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As Nation Falls Apart, CNN Can Only Discuss Trump’s ‘Fake News’ Toilet Story

You know CNN is done when the world is falling apart and all the network can highlight is whether Donald Trump flushed documents down the White House toilet.

Former President Donald Trump has denied a report that claimed he regularly clogged the White House toilets by flushing documents.

“Another fake story, that I flushed papers and documents down a White House toilet, is categorically untrue and simply made up by a reporter in order to get publicity for a mostly fictitious book,” Trump said in a statement, according to Fox News.

The story originated in the upcoming book by New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman. Haberman is also a CNN political analyst.

Haberman said “either notes or some other piece of paper that, you know, they believe [Trump] had thrown down the toilet.”

Haberman also took to Twitter to share the toilet talk. “Here’s some reporting from the book’s later years – White House residence staff periodically found papers had clogged a toilet, leaving staff believing Trump had flushed material he’d ripped into pieces,” she tweeted.

The book, coming Oct. 4, ahead of the midterm elections, is called “Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and the Breaking of America.” The title will focus on Donald Trump, taking “a long look at the arc of his life, from the world that made him in New York City to the world he tried to recreate in the White House,” Haberman said in a series of tweets on Thursday.


When your titles include working at biased “news” organizations CNN and New York Times and you’re dumping on Trump, there’s a good chance the story is full of speculation and perhaps downright made up accounts included.

It wouldn’t be the first time CNN has made up stories regarding the former president. From his fake Russian collusion story, Trump’s four years in office and beyond have been about the only news keeping the liberal network afloat in the midst of its multiple sex scandals.

But even after more than a year after Biden is in office, the network would rather dish out new Trump gossip than address Biden failures. CNN has barely even touched one of the juiciest gossip stories of all, Hunter Biden’s explosive laptop full of details, instead highlighting any Trump-related material to feed its remaining audience.

A conservative journalist this week took a screenshot of CNN’s website and noted that Trump’s name appeared 11 times. Biden’s name wasn’t mentioned at all. This tells you all you need to know about the network. It’s not about reporting the news or what is really happening in the White House. It’s all about blasting Trump and those who support his America FIrst agenda in an effort to keep the left in power, despite the failures of Biden on wide number of issues.

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33 thoughts on “As Nation Falls Apart, CNN Can Only Discuss Trump’s ‘Fake News’ Toilet Story”

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  2. The DEMO–C–RATS have turned OUR COUNTRY into an ABSOLUTE “MESS” in a very short time !!! They have been working on it for a long time butt PRESSING it for last 13 years HARD !!! THESE IDIOT NEWS MOUTH FLAPPERS, cnn,msnbc,cbs,abc,nbc have been their catalist of MISSINFORMATION,LIES , COLLUSION, &HATE !!! The WEST COAST & NORTH EAST COAST LIBERAL SOCIALIST have pushed this HORRIBLE NARRITIVE & PUSHED LIES & MORE HATE &RACIAL DISTRESS !!! This is their MOTIVE which is very HATE DRIVEN !!!

    1. They are afraid because they know that Present Trump is the real president and this is why they attack him! All their efforts will fail!

      1. This so, so true.. Trump is our rightful president. America is in shambles due to lies and fraud from the most ungodly bunch that call themselves Democrats. And a man sitting in the Oval Office that is mentally unbalanced. Actually they’re paid Progressive, Socialist backed by people like Soro, Obama and many others that want to see America fall into the hands of evil people that want to rule like Stalin. They will never take away what God has ordained and blessed.
        Keep those prayer going up Prayer Warriors!!

    1. If Trump DID flush some paper down the toilet, COULD it be so household spies could not recover paper trash.
      You do not think they would?
      OH YEAH!!!!!

  3. It was very difficult to read these negative comments. Next time folks spell check then proof read before hitting reply/post.

  4. How can these people keep a job. You think we shred data, and flush. Yet these same fantastic journalist, can not find a story with Hillary and her illegal server at tthe home, or Hunter Biden laptop, and the Biden crime family.

  5. Maggie Haberman can leave the country fast! She a liberal liar as everyone working at CNN OR MSNBC! Not sure were she got her information. But you can consider it nothing a lying liberal who want her 15 minute of fame! We are witness to every email that was destroyed by Hillary Clinton. Where the story on this? We are witness to Obama bringing in illegal immigrants from Syria without approval from Congress! You can assume this was how these 4 squad got elect. Sleeping terrorists who job was to turn the young people against those who understand the CONSTITUTION LAWS! That was one reason why during Obama term they legal MARIJUANA! Because they have to fry the brain of these young college kids! To get thing rolling toward SOCIALIST RULES!

  6. The truth of the matter is that the clogged toilets resulted from President Trump flushing the democrats down th drain. They were desperate to stop him. (He’s still flushing, by the bye, which is why they’re gearing up to cheat like hell come November).

  7. The White House has 35 bathrooms and to
    accuse President Trump of stuffing papers
    down how many? is absurd! These Liberals are
    desperate in their attempts to destroy President
    Trump. CNN, why don’t you report the misdeeds
    of the Biden Family?

  8. Only those with the mental disorder could believe such trash. A multi billionaire can’t afford a shredder? The NYT, what a rag!!

  9. I can not believe that the White House does not have a Shredder. They have to flush everything, Dont believe it.

  10. S­t­a­r­t w­o­r­k­i­n­g f­r­o­m h­o­m­e! G­r­e­a­t w­o­r­k f­o­r-E­v­er, ­S­t­a­y a­t H­o­m­e M­o­m­s O­R a­n­y­o­n­e n­e­e­d­s­ a­n e­x­t­r­a i­n­c­o­m­e. G­e­t s­t­a­r­t­e­d. Y­o­u o­n­l­y n­e­e­d­ a computer a­n­d a reliable c­o­m­p­u­t­e­r c­o­n­n­e­c­t­i­o­n­ s­o d­o­n’t g­e­t l­a­t­e t­r­y…

    Read all about it here…

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