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Australia Joins the All-Cause Mortality Vaccine Spike Bandwagon and It’s Bad

One of the biggest Star Wars conventions of the year just happened in Anaheim, California a few days ago. All attendees were required to show proof of COVID vaccination, because California. Even though every employee and attendee was vaccinated, it turned into a super-spread event. That’s happening all over the place in areas with the highest vaccination rates.

Australia is the latest nation to publish its most recent all cause mortality (ACM) numbers, and they’re bad. A lot of extra Australians started dying right around the time that country was imposing its draconian vaccine mandates.

In the ten months between April of 2021 and February of 2022, Australia experienced 16,000 excess deaths over their five-year average. That’s quite a few extra citizen deaths for a country with a population smaller than Texas. It works out to an average of 1,600 excess deaths every single month. Only about 400 deaths per month have been happening from COVID in Australia. Also, remember the COVID deaths have not increased all-cause mortality in any nation. This seems to be because COVID itself is mainly killing the very sick and the very elderly – people who were likely to die from some other cause anyway.


One interesting thing about the ACM spike in Australia is that it hit women sooner than men. We can only speculate as to the reasons why. One theory is that the COVID vaccine immediately attacks the liver cells of all recipients and begins rewriting their DNA. But in women, it attacks the liver and the ovaries at the same time. Maybe that’s one possibility?

Another theory that sounds reasonable is that there are far more women in health care related fields than men. Female nurses in America and Australia outnumber male nurses, for example, by a factor of about 10 to 1. Countries “prioritized” health care workers and forced them to get vaccinated before the general population, because that was supposed to keep us all safer. Instead, it may have contributed to Australian women experiencing a spike in all cause mortality sooner than men.

Deaths are one health statistic that countries are fairly good at tracking accurately. There’s a body every single time. Australia just published their latest results in May, so they only have about a three-month lag in reporting times on this important statistic. We’ve already seen definitive proof of all cause mortality increases for 2021 in Great Britain, Wales, Ireland, Canada and Israel.

We don’t have these numbers yet for America, because our health officials drag their feet and in case no one noticed, they seem to be very inept. We won’t have the official death count for 2021 in America until sometime in July of 2022. Mark your calendar for that, because health officials will no longer be able to hide the fact that the COVID vaccines are killing a lot of excess Americans.

The FDA is now suddenly claiming that the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is somehow OVER-reporting vaccine injuries. In other words, it only looks like the COVID shots are injuring and killing more people than the other 70 vaccines in use in the United States combined because we’re just paying more attention to the COVID shots. That doesn’t even make sense. Especially after we’ve seen so many nurse whistleblowers claim that few health care workers ever fill out the VAERS paperwork because it’s too cumbersome.

The numbers here in the US are likely to be awful when we finally get a picture of all cause mortality. Some life insurance companies are already sounding off and announcing that the numbers have increased by a lot. It’s hard to predict how bad the numbers will be, because we don’t have an accurate number on how many Americans are vaccinated. The government has said the number is close to 80% of the adult population, but we know that’s a lie. It’s likely closer to 50%.

A 50% vax rate would mean the US has experienced roughly 96,000 excess deaths because of the COVID shots. Steve Kirsch and others have put forth estimates that are as high as 500,000 excess deaths. We won’t know for sure for a couple of more months, but when we do, expect the vaccine narrative to finally go into a tailspin.

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7 thoughts on “Australia Joins the All-Cause Mortality Vaccine Spike Bandwagon and It’s Bad”

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  2. It is getting harder and harder for the globalists and their puppet regimes around the world to conceal the apparent fact that the mRNAlien jabs were created to kill most of the world’s population and to turn those who survive into transhuman cyborgs. The depopulation is focused mostly on the white nations and the main priority is elimination of caucasians; thereafter, brown Third World slaves in enormous numbers will be used to repopulate America, Europe and the Antipodes. This is simply the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan of a century ago, initially supported and funded by the Rothschilds and the Warburgs and now being pushed by Gates and Schwab and Soros.

  3. The Bidenreich has stated there is a population problem. Could this be the remedy?
    Germany had a more permanent ”Solution to the Jewish problem”.

  4. Not surprised about Australia. Look how their government treated the people, putting them in “ camps” if they refused the jab, forcing them to take it. Shades of Hitler’s Nazi regime, and they call themselves “ civilized”! Not so much! I bet NOT ONE of the government lackeys took the jab. They all know what is in the vaccine, and what it does to the human body. Fauci, Gates, Soros, Biden and the rest should have to face a firing squad for their crimes against humanity!

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