Joe Biden recently reiterated his pledge to force the U.S. back into the Paris Climate Accord and help China seal its push for global dominance.
The trade and business deal masked as an environmental pact allows the communist regime to continue its disgraceful pollution policies while raising the cost of manufacturing domestically and shipping those jobs overseas. President Donald Trump saw through the façade of the job killing Accord and extricated the U.S. Had he not, manufacturing costs would have escalated, and more Americans would lose jobs to China.
“I am fighting every day for the great people of this country. Therefore, in order to fulfill my solemn duty to protect America and its citizens, the United States will withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord — but begin negotiations to reenter either the Paris Accord or a really entirely new transaction on terms that are fair to the United States, its businesses, its workers, its people, its taxpayers,” President Trump said in 2017.
The data now proves that Pres. Trump was right to pull out of the agreement. According to a report from National Geographic, the 184 countries that signed on to the agreement set emissions standards that are far below goal achievement. Many — particularly China — will continue to increase carbon emissions for at least another 10 years.
The U.S. ranks among the few major industrialized countries to reduce carbon emissions year over year. Capitalism has spurred competition between fossil fuel energy and renewables. The result has been an increase in solar energy across the U.S. Carbon emission estimates declined by 10.2 percent from 2005 to 2018 in the U.S. By contrast, China’s carbon emissions have surged by more than 53 percent. Even as a signatory to Paris Accord, Chinese President Xi Jinping has gone on the record stating the communists will increase emissions.
“We aim to have CO2 emissions peak before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060,” Pres. Xi reportedly said.
The Paris Accord that Biden is so eager to thrust on American companies is supposed to result in lower emissions. It does, but almost exclusively from U.S. companies. In doing so, working families can anticipate massive job losses, diminished wages, and tax hikes to repay the coronavirus stimulus caused by the China virus.
Keep in mind that Pres. Xi made a similar false promise to eventually lower emissions by 2015. That never happened, and only a fool or politician in league with the communists would accept Pres. Xi’s word. The facts are that China continues to steal American intellectual property, jobs and undercuts competitors by funding its business investments with government money.
“Under a Biden-Harris Administration, we will rejoin the Paris Agreement on day one and lead the world in the fight against climate change,” Biden reportedly said.
China produces upwards of 28 percent of the world’s pollutants, nearly double the U.S. Yet Biden seeks to put draconian restrictions on U.S. companies. Whether Biden simply wants to look good for the fake news media or anticipates another round of Chinese payoffs to his family remains unclear.
What we do know is that Hunter Biden planned a $10 million influence-peddling deal with powerful communists and indicated that Joe Biden was to receive a 10 percent cut. Everyday people don’t need a calculator to do the math on the motivation for entering the Paris Climate Accord.
The Biden’s have been working with China and getting big dollars from them, but the media is afraid to actually talk about it. When they lose their jobs to China and other jobs are lost then what will they cry about. Just listen to Biden and Harris and you will know that Americans will suffer under their Presidency. We need Mike Pence, our Vice President to do the right thing on January 6th and keep President Trump and hisself in the White House.
Karen Walen I so agree with you !!!! If you saw that video of Obama telling us how he wanted to have a third term and he dreamed he could sit in his basement in sweats and talk to “president” with an ear piece and other things……and it seems this is happening. Biden wore earpieces during debates and Obama is by his side a LOT. We can’t allow Biden to do this to our country !!!!! It only took Trump 4 years to get our country back to where it should be and now Biden will destroy it !!!!!! His ideas are absolutely absurd.
Yep Mr Trump not only debated joe he was up against Obama and the news media because joe wouldn’t have the ball’s to say the things he did
I saw that video. And the documentary of Obama 2016 (or something like that). Frightening!
I’m almost 80 years old and I wish I could do something to help President Trump. I live on very little and I donate whenever I can, that’s all I can do. I pray for him to keep going and fight for America.?????????
Real problems are just beginning. Biden will be in office maybe 90 days, then Harris becomes president and….drumrolll…Pelosi becomes vice president. The agenda is playing out but the sheeple are blinded by their stupidity and can only believe what Joe tells them. The sheeple are like a bunch of people sitting around the campfire singing Kumbaya and chanting their unrealistic idealistic garbage of what the world needs now. China owns us and is about to make their most major move to overtake this country…why? Because we have become the most dumbed down populace in history!
We need to get rid of ALL of the Biden’s and Mike Pence and President Trump to make America great again! And no deals with China and all of the corruption in America!
Biden will destroy our economy. We will soon be in the same mess we were in under Obama. Thanks to a lying media, most people simply have no clue what is about to happen to America. Just the idea that man made CO2 can cause climate change is beyond ridiculous. CO2 is only .04% of the atmosphere, and even if man contributed 10% of that, man’s contribution would only come to .004%. So anyone who is dumb enough to believe that this causes climate change also believes in the tooth fairy.
With reading this article, it proves one important thing! JOE BIDEN IS A COMMUNIST! Remove from office, impeach him for TREASON!!!
The entire Democratic Party is corrupt. Media, judges, DOJ, etc. We, The People, can see it so clearly but what can we do to stop it? When Biden “won” the election the loser was America.
Biden stole the election through massive loads of illegal ballots. Like a giant heist in front of cameras recording the whole fraud. Then setting the algorithms to make the counts even more fraudulent. Hooking the machines to the internet so outside the country interests could manipulate results. And… Biden and his fellow traitors defrauded the legal voters in this way.
How can we as the American people stop this? The democratic politicians are not for the people of America they are only for the money THEY CAN PUT IN THEIR POCKETS!!!!!!
I am not sure Biden is aware enough to know the election was stolen. Soros and China paid for it. The Biden family is very corrupt. Biden is already collecting the first payment from China for our country.
Well all I can say is I hope this hits the dumbocrats hard first so they will know how bad they screwed themselves along with the rest of the country. BTW why dont the DOJ arrest any sitting politician for failure to uphold his/her oath of office, treason, or whatever is appropriate. Or is our law enforcement agencies corrupt or political?
If joe Biden gets in office America, kiss your country good bye. Start learning how to speak Chinese. Let’s not forget about our borders. He will open the gates just out of spite. He is and will always be bad for our country. Like our VP said , President Trump doesn’t always say the right things but he does the right things. I trust a strong military, economy and our constitution. Please stop the steal!
Joe Biden will kill America in many ways. Climate change is one of the ways increasing solar power will benefit the Chinese who make cells. As the article stated it will also make American made products more expensive furthering jobs being moved to China. This means more cash flow to the Biden’s.
It’s because of those same ideals that there is no “Made In America” anymore.
America, listen up!!! You better start praying for our great country, or we will fall just like Venezuela!!! ARE YA’LL READY FOR THAT??? WELL, GET READY…WE ARE IN TROUBLE!!! PRAY, PRAY, PRAY!!!!
Simply put, Biden and the Socialist Democrats are the true capitalists which ate ruining this country, it’s economy, and american employment. Biden and Socia; NO…..COMMUNISTS, are the TRUE traitors to this country and AMERICANS.
They don’t give one iota of a care about America or its people!!!!!
It’s because of those same ideals that there is no “Made In America” anymore.
Still believe this election as stolen. Hopefully we Americans find the answers before January 6th or on that date with Trump electoral votes.
Quid pro quo Joe “ I’m leaving in six hours. if that inspector is fired by then- no billion dollars for Ukraine”
“I know nothing about my son’s business”
“My son did nothing wrong”
“ you’re a liar man”
So Reprehensible!
How can Joe know nothing when his connections made all of the connections for Hunter using his vice presidency position That traitor should be shot not awarded with the Presidency.
Patriots Unite! We must stand up and Defend Our President. Trump is a Patriot! Biden is a Tyrant, criminal, traitor, cheater, career politician of 50 +years, Liar and Hypocrite.
Call to Arms! Stand Ready to Defend Our Country, our Constitution and Our way of Life.