The coronavirus mask tyranny of the past week in America is infuriating. Mothers tased for sitting alone, unmasked on the bleachers watching a kids’ football game? Christians arrested for singing outdoors unmasked? Really, America? What is this? Why are we tolerating this?
From the cops carrying out these unlawful orders to the bystanders who watch this and do nothing, I’m furious. Where is our country? When you learn of how your fellow Americans are being treated right now, in September, in red states, I hope you will be as fired up to end this tyranny as I am.
Before sharing the latest outrageous arrests and assaults being committed against everyday, law-abiding citizens for refusing to wear a face thong, you really need to see the latest coronavirus numbers from the Centers for Disease Control. If you’re an epidemiologist, you can read the gobbledygook posted by the CDC HERE and maybe understand it.
Buried within all of that technical jargon are the latest best scientific estimates of the survivability rates among age groups if you catch the coronavirus. Fortunately, some epidemiologists translated it into English for the rest of us. Here are the latest numbers:
0-19 years: 99.997%
20-49 years: 99.98%
50-69 years: 99.5%
70+ years: 94.6%
In other words, if you are under the age of 70, your chances of dying from coronavirus are statistically ZERO. If you’re over 70, it’s slightly more dangerous than the seasonal flu we deal with every year.
With those numbers in mind, check out what just happened in Moscow, Idaho. Last time I checked, Idaho is one of the reddest states in the country, but they must have a leftwing dingbat mayor in the city of Moscow.
Christians gathered to sing hymns – unmasked – outside of City Hall in protest of the city’s mask mandate. The police in this red state arrested three Christians for singing hymns while not wearing masks and “not properly socially distancing.” Two of the people they arrested were a couple that was holding hands. That’s weird. I thought socially distancing was where we were supposed to keep our distance from others who we don’t live with!
Here’s the outrageous video of Christians being arrested for singing hymns without masks on… in Idaho:
The third Christian arrested at the event was a local radio host, Gabe Rench. He talked about the arrest on his show. After being held in jail for two hours and then being released, Rench saw the three cops who arrested him sitting together inside the police station chatting – and not wearing masks.
“Should they be arrested?” Rench asked the police.
Oh, but it gets worse. In Ohio, a mom at a high school football game was arrested for not wearing a mask, even though she was sitting in mostly-empty bleachers by herself. She has asthma, so she’s been instructed to not wear a mask. Last time I checked, doesn’t Ohio have a Republican Governor and didn’t Trump win that state in 2016 as well?
A cop tasered the young mom and apparently, since she was sitting on metal bleachers, the taser zapped a small child who was nearby. They hauled her off to jail. And because you can’t actually arrest someone for not wearing a mask in Ohio, they slapped with a BS trespassing charge – at a football game that she paid to watch. (Not really trespassing when you buy a ticket, but hey.)
Here’s the video of that particular outrage:
Good grief, these cops!
Attention police officers: We have had your backs for all of these months as Black Lives Matter has been demanding that you be fired and defunded. How about if you have our backs as well in situations like this?
But you know who I’m really mad at? All of the bystanders, especially the 150 Christians in Moscow who kept singing as three of their people were arrested. You pathetic, lukewarm sissies…
You know what? How about if the men in your church put down your freaking lattes, stop singing for a minute, surround the cops and tell them, “You are not arresting our people!” We know they will back down in a situation like that, because it’s happening in other countries where the people stand up to mask tyrants. They stand down when BLM mobs them. You are supposed to be men of God who stand for righteousness, who stand for justice. Start acting like it!
Not to sound like Michelle Obama, but I’m really starting to feel ashamed of my country when I see stuff like this.