The media has been hammering us for months about the looming Great American Meat Shortage due to coronavirus. Any day now, they tell us, so many vulnerable migrants and refugees who work for piddling wages at the big meat-packing plants will have the virus that it will disrupt the supply chain – and then you’ll starve because you didn’t want more refugees to fill those jobs! Meanwhile, the science fiction hero president who brought us the joy of Space Force has replaced a ton of illegal alien jobs with… robot workers!
Working in a meat-packing plant is supposedly one of those “jobs Americans won’t do.” This is partly true. Thanks to the open-borders policies of previous administrations, Big Ag companies have been allowed to import huge numbers of foreign refugees to fill those jobs. The previous four administrations before President Trump also turned a blind eye when the meat-packing industry was hiring predominantly illegal alien workers and paying them less than minimum wage.
As a result of those official and unofficial policies, the wages for a meat packer today are 50% of what a meat packer was making in 1975. Mass immigration killed the wages for that industry. So, yes, no American would want those jobs today. Duh!
Trump has slashed the numbers of foreign low-skilled work visas and refugees to the point where Big Ag came to a painful realization: It can continue to use human labor for agricultural jobs, or it can make the smart choice like family farms and ranches have been doing for decades by upgrading technology. And our Space Force President has been quietly working behind the scenes to cut a deal with the industry to make the smart choice.
Tyson Foods, one of the biggest meat suppliers in the country, announced this week that it has invested $500 million in meat-chopping robots since 2017 – when Trump first became president. That technology is just now starting to be implemented, which is part of the reason why the media’s dreams of meat shortages and starvation “because of Trump’s failed coronavirus response” has not come to fruition. Robots are already chopping up your chicken and steak!
(To be clear, these aren’t really “robots.” They are stationary machines on an assembly line. Just so no one confuses them with the kind of meat-chopping robots that give you nightmares, like the ones that Google, Twitter and Amazon are developing to implement socialism.)
The incredible irony of replacing low-wage illegal alien and refugee workers with machines is that it creates good-paying jobs for American workers. The robots are cheaper in the long term when compared to low-wage foreigners. But at the same time, the robots need service technicians just like all other machines.
Meat packing “jobs” for Americans are now shifting to high-skilled technical jobs. Any piece of machinery needs regular maintenance, cleaning and repairs. Big Ag companies that are shifting to a robot workforce are using the money that they save on robots to hire skilled American technicians to care for those robots. It’s a win-win for everyone except for the UN Refugee Resettlement Agency.
Instead of hiring hundreds of refugees and illegal aliens – and wrecking the local community whether the meat-packing plant is located – this strategy creates a host of new “meat packing jobs” that are the equivalent of good auto mechanic salaries, in the range of $75 an hour. Plus, the local school district doesn’t have to hire a horde of translators, thus saving the taxpayers even more money. Robots don’t have to import their entire extended families with them. They tend to be loners like that!
And it’s not just Tyson foods that’s making this revolutionary, futuristic shift. Costco has set up a robot plant in Nebraska to chop up chickens. Yum!
Other Big Ag industries are shifting to machine-based crop picking. This will have profound impacts on all of America. If companies are no longer employing Third World peasants from cultures where handwashing is totally foreign, America will stop having routine “mystery” outbreaks of feces diseases on the Romaine lettuce we buy at the grocery store. Robot victory!
President Trump continues to amaze with his behind-the-scenes policies to Make America Great Again. This robot meat-chopper technology is just latest way that his visionary business policies have translated into an amazing presidency that is looking out for America. While the media continues to claim that Trump spends all day “worshiping Confederate statues,” what he’s really doing is ushering in the American 21st century. We should expect nothing less from our Space Force President!