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Former Joe Biden Stenographer Says Biden’s Lost Mental Acuity & “Doesn’t Have the Same Vitality” He Used To

In a recent presser, Biden asked rhetorically, “Do I look like a crazy left-winger to you?”

Well if we’re being honest Joe you look like a Trojan horse.

There is a hilariously drawn political cartoon of Joe Biden being used as a battering ram at the White House door by left-wing Democrats. Joe has this vacuous smile on his face and is completely oblivious of what’s happening. Its such an accurate depiction of what is going on right now.

Biden also looks, talks, and behaves like a politician who should have retired from the public eye when he left the White House four years ago. If he had we wouldn’t have to watch his exponentially deteriorating cognition, memory, and mental stamina.

His handlers know it, which is why he doesn’t do a lot of interviews. The mainstream press likewise knows it, and they toss him softball questions, already packaged with easy answers.

Biden used to say funny, but dumb, things all the time. Remember when he told a crowded room  that you couldn’t go into a 7/11 or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you had a slight Indian accent. Or when he said that poor kids are just as talented as white kids. Or when he said he loves when little kids jump on his lap.

What was pathetic and often funny then, is now troubling, considering this addle-pated dim bulb could actually become President.

Ask his former stenographer Mike McCormick. McCormick has written a biography of Joe Biden and is making the rounds telling stories about his former boss from when they worked together in the White House.

In an interview with Fox News, McCormick detailed some troubling observations, “Joe Biden is a different guy than he was. He doesn’t have the same vitality. I listened to every word Joe Biden spoke,” said McCormick.

Ouch, yikes. That’s coming from someone who worked with him for eight years in the White House.


McCormick, who has worked for both Democrat and Republican administrations, noted a marked change in his old boss, “When I saw him do his speech at the Democratic National Convention, that wasn’t the Joe Biden I knew. The guy was reading from a teleprompter, and it was almost verbatim, and he’s never done that.”

However, the mainstream press took his error-free reading as evidence that the old guy still had it. When responding to Republican observations that he had lost a step or two, Joe’s lame riposte was, “Look at how he [President Trump] steps and look how I step. Watch how I run up ramps and he stumbles down ramps. OK? Come on!”

Does Joe look like a left-wing idealogue to the average voter? The Democrats hope not. In addition to being a shell of his former self, who may or may not be able to get around the White House without breaking his hip, Joe Biden is mostly a token in a left-wing shell game. In fact, he will be a superannuated shill, who will sing his name to raise our taxes, further infect our culture and political discourse with political correctness, and force the Little Sisters of the Poor to dispense morning-after abortion pills.

Aided by his trusty teleprompter (with extra-large print), he would likely not make it through his four-year term. That means Joe’s Vice President Kamala Harris, who is a leftist with a voting record that makes Bernie Sanders look like a moderate.

So, even after his limited emergence from his former status of “Joe Hidden,” the man who seemed to have a knack for empathy is now a target of sympathy. His speaking appearances of late have been characterized by losing his train of thought, struggling to finish sentences, and like an aging and burnt-out rock star, forgetting exactly where he is.

As election day looms and the polls narrow, Republicans can’t wait for the upcoming presidential debate. It will be fun to watch Joe wilt either in anger or confusion as President Trump asks Joe how Hunter is doing. Will the Democrats ask for a teleprompter?

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