The results of a major survey by Rasmussen Reports dropped on Monday. This is a big deal, since it is the first time that a major polling company has asked Americans what they think about the experimental mRNA shots, otherwise known as the “COVID vaccines.” It turns out that you’re not a conspiracy theorist if you think the shots are dangerous. That is the mainstream opinion of a plurality of 48% of Americans.
Another major finding is that 1 in 4 of us believe we know someone who has died from the shots – not from Covid, but from the so-called vaccines. Sadly, I’m one of those 1 in 4 after a vaccinated friend of mine died over the holidays.
Isn’t it weird that people have been bossing us around for two years about shots, masks, and social distancing, and no one has asked the American people for their opinions on it? Kudos to Rasmussen for finally doing this survey.
28% of Americans say they personally know someone who was killed by the mRNA Covid shots. They’re not saying it’s something they read on the internet, or that they saw on TV. They PERSONALLY know people who have died from the shots. 61% said they didn’t know anyone who had died from the shots, and 10% were unsure.
48% of Americans are concerned about the safety of these experimental medicines. 37% of Americans believe that it’s a conspiracy theory to think that the shots are dangerous. We’re not quite in the majority yet for thinking the shots are bad for your health, but that’s a clear plurality. And yet, the people in charge still refuse to take the shots off the market. More than 1,000 colleges in America are still mandating the shots for on-campus classroom attendance.
60% of Republicans think the shots are dangerous, 44% of Democrats think they’re dangerous, and 43% of politically unaffiliated think they’re dangerous.
Here’s a strange finding, though. 33% of Democrats believe they know someone personally who was killed by the shots. But only 26% of Republicans and unaffiliated people believe they know someone who died (working out to 28% overall). So, Democrats are MORE likely to know someone killed by the shots, and yet they are far more likely than Republicans to believe it’s a conspiracy theory that the shots are dangerous!
Here’s how to explain that anomaly. In my own family tree, there’s my parents’ generation still living (parents, aunts and uncles), my generation (me, my siblings and cousins), and the next generation comprised of our kids. There are 48 people in that little family tree of mine. Out of those 48, the only one that got vaccinated was the dippy Democrat – and it wasn’t even mandatory for her to get it!
Imagine a similar family of mostly Democrats, and you would likely have the one Republican holdout who refused the vaccine and got disinvited from Thanksgiving. Democrats therefore are more likely to have a much larger pool of vaccinated relatives and friends than Republicans are. That’s how you account for more Democrats knowing people who died of the shots, with Democrats also being more likely to think it’s all just a big conspiracy theory that the shots are dangerous.
I’ve been keeping my fingers crossed for a couple of years that friends and acquaintances who got the shot are going to pull through, since the shots don’t kill everyone. But unfortunately, one of my lifelong friends died on December 23rd. He was a volunteer wilderness search and rescue guy. If you got lost in the woods, he was one of the dudes who’d run around and hopefully find you. He was fit and athletic, with no undiagnosed health problems. And then he died in his sleep from a case of “suddenly.”
He had moved back to the rural county where we grew up to care for his aging grandmother. Unfortunately, he trusted the medical “authorities” and the government early on when they told us everyone should get vaccinated to protect their grandma from COVID. So, he got fully vaccinated. Then he conked out at age 49. No one will ever convince me that anything other than the shots killed him. Rest in peace, bud.
The good news in all this is that we are close to a clear majority of Americans who believe the COVID shots are dangerous. The bad news is that 28% of us believe we know someone personally who died from the shots – and that number is only going to go up from here.
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it are just great……
My sister was a very healthy,active woman.she got yearly check ups & lived a healthy life style.she got 2 covid vacs,she now has heart issues and is on 2 medications a day.Other medical issues keep popping up .she refused to get a booster after her health went down hill.fauci needs to be in jail.tmo
My God son died of Covid related treatments at Medical City Hospital in Dallas last March. He was a Ski Pro with no diagnosed health problems. He went into hospital and on 1/30/22 was texting me and sending pictures as staff came to start one of five Remisvir IV’s. He had reaction to first, yet they continued them after he went into coma. The treatments which family member attempted to halt in my opinion killed him.
At 84 I know a LOT of old people..or did. Most got vac. I started noticing that the people who did NOT take vaccine had mild or no covid. The fully vac’d have had covid and they did not have mild cases.
I have not travelled since 2019 because I refuse the vaccine and am afraid might get somewhere that oppressive CDC might demand I take Vaccine to return home.
At one point the Louisiana Texas border/state line was closed ..most people either did not remember that or did not know. I also have worries that more of my vac’d friends will die “suddenly”.
Google pays a $100 hourly salary. For a 40-hour work week, my most recent online earnings were $3500. My younger brother’s buddy claims that he works for about 30 hours per week and makes an average salary of $12,265. I’m amazed at how abt-06 straightforward things used to be.
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