The federal government, made powerful by the American taxpayer, has been rigging elections AGAINST the GOP for far too long – and they’re ABSOLUTELY trying to do it again in 2024.
In 2016 they illegally enlisted foreign intelligence agencies to spy on Donald Trump as though he were some kind of terrorist and they managed to find NOTHING other than some fake stories about Trump being a Russian asset – which some braindead liberals still believe to this day.
Then in 2020 they doubled down on that disproven Trump-Russia narrative while simultaneously protecting the Biden name by covering up the fact that the Biden crime family has been taking bribes from foreign nationals to influence US Policy, even the DOJ now admits this to be true.
But perhaps most importantly, during the 2020 election the feds used the foreign interference narrative THAT THEY MANUFACTURED to control the information Americans are allowed to see in the run-up to elections – labeling ANYTHING that hurts the Democrats as “misinformation” or “disinformation.”
And it’s this dangerous narrative control power that they hope will keep Donald Trump out of power yet again, regardless of what the American people actually want or need.
The ever-powerful FBI which, these days, exist almost exclusively to squash MAGA Republicans have made combatting “foreign malign influence” in our elections a main focus of theirs moving forward – giving them the self-prescribed ability to tell American citizens what to believe and what not to believe.
In other words, if they want us to believe that Kamala Harris is far more popular than she really is then any reports to the contrary would be deemed “foreign misinformation,” which is PRECISELY what they’re doing.
Starting in February, the FBI implemented a “new” set of standard operating procedures. These procedures lay out a new, streamlined way for feds to identify a “foreign malign influence operation.”
On top of that, they have also resumed their regular meetings with social media companies to “discuss” these so-called foreign influence threats led by the bureau’s Foreign Influence Task Force – a censorship behemoth which almost singlehandedly handed the Democrats the 2020 election.
While the DOJ has admitted to all of this, they want us to believe that the left-wing despots are STRICTLY targeting “foreign” actors and they have “promised” to protect our right to free speech regarding the election.
But does anybody trust the DOJ these days? After all, we are talking about the same people who used a bunch of bogus charges to try and take President Trump out of the race ALL TOGETHER in an effort to keep the Obama-Biden-Harris regime in power.
Now we’re just suddenly supposed to believe that they have our best interests in mind? I’m not buying it and you shouldn’t either.
The feds could just as easily claim that any one of us is a “foreign” asset and use these powers to silence us online, or worse, throw us in jail for “wrong-think,” while simultaneously protecting the REAL foreign actors propping up a candidate in Kamala Harris who got less than 1% of the primary vote in 2020.
And let’s not forget that that Obama-Biden-Harris regime has spent the last several years branding each and every one of us as “domestic terrorists” for simply having a difference of opinion from the one they want us to have.
We’ve already seen that EVERYTHING about Kamala Harris is fake – from crooked donations to paying people to voice their support for her online– but with the help of the federal government they can fully “sell” us on this fake support for Kamala while eliminating anybody who dares to question it.