadership elections over the weekend that they learned absolutely nothing from the shellacking they received last November.
When Joe Biden lost the debate against Donald Trump back in June 2024, Democrats knew that their internal polling predicted that they would lose 400 electoral votes. That of course prompted them to take the Old Yeller out behind the woodshed and replace him with Kamala Harris. Nothing worked, and the Democrats took a drubbing in November like many people had never seen before.
You’d think that an epic defeat like that would have made them take a long look in the mirror. Perhaps it was time to figure out what went wrong? You know… regroup, and whatnot?
We’re happy to report that nothing like that has happened!
A New York Times/Quinnipiac University poll released over the weekend shows the Democrat Party at its highest level of unpopularity in the history of polling. A whopping 57% of Americans now view the Democrat Party unfavorably.
We’re only surprised that it’s not in the mid-70s after the last four years of hell that they just put Americans through.
The pollsters asked Americans what they perceived to be the most important issues to the Democrat Party, versus the issues that were most important to voters. People universally said that the Democrats were concerned with abortion, global warming bs, and gay and trans stuff.
While those were the top concerns of the Democrat Party, the voters were most concerned about our faltering economy, four years of the worst hyperinflation in American history, illegal immigration, and health care.
Gender insanity, Hamas, late-term abortion, and skyrocketing energy costs because of the Green New Deal were the only things the Democrats were concerned with. They didn’t even listen to their own internal polling that was flashing big red warning signs that their radical woke policies were driving them off a cliff with Kamala at the wheel.
Proving that they learned absolutely nothing from their historic loss, they elected same-old, same-old new leaders for the Democrat National Committee over the weekend. Every candidate for office blathered about gay and trans stuff, DEI stuff, the Green New Deal, and Hamas.
Despite their total commitment to DEI, they still managed to elect a couple of white guys to run the party.
The new Chair of the DNC is a literal communist. Great choice!
Minnesota’s Ken Martin is a member of the Democrat-Farmer-Labor Party. If Tampon Tim Walz’s brand of masculinity was triggering to you, wait until you get a load of this guy! The Democrat-Farmer-Labor Party is a communist fringe party that mainly exists in Minnesota.
Your hat really has to go off to the Democrats for electing this guy. When your voter outreach is truly struggling, nothing says that you care about Americans more than electing a leader who wants to abolish private property and have the government seize the means of production.
The Democrats got destroyed in the youth vote last November, so they proceeded to elect one of the most unpopular young weirdos in America to help solve that issue. Drumroll, please…
David Hogg is now a vice chair of the DNC going forward!
Yes, the David Hogg whose singular issue is to disarm all law-abiding Americans.
In his hilarious acceptance speech, Hogg declared, “I don’t just tweet, I don’t just talk the talk, I also walk the talk and I knock the knock.”
He’s never been a great orator, that one.
The Democrat Party has been coasting on past victories for so long that they’ve expended no effort to try to build up their bench. Not even a historic defeat could teach them a lesson. The communist guy from Minnesota and David Hogg were the best options on their bench.
The Democrats are now going to double and triple down on the exact same issues that caused them to lose in 2024. That’s great news for America! If they do end up spending the next 40 years in the wilderness, at least they’ll have earned it.