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Trump: We Must Defeat the Climate Hoaxers (Like Doug Burgum)

Just days before he is set to triumphantly reenter the White House after winning three consecutive presidential elections, Donald Trump delivered an epic speech at a Heritage Foundation event in Florida. “We have to defeat the climate hoaxers once and for all,” Trump railed against the Green New Deal.

We couldn’t agree more! How about starting by defeating Trump’s global warming cultist nominee for Secretary of the Interior, Doug Burgum? The outgoing North Carolina governor is a participant in one of the biggest Green New Deal scams of the 2020s.

As usual, Trump gave a masterful speech. As we’ve pointed out over the years, Trump is a guru when using emotion-based rhetoric. He knows as Aristotle pointed out thousands of years ago, that you can’t change some people’s minds using fact-based dialectic arguments. You must use rhetoric and throughout the speech, Trump did so.

Global warming is fake. It’s not real. It’s not happening. We can point out dozens of studies in the past few years that completely debunk this fake communist agenda that has nothing to do with real science. Here’s just one example from THIS WEEK:

Scientists at Cornell University have proven that plants absorb 31% more carbon dioxide from the air than anyone previously believed. Talk about settled science! This means that every computer “climate model” that currently predicts a global warming catastrophe uses false data to come to its conclusions. EVERY climate model is wrong.


What’s that have to do with Doug Burgum?

There is a massive Green New Deal scam happening across five states right now. A company called Summit Carbon Solutions is building a massive network of pipelines across Iowa, Nebraska, Minnesota, South Dakota, and North Dakota. You might think, “Great! Pipelines deliver useful stuff like oil and natural gas!”

Nope. These are carbon pipelines.

The pipelines will originate from ethanol plants in these five states. They’re going to “sequester” carbon dioxide at the ethanol plants. Summit Carbon Solutions will then pipe the CO2 up to North Dakota, where the gas that functions as food for plants and crops will be buried in a giant hole in the ground near Bismarck.

In the years that this massive scam project has been ongoing, the governors of four states that have authorized this were all Republicans (Doug Burgum, Kristi Noem, Kim Reynolds, and Pete Rickets). The fifth was Tampon Tim of Minnesota.

In all five of these states, the governors have signed off on eminent domain being used to seize land from farmers and ranchers. Summit Carbon Solutions is taking private property away from landowners for its pipeline to nowhere. This is one of the most underreported stories of the 2020s.

The principle behind eminent domain is that in order for the government to take your land away, it has to be for a reason that serves some “public good.” There is no public good behind a carbon pipeline. There is no useful product that comes out at the end of the pipe, such as oil, water, or gas. It’s a naturally occurring gas that functions as plant food, and they’re going to bury it in the ground.

Four Republican governors have been involved in this ongoing scheme for the past few years, on behalf of Summit Carbon Solutions. The only beneficiary of this project will be the shareholders of Summit. They plan to gobble up billions of taxpayer dollars to save us all from the weather by “sequestering” carbon in Doug Burgum’s state. They’re stealing land from American families with the approval of Republican leaders.

Oh, and if you look at the Board of Directors of Summit Carbon Solutions, you’ll notice that former Iowa Governor Terry Branstad (Republican) is a member who will be raking in taxpayer cash from yet another Green New Deal scam.

Burgum and the other Republican governors involved in this scam have done everything they can to keep this story quiet. They know that most GOP voters understand—as Donald Trump does—that global warming is a hoax.

The climate hoaxers must be defeated once and for all. They should be driven from public office. It is absolutely shameful that these Republican governors have participated in the widescale theft of privately owned land across these states. If President Trump doesn’t want the climate hoaxers to win, he should pick someone else besides Doug Burgum to run the Department of the Interior.

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