America’s most hilariously corrupt US Senator has been sentenced to 11 years in prison for accepting bribes from foreign countries in exchange for favors and influence. “Gold Bar Bob” Menendez (D-NJ) sobbed in the courtroom this week as the judge threw the book at him for public corruption.
The 70-year-old will likely die in prison for his crimes. It’s a true rags-to-riches and back-to-rags story.
But… Gold Bar Bob might still have an ace up his sleeve if incoming Attorney General Pam Bondi is wise enough to take advantage of it.
Bob Menendez is an anchor baby. He was born in 1954 after his foreign parents illegally snuck into the United States. His father was a degenerate gambler who died in 1958. It may have been a suicide, or he may have had assistance from the Mafia due to his unpaid gambling debts. We always let the best immigrants into the United States!
Menendez became a US Representative for New Jersey in 1993 and became a US Senator in 2006, right after divorcing his first wife. Upon being seated on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Menendez immediately went to work enriching himself by selling his influence to foreign businessmen.
One of those businessmen was a guy from the Dominican Republic named Saloman Melgen. Mr. Melgen was one of Gold Bar Bob’s biggest donors. He gave Menendez the use of his private jet. They used to fly down to Melgen’s mansion in the Dominican Republic and have orgies with child prostitutes.
One of the Senator’s favorite girlfriends on foreign soil was a 16-year-old. When a reporter interviewed her at a brothel in 2014, she said that “Bobby” was one of her nicest clients. He had even remembered to buy her a present for her 17th birthday!
Neighbors who lived next door to Menendez in an apartment building at this time say he used to bring a different young, attractive prostitute home every single night. The neighbors had the misfortune of sharing a bedroom wall with the senior Senator from New Jersey. They cursed the invention of Viagra.
Menendez was indicted on public corruption charges in 2015. He went to trial in 2018 but the jury was unable to reach a verdict in the case. The Justice Department was forced to drop the charges against him.
Amazingly, after Menendez managed to skate on public corruption charges, he went right back to accepting foreign bribes! This time, the money was from a pair of Egyptian businessmen. They paid him in exchange for favors that Menendez was only able to offer because of his seat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
Menendez remarried in 2020, and he and his new wife were stuffing gifts, cash, and gold bars all throughout their house. Investigators found stacks of cash in their shoes in a closet. They had also been given luxury cars by the Egyptians.
A jury found Menendez and his two Egyptian benefactors guilty on all charges back in July. The two Egyptians received respective seven- and eight-year prison sentences and more than $3 million in fines for bribing Menendez.
Gold Bar Bob received an 11-year sentence. This presents an incredible opportunity for the Trump administration to root out corruption in the United States Senate. Let Menendez stew in prison for a couple of weeks. Then it would be a great time for incoming Attorney General Pam Bondi to walk down to his jail cell and ask Gold Bar Bob one simple question:
“What do you know?”
You don’t think Bob Menendez is the only member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee who sold his influence to foreign buyers, do you? They all do it to some extent. Joe Biden was on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee for years and we all know how much foreign cash he was unashamedly raking in during his 50-year career in public corruption.
We’re guessing that Menendez is aware of a whole bunch of dirty laundry that he could offer up in exchange for a big reduction in his sentence. He was indicted by both the Obama administration and the Biden regime, so it’s not like he has any loyalty left for his fellow Democrats.
It’s time for Gold Bar Bob to start squealing, which will present the Trump administration with an amazing opportunity to clean up the US Senate.