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WARNING! Biden-Harris Have Authorized the Military to KILL Us If We Protest the Election… What Are They Planning?!

In the run up to the 2024 presidential race the Biden-Harris regime has decided to issue a new directive which authorizes the U.S. military not only to be called in to handle protesters, but to SHOOT THEM DEAD.

Department of Defense Directive 5240.01 quietly went into effect at the very end of September and it gives the Biden-Harris regime the authority to turn the most deadly war-machine on the planet against innocent Americans.

The directive reads, “Defense Intelligence Components may provide personnel to assist a Federal department or agency, including a Federal law enforcement agency, or a State or local law enforcement agency when lives are in danger, in response to a request for such assistance, in accordance with the following approval authorities.”

It goes on, stating that the lethal force can be used against Americans during these responses so long as the Secretary of Defense approves it.

Considering the track-record of the Biden-Harris regime’s Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, who forced military members to take the COVID vaccine at the direction of the Democratic party, it’s safe to say he wouldn’t hesitate to authorize the military to fire on American citizens if he thought it would help his party or keep him in power longer.


The timing of this directive should have everyone extremely concerned about what they’re up to.

Why would those tyrants in the White House want to make sure that the military can kill Americans who oppose them… just in time for the election… Unless they’re planning on giving us a reason to protest!

You see everything that the Democrats have done up until now as it relates to the January 6 “insurrection” has ultimately been done to diminish our ability to protest the results of the election.

They have sought to normalize the idea that Americans are not allowed to question elections – when they’re won by Democrats that is…

Now they’re saying not only are we not allowed to protest, but that they will literally order the military to kill us if we have the nerve to question them.

But at the very same time that they’re doing this, they’re causally admitting that they plan to try and cheat their way to another election victory.

Congressman Jamie Raskin (D-MD) infamously said that Congressional Dems would need “bodyguards” after the election because they are going to refuse to certify the results if they point to a victory for President Donald Trump which he admits will lead to “civil war conditions.”


But it might not even come to that considering that Democratic nominee Kamala Harris herself is laying the foundation for Democrats to dig into their dirty bag of tricks by claiming that it will likely take “more than one night” to get the results of the presidential election.

This is NOT normal and is only something that happens when the Democrats need a couple of extra days to destroy Republican voters or manufacture some for themselves out of thin air.

Whatever the case may be, the Biden-Harris regime is anticipating that their election related actions will lead to protests and clearly, they have no qualms about ordering the military to put us down like dogs.

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