The US Supreme Court has finally agreed to hear a 2020 election case – and it’s a big one. An attorney from Utah named Raland Brunson has filed a lawsuit alleging that Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, Mike Pence, and about 385 Members of Congress were derelict in their duty to protect the US Constitution on January 6, 2021.
This is a huge case, because it alleges that those Members of Congress basically committed treason against the American people and the government, by refusing to pause the electoral process over allegations of fraud. Part of me can’t believe that this is real and that’s finally happening. But the Justices actually voted to put the case on the Supreme Court docket.
The case is Brunson v. Alma Adams, et al. Congresswoman Alma Adams’ (D-NC) name appears on the title of the case because the 385 defendants are alphabetized. It’s now listed on the Supreme Court site as Docket No. 22-380. And just so you don’t think I’m spreading Russian disinformation; you can read Brunson’s complaint for yourself HERE.
Here’s the gist of the case. There were an unprecedented amount of fraud claims in the 2020 election, emanating from many different states. More than 100 Members of Congress – all Republicans and led by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) – asked for the electoral process to be paused. Citing precedent from a past presidential election, those patriotic legislators called for the formation of a commission to investigate the fraud claims before certifying the election.
385 Members of Congress failed to uphold their duty to defend the Constitution, by refusing to form a commission to investigate the unprecedented amounts of fraud. In essence, Brunson is arguing that those Representatives and Senators were guilty of dereliction of duty; committed treason by aiding and abetting an enemy of the United States (the fraud and election rigging); and further notes that the US Court system has long held that “fraud vitiates everything,” which means that a fraudulent election is not a legitimate election.
There is absolutely precedent for what Ted Cruz and the other lawmakers were requesting. In 1876 there were intensely disputed allegations of fraud in the Rutherford B. Hayes-Samuel Tilden presidential race. To resolve the allegations of fraud, Congress appointed a commission of five US Senators, five US Representatives, and five US Supreme Court Justices. Their task, which they carried out, was to investigate and resolve the allegations of fraud, so the actual winner of the election could be determined.
That actually happened. Democracy survived. They delayed the electoral process and didn’t certify the results until after the investigation was concluded. Tilden had 184 electoral votes when the process started, and Hayes had 165. To be declared the winner, one of them needed 185 votes for an electoral college majority. There were 20 outstanding electoral votes between the states of Florida, Oregon, Louisiana, and South Carolina.
All of those votes ended up being awarded to Hayes, due to fraud in those four states – and Hayes became President.
Congress ignored this legal precedent in 2020 and many of them simply jumped around and told us it was the “safest and most secure election ever.” That was a lie, obviously. Brunson’s lawsuit accuses every Member of Congress of treason for not defending the Constitution, because they didn’t pause the electoral process to carry out an investigation.
Great, so what’s the remedy if Brunson wins his case? Joe Biden, Mike Pence, Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris, and the 385 traitors in Congress will be removed from office and barred from ever holding public office again. Sounds like a long shot, right?
But as I try to think through this and second-guess the Supreme Court, I have to wonder… why have they agreed to hear the case at all? They have three options with Brunson v. Alma Adams, et al. Hear the case and do nothing, letting the lower court ruling to dismiss the case stand. (That would be extremely weird, since they agreed to hear the case.) They can review the case and issue an opinion, which would also be strange. What would the opinion be if they didn’t dismiss it? “Fraud happened, but what can you do?!”
And the third option would be to find in favor of Brunson, which would mean Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and most of the Congress would be thrown out of office immediately. I don’t know what to think. I don’t know what the court’s going to do. But I do know that this is the first case regarding the 2020 election fraud that has made it all the way to the Supreme Court – and that’s historic.
Throw the Bums Out! It’s no wonder the libs are trying to get rid of the conservative justices duly appointed. They try to say it’s all about abortion, but they’re trying to cover their tracks!
This is fake news! Go to the US Supreme Court and check out what they have scheduled! This is not even there!
Your comment is the fake news.
Not fake. I downloaded the document
This administration repeatedly makes moves that are reversed by later court findings. They repeatedly and knowingly refuse to uphold laws of the US. They actively and knowingly work against the Constitution regardless of their oath to support and defend it.
This is fake news! Go to the US Supreme Court and check out what they have scheduled! This is not even there!
Your comment is the fake news.
It’s scheduled for 1/6/23 coincidence, I think not.
Humm Wil the Supreme Court have the balls to do whats right
Interesting if it turns out they really have it on their docket
I think the court knows what happened but are too cowardice to do the right thing.Funny how the SOS in most of these rouge states rushed to certify.Thank GOD lady k Hobbs dirty underwear are front and center on stage.
Agree 100%.
“Front and center”? I don’t agree that this is all that matters: “front and center” does not go far enough to tell the truth. It is also something that the Left has taken great pains to advertise as what they see as “truth” — when it is worse than an earth-shatteringly monumental lie. I do not **ever** support the death penalty (life in prison with no chance of parole would be acceptable), but if that is what becomes their fate, in this case, I say “Oh well, so be it.”
I’d seriously enjoy watching and hearing the necks snapping at the end of a rope for each and every one of these traitorous a holes…….and we shouldn’t have to pay to incarcerate these filthy bastards, a rope is cheap
This is fake news! Go to the US Supreme Court and check out what they have scheduled! This is not even there!
Are you in China or do you pick fruit for Pelosi, as she says to run workers down and still expects their loyalty. Wake up.
There are other precedents in Presidential elections, including the Rutherford/Tilden case and the NIXON/JFK 1960 election. Both had fraud. Nixon made a bad decision, in my opinion, to let it stand to “protect” citizens’ confidence in vote. Fraud in elections does the opposite.
Your comment is fake news. Doc 22-380 is the filing
Your comment is the fake news
22-380. How many times will you cut and paste your comment, lol!
Shut up commie
What is the constitutional punishment for high treason. I thought it included a firing squad but im no longer sure since it seems the current administration has tried like all heck to shred the constitution. Does the penalty also stretch out to the spouses who knowingly went right along with it?
That is one choice for treason punishment. Biden has done quite a few things that fall under treason, including Afghanistan: leaving ammo, arms, war machines, cash, night goggles, planes, copters, armored transport vehicles, tanks, 1 ton of C4 explosives plus detonators, US Military uniforms and helmets that could help enemy “get in”. $87.6 BILLION VALUE, plus the four pallets stacked with US money. Anything that is left by choice that can be used against US military and American citizens (by Afghanistan. Iran, China, Russia), THAT IS TREASON. Biden, Harris, Milley. Armstrong, etc., are guilty of this action.
As for spouses, there IS precedent to include spouses re treason in US. Spies where wives were helping or aware and didn’t stop it or report it, both were convicted of treason and put to death. Jill Biden knows what’s going on; how could she not, and supports it. She has been seen on film working on papers for Biden as they flew to a foreign country. Hunter’s emails stated he was requesting keys to a DC office they were sharing with a Chinese company tied with Xi. The email requested individual keys fir HIM, JOE BIDEN, JOE’S BROTHER, and .. .. JILL. She wanted her own key to go in there on her own. Likely she and Obama work together as Biden puppet masters of sorts. She seems very involved in knowledge of everything Joe is doing to harm America and Americans. Melania went to visit areas inundated by legal aliens, once on her own. JILL HASN’T, NOR HAS JOE BIDEN, HUNTER. ETC. Biden inaction re the border and ignoring safety and security and health of US citizens is High Crimes Agaibst Humanity and likely treason, too. He swore to protect the safety and security of America. He does the opposite re border, Fentanyl, cartel, US energy destruction, entering agreements with our enemies like Iran and China. Giving $110 BILLION to Ukraine, an historically corrupt country that dealt with Hunter, and Zelensky doesn’t have to account for how one penny of it was spent.
I’M TIRED of these crooks out to destroy America and Americans. Deserve highest punishment possible.
Very well said
AMEN, Brother .. AMEN.
All I know is there is substantial Voter Fraud and Dems were quick to call it before all the Counting was done in 3 states, and they are working against our Constitution & against it’s own people since they stole office they are all illegitimate that are currently in office Killing America while we are all down & out! Seems they never get any Consequences for anything they do and everything they do is against our Constitutional Laws.
Unfortunately, you are correct/right on!
Hey Judy I hope to god that the obvious fraud with all the photo and film(2000 mules) evidence, in all the swing states and all the changes their legislators made before election without legislation by the people. With just the stroke of a pen of corrupt leaders that denied oversight during counting. False accusations about floods and broken pipes in tabulating areas. And outright putting up blinds in areas where observers were trying to observe counting procedures! A commie Marxist socialist leader named STALIN once said “ ITS NOT THE ONE WHO VOTES BUT THE ONE THAT COUNTS THE VOTES THAT MATTERS “.
This is fake news! Go to the US Supreme Court and check out what they have scheduled! This is not even there!
Doc 22-380. Your comment is the fake news.
Go away Paul. We’ve heard enough of your repetitions and false phrases.
Your nose tells you loud & clear, When You smell a dead RAT! I am so glad that the betrayers of the Constitution & the people were named in bold letters. Please DO NOT VOTE FOR THEM AGAIN.
The third option is acceptable for treason! Otherwise a huge precedent would be created.
I said all along Biden did not get all those votes just a lot of BALLOTS could not be happier.
Hey Judy I hope to god that the obvious fraud with all the photo and film(2000 mules) evidence, in all the swing states and all the changes their legislators made before election without legislation by the people. With just the stroke of a pen of corrupt leaders that denied oversight during counting. False accusations about floods and broken pipes in tabulating areas. And outright putting up blinds in areas where observers were trying to observe counting procedures! A commie Marxist socialist leader named STALIN once said “ ITS NOT THE ONE WHO VOTES BUT THE ONE THAT COUNTS THE VOTES THAT MATTERS “.
President Trump is still our President, no doubt about it folks….
This is fake news! Go to the US Supreme Court and check out what they have scheduled! This is not even there!
So sick of fake news!
Doc 22-380. Your comment is the fake news
I’ll believe when I see it! Money, money changes everything these days. China, America and other countries are guilty by laws changing in favor of “The Golden Rule”! He who has the gold, makes the rules!!!
The gold and the silver are mine saith the Lord
This will be the case the entire world is interested in bringing about true Justice. The Biden herd of rotten Democrats could possibly become the most publicized batch of traitors ever known to mankind. I am an 88 year old retired Air Force combat warrior, and I am certain that tens of millions of my fellow comrades in arms are eager to see the gigantic fraud that was conceived, funded, and praised by the Democrats will be recorded by history as the most traitorous event ever to happen in the USA. Long live our Republic!
Great comment Robert E. A. I hope this goes through against Biden et al. Georgia SOS has also declared the two largest counties fraud cases re 2020 HAVE MERIT TO BE HEARD. IF those flip, the state goes to Trump. Re Michigan, Zuckerberg found to have given millions to put “Zuckerberg drop off boxes” all over, plus had his own employees go there to be vote counters. He’s Liberal Democrat crazy person. That could flip Michigan, plus more fraud in AZ, NV, and Utah. Project Veritas also has verified video of Ilhan Omar relative telling them she was paying him and a lot of other $20/ballot brought to her yo be filled out. They were grabbing them at senior living apartments, he said. That’s a felony for Ilhan Omar and her band of thieves, plus invalidates the votes. Minnesotans were actually thinking they’d go red in 2020, and also in 2022. Omar probably did same felony action to get herself re-elected by over 70% in 2022, despite being booed off the stage in her own District. Rest of Squad might have followed same game plan, with two more of them getting well over 80% !!! Doesn’t seem likely.
If we don’t prosecute and punish fraudsters, THEY WILL ESCALATE.
I am way past ready for Trump to be legitimately back in office, while American has a chance to recover from Biden attacks.
Thank you for your sacrifice and service sir… God Bless and Merry Christmas to you and yours…
Prayers for this petition to be dealt with correctly by the SCOTUS. I wrote to them asking them to seriously and for the sake of our nation’s future, look at this petition. It would be a win for people everywhere….justice would be served and the nation would have a chance to rebuild under the true elected President…DJT. It would not only solve the problem of “what do we tell our children about consequences for crime?” but it would also get the nation back on track in becoming a great nation once again. Praying very hard for the right and just decision to be made.
It would be nice if the court meaningfully considers this case. It would be nice if real, sweeping investigations were done. It would be nice if those responsible were held accountable. Nice, but I’ll believe it when I see it. Unfortunately, I believe the most likely outcome is that SCOTUS is taking this case so that they can rule against it, and throw the weight and prestige of The Supreme Court of the United States behind the idea that the aligations of fraud were more sour grapes about losing than any real fraud, in the hopes of putting to bed once and for all the idea that a presidential election was influenced and changed by widespread fraud. In short, I think SCOTUS will become complicit in the fraud. I have said before, the powers that be are more afraid of the people losing faith in our electoral process than they are of fraudulent elections. The irony is, every time they dismiss the evidence that the election was fraudulent, without any serious investigation, or outright dismissals by the courts (without said evidence ever seeing the inside of a courtroom), fuels the sense that our elections are now rigged. The ONLY solution is an in depth and serious investigation of all of the credible fraud alligations and the mountain of evidence supporting it. If, after that, it is proven that the election results were correct, can we move on, otherwise widespread discontent will continue to fester. But then again, maybe that’s what the deep state really wants. Maybe they want us to lose faith in the system so we will “agree” to a systemic change, and that change will be away from freedom and into servitude.
Thank you Mr. Brunson!!! I’ve been praying and waiting for someone to fix this horrendous injustice to America!!
You are a true patriot! I pray you are successful!!! Americans needs election integrity!!!
God Bless you Sir
Paul needs remedial reading course.
I hope that the SCOTUS gives this case the consideration and decision that it so richly deserves! With a 6-3 Conservative majority on the Bench, the outcome should be a no-
brainer if the Constitution is followed!