For the second time in 2024, voters will be holding a do-over election because of fraud. The sheriff’s race in Caddo Parish, Louisiana was decided by 1 vote in November, but after a lengthy trial and appeal, the courts have decided it’s impossible to know who won the election.
Remember back in 2020 when the media and the Democrats claimed that do-over elections can’t be done because it would undermine people’s faith in democracy? That was a lie, obviously, because this will be the second do-over election this year due to cheating.
Henry Whitehorn is the Democrat running for sheriff in Caddo Parish. When the votes were counted on election night last November, he came out just 1 vote ahead of John Nickelson, the Republican candidate. That triggered an automatic recount, which happened on November 27th.
Unfortunately, Louisiana has some of the oldest voting machines still in use in America. You can push a button on the antiquated machine, and it tells you how many votes there were for each candidate, but there is no paper trail to prove the accuracy of the vote totals. The “recount” consisted of pushing the button again and it spit out the same result – a 1-vote margin of victory for Henry Whitehorn.
Nickelson took it to court after discovering that there were 11 ballots that were illegally cast in the election. The case was heard by retired Supreme Court Justice E. Joseph Bleich.
“It was proven beyond any doubt that there were at least eleven (11) illegal votes cast and counted,” wrote Judge Bleich in his ruling. “It is legally impossible to know what the true vote should have been.”
One person voted by mail and then voted again in person on election day. Another person cast a ballot during early voting and then voted again on election day. It was determined that five people voted illegally using mail-in ballots. The ruling doesn’t say the exact nature of those votes—whether they were illegal aliens or people who had moved out of the Parish or out of state.
Four additional votes were cast by “interdicted persons.” Under Louisiana law, that can mean a couple of different things. They might have been ballots cast by people in prison, or by people who have been declared mentally incompetent and forbidden from voting by a court ruling. Bleich didn’t specify which type of interdicted voters these were.
The point, however, is that this is way too many illegal ballots in an election that was decided by just 1 vote.
“It defies logic in this particular case to conclude that it is possible to determine the accurate results of the runoff election, especially considering the one-vote margin,” wrote Bleich. “Just one illegal vote could have affected the outcome, and here, multiple illegal votes were cast and counted.”
Judge Bleich had no choice but to overturn the election results and order a do-over election. Whitehorn appealed the ruling, but the appeals court upheld Bleich’s decision. The fraud that took place made it impossible to know the true outcome of the election. Which is exactly what Bridgeport, Connecticut is going through right now. It’s also exactly what happened in 2020, when the scaredy-cat courts all refused to step in and stop the election from being stolen.
Bridgeport had to re-do its mayoral primary election because of rampant ballot-box stuffing. Even after they re-did that election, they still have to have another one which has been scheduled for February 27th to finally figure out who their mayor is.
In Caddo Parish, voters will get a second chance to vote for sheriff on the day of the Louisiana presidential primaries—March 23rd. It is vitally important that Republicans don’t sit this election out, no matter how tempting it might be. We already know at this point that Donald Trump and Joe Biden will win the respective primaries that day. Turnout is what will be the key to electing a Republican sheriff for Caddo Parish.
If Republicans stay home because they figure their vote won’t matter, since Trump is obviously the nominee, they could end up with a Democrat sheriff in office who lets illegal alien child molesters out on the street. Primary elections are the downfall of Republican voters. If we could get our turnout numbers up for primaries, we would live in a very different country—one where the Democrats and their insane policies are not ruining everything.
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Yes the Republican people must get out and vote. Its so hard to set and read about how the democrats are always cheating. They are the worse lieing , stealing, cheating scrum bags of this earth, guess its hard to have to cheat all the time to win — that shows how the democrats ready would not be in any office the only way they have is to cheat !!! The low live pieces of shit would not be in office destroyed the country if we could get them out of cheating there way in. That horrible low life piece of old fart did not win the 2020 election we all know now that he is a fraudulent crawl-in president who should be horse whipped into leaving are country for he hates american people and he hates this country . All he knows to do is thank of ways to destroy. And first thing the crawl-in ass-hole did — open up the borders and let billions upon billions of unchecked illegal aliens in our country and that should be put down as an act of terrorism by our president. !!! And that’s not all the old crawl-in thing has done to us– he has spent so much of are tax money that we are way over are heads in national debt. And are Economy is sky-high on the true American people. He has put alot of our workers out of jobs by shutting off the oil supply. And this crawl-in president also has the FBI , HOMELAND SECURITY, DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE all turned against the true American people. He is using are tax money to give to the imagination bunch they get free money to help set them up in business and free college and everyone esle he can do — this crawl-in president has not done one thing to help the true American people out. He hates us so bad that he can’t dring himself to do anything to help us. This man is out to destroy America. You can see it , you can hear it , you can feel it, just listen to his lieing talk and you will know . The democrats are nothing but lieing,stealing, cheating scrum bags. Don’t ever vote for one of them if you are a true American you want have anything to do with any democrat. It dont take much to see how democrat governors are driving there states into the ground with out of control crime and taking care of illegal aliens first and letting LGB into schools and taking rights away from the parents. Why would anyone vote for someone to do all this and more to your state. And letting one be president ** well we see what damage that has done *** THIS has to stop we need the democrats out and some one in who will get our country back on track. If we don’t and they cheat there way back in for four more years then just kiss your country good bye and live in China.
Believe most folks know the the Elections were stolen by the Crooks in Washington DC along with there assistants and our Elections need to be RETURNED BACK TO ALL THE FOLKS VOTING, BY GOING BACK TO NO MORE MACHINES USING PAPER BALLOTS ONLY AS THEY CAN BE RECOUNTED if needed to see the ACTUAL VOTES.