In a desperate final push towards the 2024 election, Democratic nominee Vice President Kamala Harris has emerged from hiding to take part in a number of left-wing friendly media appearances… but she was shocked to learn that not ALL of the media is willing to blindly support a candidate as bad as her.
One interview in particular was SO BAD that it may have singlehandedly ended her 2024 presidential run.
Harris sat down to speak with CBS News’ 60 Minutes which has a history of lobbing softball questions at left-wing candidates to prop them up.
But from the start, it was clear that Kamala Harris would have a VERY different experience.
Anybody who has heard Kamala speak can tell you that she tends to ramble on while saying things that sound good to her moronic base but lack any actual substance and certainly don’t answer the question.
60 Minutes host Bill Whitaker wasn’t having it as the Democratic nominee evaded answering his questions repeatedly so he pressed Kamala for REAL answers which went just about as bad as it could have for the coddled politician.
During one notable exchange, Kamala Harris started yapping about her “economic plan” to save America from the abysmal economic conditions that… she gave us.
“My plan is about saying that when you invest in small businesses, you invest in the middle class, and you strengthen America’s economy, small businesses are part of the backbone of America’s economy,” Harris said.
Never mind the fact that Kamala has spent the last 3.5 years doing everything she can to destroy small businesses, Whitaker interrupted her to point out that his original question was how she plans to pay for the communist economic proposals she is peddling.
These proposals include soviet-style price controls on both food and housing, tax-payer funded grants of $25,000 for first-time home buyers which will drive up the costs of homes, and $40 billion towards new government housing.
After stumbling over her words, Harris repeated the tired old Democrat line about making sure the “rich pay their fair share,” despite the fact that thanks to Kamala, the IRS has been going after the middle class to bleed every last penny out of them.
Pointing out that this is not an answer, Whitaker pressed her again and said “We’re dealing with the real world here. How are you gonna get this through Congress?”
Harris may have had a stroke while delivering her next response because it made even LESS sense than what she originally said, “Well, you know when you talk quietly with a lot of folks in Congress, they know exactly what I’m talking about because their constituents know exactly what I’m talking about.”
60 Minutes just released this clip of their Kamala Harris interview—and it’s rough.
You can tell why Harris and Tim Walz have been kept from public scrutiny up to this point. They are not handling these interactions well at all.
— Dustin Grage (@GrageDustin) October 7, 2024
During another catastrophic exchange for the Democrat candidate Whitaker called out Harris for being installed as the nominee by a group of elite Democrats, rather than letting the voters decide on who they want to represent them – which is something that Harris has not had to answer for ONCE throughout her candidacy.
“Was democracy best served by President [Joe] Biden stepping down and basically handing you a nomination? You didn’t have to go through a primary process. You didn’t have to fight off other contenders. That’s not really the way our system was intended to work,” Whitaker asks Harris.
Kamala responded with some usual nonsense about how Joe Biden – who was forced out by the likes of former President Barack Obama and Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) – “put the country before self,” and then went on to claim that she was elected.
Not willing to let Harris get out of answering this one, Whitaker pressed her again, telling her that her installation as the nominee is part of the reason why people don’t know who she is.
This one seemed to really irk Haris and you could see it in her face as she angrily responded, “Look I’ve been in this race for 70 days!”
CBS 60 Minutes goes HARD on Kamala!
“Was democracy best served by Joe Biden handing you the nomination?
That’s not the way our system was intended to work…”
Kamala’s face… PRICELESS! ?
— David J Harris Jr (@DavidJHarrisJr) October 8, 2024
As a whole, this might have been the single most damaging interview that Kamala Harris has ever done and it may have just cost her the election!
Here’s the full 60 Minutes interview which was so bad that they cut it down to less than 20 minutes…