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Biden Chooses Venezuela’s Oil Over America’s as Energy Crisis Intensifies

Immediately after taking office, President Biden began attacking America’s oil and gas industry which former President Trump had worked to make our country energy independent. Now as America faces a historic energy crisis, Biden is being forced to act – but it’s not what you would expect.

The Biden administration could easily reverse its overly restrictive policies which have handicapped the nation’s ability to produce the oil it needs but instead he’s giving the nod to socialist foreign nations.

In a clear demonstration of that, the Treasury Department recently announced that it would be allowing Chevron to pump more oil in Venezuela. In order to do so, the president removed sanctions placed on the socialist country – rather than freeing up American production.


The Biden administration interestingly claimed that the move was NOT done to bring down fuel prices in America, but rather about expressing “support” for Venezuela.

“This action is not being taken in response to energy prices, this is a limited license,” an anonymous official told Politico. “As we have said in the past, this is about the regime taking the steps needed to support the restoration of democracy in Venezuela.”

While Biden has gone all-in on fighting climate change here at home, apparently his willingness to support brutal Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro’s regime outweighs his supposed desire to save the environment.

By that logic, Biden seems to care more about propping up the socialist country than he does about helping American people who are suffering economically as a result of his disastrous ‘green energy’ policies.

The support for drilling in Venezuela becomes even more confusing when considering the fact that the Biden administration has taken steps to hinder other South American allies oil production – citing climate change as the reasoning.

According to The Wall Street Journal, America recently blocked a $70 million loan from U.S.-based bank IBD Investments that would have allowed Guyana to upgrade necessary infrastructure in the country to allow exports of its oil.

The Biden administration’s “reasoning was based on August 2021 Treasury ‘guidance on fossil fuel energy at the multilateral development banks,’ which says that the U.S. will ‘promote ending international financing of carbon-intensive fossil fuel-based energy.’”

Meanwhile, the Chinese Communist Party saw an opportunity and stepped in to help the U.S. ally of Guyana. That same CCP has ignored calls to reduce Co2 emissions and has instead ramped up coal production while also making a laughingstock out of Biden climate czar John Kerry.

While the Biden administration continues to destroy America’s energy industry it seems Socialist and Communist nations are reaping the benefits while the American public is forced to foot the bill.

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21 thoughts on “Biden Chooses Venezuela’s Oil Over America’s as Energy Crisis Intensifies”

  1. Start making money this time… Spend more time with your family & relatives by doing jobs that only require you to have a computer and an internet access and you can have that at your home. Hax Start bringing up to $65,000 to $70,000 a month. I’ve started this job and earn a handsome income and now I am exchanging it with you, so you can do it too.

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    everyone. Similarly, I’ve just begun———>

  3. “Our current occupant of the oval office’s socialist agenda” says it all. Biden admires Xi and his iron fist grip on the people. Biden is anxious to bring that same repressive communist rule to the US. BRAVO to the brave people of China for standing up to Xi!

    1. I second that BRAVO to those downtrodden people. We are next if Biden and his Commie buddies have anything to say about it. If he hates this country so much I will be glad to buy him a ticket on a slow boat to China and pray it sinks.

  4. Well Now, it seems that Joe Biden would rather have Venezuela take the blame for his Phony Claims of Climate Change or Global Warming or whatever name their using this week to DESTROY the AMERICAN ECONOMY! What Freaking Difference does it make to this Weakling Administration whose oil gets turned into GASOLINE that gets burned in AMERICAN CARS AND TRUCKS? Will Foreign oil supposedly pollute AMERICAN AIR, or WARM THE PLANET LESS than AMERICAN OIL?
    Why are these Idiots propping up and Enriching a Corrupt Communist Government by begging them for oil and removing Sanctions on them when AMERICA HAS THE ABILITY TO BE ENERGY INDEPENDENT?

    1. Your answer is the UN global oligarchy has been given the right to set US policy by Congress; so the only chance for the US is to take back our public policy from the UN. They are the ones who these energy companies must oppose; the Feds won’t help them the CCP now owns the Corporate governing partners who sell out the US for profits and public policy control.

  5. Are people just now figuring this out? He begged Saudi King to produce more oil. He’s begging those who hate us, burn our flag and yell death to America. He’s running around wasting taxpayers money, depleting our strategic reserves, while if he just started drilling again, we’d see below $1.75 a gal for gas. We’d be self sufficient. We are sittling on hundreds of years of black gold.
    Who voted for this EVIL? Remember, every one from The occupier on down work for us, WE THE PEOPLE. They are hired to do our bidding. We pay their salaries. Can’t vote them out because they’ve got the CHEATING DOWN PAT.

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  6. Everyday that brain dead joe is in office makes Carter into a great president. Biden hates this country and the people, if he really cared about the country he wouldn’t be putting us in dangerous predicimates every since he was inaugurated. He is destroying the economy, his outrageous inflation is bankrupting the poor and middle class. People will be freezing to death this winter because of stupid energy policies, he’s to stupid to realize you can’t jump from fossil fueled energy to green energy by snapping his fingers. Its going to take years to implement a trusty green energy program that can handle the energy this country needs to operate. The green energy this country produces is already a danger to wildlife, by removing trees and farmland to put up inefficient wind turbines this country will die of starvation and lack of oxygen.

  7. Making socialist Venezuela great again while destroying our own ability to be great. This is typical of an inept and corrupt tyranny.

  8. Democrats, especially Joe Biden and his administration, wants to drain this country from all it’s wealth and become a socialist society! Even while proof of existing socialist countries have failed and people have starved to death, but their control and power to control exceeds all that. This Leftist regime wants YOU dependent upon them for everything. President Gerald Ford stated it well when he said,” Once a government is given the power, they will take whatever YOU have”!

  9. Start making money this time Spend more time with your family & relatives by doing jobs that only require you to have a computer and an internet access and you can have that at your home. Start bringing up to $75,000 to $95,220 a month. I’ve started this job and earn a handsome income and now I am exchanging it with you, so you can do it too.

    Here is I started————————————>>>

  10. You forgot to mention that the oil from Venezuela will go to China. Biden is still under the control of China government.

    1. Yup, the Big Guy will stop at nothing to keep his 10% flowing freely. Such a worthless, corrupt POS. (My apologies to POS’s)

  11. Yup, the Big Guy will stop at nothing to keep his 10% flowing freely. Such a worthless, corrupt POS. (My apologies to POS’s)

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