A civilization that refuses to protect women and children is a civilization that will die, sooner rather than later. California is now taking steps to normalize and legalize pedophilia in a way that would have been shocking to most people just 15 years ago. Our parents and grandparents likely would have hanged any politician that tried to legalize child rape. But the Democrat Party today is rushing headlong to remove all civilizational protections that women and children used to enjoy in America.
The California state Senate just passed SB145, a bill to amend the state’s sex offender registry. Here’s how the bill would change state law.
If a homosexual adult who is 24 or younger sodomizes a child as young as 14, the judge will now have discretion as to whether to place the man on the state’s sex offender registry. Presumably, if the rape of the child who cannot consent is gentle enough, the pedophile abuser doesn’t deserve to be placed on the sex offender registry?
California parents who are just learning about this bill, which is likely to be signed into law by Nancy Pelosi’s Nephew (Governor Gavin Newsom), are shocked to learn that judges already have this discretion when it comes to heterosexual child rape. So long as a heterosexual pedophile engages in vaginal intercourse with a 14-year-old girl, the judge can choose to not put that pedophile on the sex offender registry.
In the twisted minds of Democrats, it’s not “equality under the law” if a gay pedophile is being treated differently than a straight pedophile. So, now the Democrats are about to legalize the anal rape of boys to make things fair.
This all probably sounds odd to normal people. It’s obvious women and children are getting thrown under the bus in the name of equality. This all started because of California’s appeasement, love, adoration and coddling of illegal aliens.
California and other sanctuary states are now legalizing gay pedophilia in order to prevent illegal aliens being charged with felonies that might result in them being flagged by ICE for removal. It’s why California has legalized everything from street pooping to statutory rape. If it’s not a serious crime, the police can’t even talk to an illegal alien about their Third World behavior and risk them getting stuffed on a bus back to Tijuana with a one-way ticket. Even drunk driving is now a misdemeanor with a $390 fine in California, to prevent illegal aliens from getting noticed by ICE.
That’s also why the statutory rape of 14-year-old girls was legalized in California in the first place. Since the age of consent in a host of foreign countries, including Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, China, Madagascar and others is 14, illegal aliens from those countries no longer have to follow American norms if they move to California. They can keep molesting 14-year-olds without having to worry about being placed on the state’s sex offender registry, so long as it is heterosexual molestation.
But that’s not fair to gay molesters!
You may have noticed that women are getting really shabby treatment from the Democrats these days as well.
George Floyd held a gun to a pregnant woman’s womb to keep her under control when he and his friends robbed her home. Rayshard Brooks was serving a seven-year prison sentence for torturing and abusing his children and their mother. Jacob Blake was accused of viciously sexually assaulting the mother of his three children. All three of those men are lionized as saints in America by the Democrat Party today, despite their atrocious treatment of women and children. Sorry, ladies. The #MeToo movement, along with your dignity, safety and worth, must be sacrificed for the “greater good.”
If 14 is not too young to be considered a victim of a sexual crime (according to Democrats), why stop there? Why not 12? Why not 7? If we’re setting up special privileges for pedophiles, what difference does the child’s age make? That’s where we’re headed if Americans continue to elect Democrats.