Out of all the things that Americans should be talking about right now (out of control border, runaway gas prices, idiots in the Biden State Department bringing us to the brink of war with Russia, etc.), Joe and Jill Biden’s dogs should be pretty low on the list. Who cares about Joe Biden’s dogs when drug cartels are dumping babies in the Rio Grande to escape from the Border Patrol? But it’s the time of Easter in 2021, so maybe it is worth pausing for a sec and considering this. The Resurrection is of course the most important central fact of human history, but the Bible also provides a lot of wisdom about the sorts of people who are qualified to lead others.
Under Biblical qualifications, a leader needs to have good, upstanding moral character. Taking daily nude swims in front of female Secret Service agents or creepily sniffing the hair of little girls would seem to be disqualifying. Likewise, many types of leaders for civic and church roles are required (biblically) to be able to manage their own households. If a person’s household is a catastrophic mess, why should that person be qualified to shepherd and guard the liberties of other families? On that count, Joe Biden’s household is a complete and total failure.
I’ve written previously that Hunter Biden is actually not the “black sheep” of Joe Biden’s extended family. He’s emblematic of the whole bunch. Many members of the Biden clan – brothers, nieces and nephews, kids, etc. – are like a giant hot mess that spilled out of the trailer park and onto the national stage.
They’re never prosecuted for their many petty crimes (the “Big Guy” has too many connections and too much power), but the Biden clan is frequently arrested for stuff that you’d go to jail for: Drunk driving, felony credit card theft, stealing VHS tapes from Blockbuster back when Blockbuster was a thing. These people are a national train wreck. As the patriarch of his family, Joe Biden doesn’t seem to have instilled very good morals and values to his people.
Which brings us to the White House dogs, Champ and Major. The two beasts were already kicked out of the White House once after snarling at, terrorizing and biting at least one staff member. Good grief!
Major got kicked out and sent for some “remedial” obedience training in Delaware. As Twitchy.com notes, that apparently wasn’t enough to satiate Major’s hunger for human flesh. The beast came back and promptly attacked a National Park Service employee at the White House, who needed medical attention.
This could get interesting, because we have a lot of long-standing law when it comes to vicious animals in America, when their owners refuse to control them. Most municipalities in the country – including Washington, DC – have what’s sometimes called a “one free bite rule.” If your dog just bites someone one time, and it is a first offense and it doesn’t send them to the hospital, you’re not liable for damages, pain and suffering, and so on. But Major already used up his “one free bite.”
Now that he’s terrorizing and attacking White House staff again, Joe and Jill Biden could actually be sued by anyone who gets bitten by this animal, which is now proven to have a propensity for rending and tearing human flesh.
The media assured us that having these dogs in the White House was positive proof that Joe Biden is awesome and totally not Donald Trump. The Daily Beast even talked to a pet psychic to see what kind of emanations he was getting from Champ and Major, and what it could tell us about Biden:
“They [Champ and Major] made me feel that he will make a great president. He loves to help people. They described him as being a big softy. He talks to them like they are people.”
See? Joe Biden talks to his dogs like they’re people. And the psychic says the dogs told him Joe is a big softy. Take that, Trumpers!
Pool reporters got super excited at the White House this week over a major breaking news story: Someone pooped on the floor in front of the White House Diplomatic Room. Almost seems like a metaphor for Biden’s foreign policy!
Joe and Jill Biden are obviously not able to manage their household at the White House. Even their pets are a disaster. And that tells us a lot about the kind of “leader” that Joe Biden really is.
Has he started yet? Or just who is really running our country?
The Biden family should go to “thepetrelief.com” and look at the “Pet Relief Disc” it helps calm your pet, helps with anxiety, mobility, immune function, allergies and overall vitality, just attach to the pet’s collar, will last for a year.
It seems fairly obvious that Obama is actually at the helm. He directs confused Joe and instructs idiot Kamala. Our country is in trouble as long as the Democrats are in charge of anything. The border has been opened and thousands of illegals are pouring into our country, being given everything they need ‘free’ while our own people are suffering. Homeless people need help, Vets need help, children lining the streets without a place to care for them, the elderly need help. Yet Biden cradles the illegals as if they are related to him. This all to make sure they will vote for Democrats and keep them in power. So many bad things are happening now that all those illegals are turned loose on America. Let them come if they are willing to come legally. Kick them back to the curb if not. Biden and his administration are a threat to our country, he is slapping Americans in the face with all his might. He does not care about the United States, allows the murdering of babies, has animals that are a threat to the people who work at the White House and is one of the most corrupt families in the USA. He will cause war either with Russia, China or North Korea as he does not have the ability to negotiate with foreign leaders. God Help Us.
Agree 100% with everything you said. I do feel compassion for the dogs who are obviously not trained properly.
Well spoken. God help us indeed!!!
Keep the dog, shoot Joe.
Correct. See how this POS blames a pile of crap on his dogs. Everyone knows he did it. Or, maybe it was Russia, Russia, Russia.
I never trusted Joe! I always felt he was lying to me, even when there were other Democrats running on the was on the ticket! I lost my faith in Democrats with the election of Bill Clinton! I grew up in Texas, but I had an uncle who was the town Marshall in Arkansas when Clinton was the Governor! He was a womanizer and corrupt and so was Hillary!
Agree fully. Dogs are never the problem, the owner is ALWAYS the problem.
These dogs need a full-time trainer, to be kept away from the “humans” in the White House except for the Biden family and the trainers! Don’t expose these poor dogs to the trash that Biden allows in the White House. German Shepherds are great evaluators of humans, and if they are not comfortable around a person, that person probably is not worthy of being around any dog! Give the dogs their own space, outside dog park (fenced), private place to sleep, eat, play – upstairs away from the fools who come to make Biden do his stupid crap! God Bless these Canines! God Damn this idiot Biden!
The dog shouldn’t be near the bidens. Jill is a failed mother she has two kids that were on drugs 1 still – the daughter wrote in her diary she had to take showers with its with her father. She was asked the question do you think you were abused and she said I think so- what kind of parent would allow that to happen to their child. Do I think the dogs have been abused absolutely they have been. And Jilly bean should be arrested for elder abuse allowing this guy to ever run for president. The bidens are ignorant and I wouldn’t allow them to have a snake for a pet . These animals should be taken away from them immediately.
I think this whole matter with the dog is fabricated to get American attention away from what is really going on. Executive orders, border crisis, Passport law, and on and on. I don’t believe anything the Dems say or do. If this really happened and it wasn’t helping them with their dirty deeds, they would have squelched it from being reported.
I agree, keep both dogs….cap dr jill & sleepy joe
Has he started yet? Or just who is really running our country? Their Day Is Coming, pay back
Keep the dog, shoot Joe.
Shoot them all
Amen. Just sayin’.
And if Kamala was there to see the poop, she probably laughed like a hyena.
And she probably ate it!
Never in the history of this great Country have so few pulled off the LARGEST CRIME known to man. The entire Democratic Party and a rather large number of RHINO’S should be arrested, tried, convicted and sent to prison for a VERY LONG TIME. BUT, will they? NOT iN MY LIFETIME. WHY you ask? because the JUDICIAL system in this country has been raped beyond recognition. I am 90+ years in age, fairly well educated, was born when Herbert Hoover was president, seen the GOOD, BAD and absolutely the worst ( which are the ones in office now ). Don’t get me wrong there are some FINE, respectable Leaders of LAW splattered all over. Take Mr. Trey Goudie for instance. There is a Gentleman who not only Believes in his Country but Loves his GOD. BLESS you SIR and Thank you for your Service to YOUR Country. I am not physically able to participate in helping to FLUSH THE TOILET KNOWN TODAY AS THE WASHIGTON BOWL but there are other things that are involved in cleaning a Filthy House. # 1 Believe in your God. #2 Believe in your Final Goal, #3 Stand together, by this I mean DISCARD any Known people you know as Traitors to the cause. #4 Here is a hard one. Don’t. destroy anything please if possible stay within the boundaries of the Law . Prove to the Law enforcement folks that you want their help. I, because of the History of my family am sure they want PEACE and Happiness just as much as we do. ( IF I have to explain that it will make things a lot harder) Sit back take a deep breath and think a little before you engage whatever. GOD BLESS AMERICA AND ALL HER REAL CITIZENS. CHEYENNE
Amen, The Lord smile upon you sir.
dog not on a lease is not under control! so cut the lease onjoe that nancy has him on.
lol Good Luck on THAT lawsuit. You will never see a penny. If you’re really lucky they don’t send Old Man Hillary after you to do you know what.
The dogs prove the even mean kind of person he is. They picked it up from Bye Done.
Dogs are a mirror or their masters.
Don’t insult the poor dogs!!!!
I’m embarrassed about whats going on This Great Nation Run by Racist porpaganda
Democrat Dementia joe,even
Dog get it how weak joe is,
Don”t blame me I voted for Trump!.
Dogs are probably in distress with all of the demonic activity around them in the WH.
Biden is a category 5 cyclone! At the rate he is going we will have $20 cups of coffee before you know it! How can you have 70 executive orders that will change every American life in America and King Biden can’t answer one question? I am afraid his JV team in the White House will bankrupt our Nation! This administration is a train wreck!
I agree Franco, all talk & NO ACTION on many sites! I say its time for action (peaceful action at first) BUT ACTION! if a march of millions dont work, I am all in to talk it back anyway we can! These demonCREEPS are in office way too long ie; slow joe, the hoe, schumer, polosi, schif etc. Take em all out and “hang em high” !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is not the dogs fault. Dogs become what the owner wants them to become. Why wasn’t the dog sent to a professional trainer BEFORE going to the WH. How do you expect the dog to understand this huge house and all these strangers, most of them very tense acting strangers, He is going to react to the signals he reads of nervousness, tense, angry, haste from each of these strangers. A good owner would not put his dog through this. He could have arranged for most basic training before the move. He could have afford to have the dogs stay at home with well known servants who could have more that easily kept the dogs in their “safe” environment. Total selfishness is rule of the Biden family. He is forcing American to change the national government to Socialism and he is even FORCING his dogs to an entirely new life style. Shame, Shame,
You can determine if a aggressive dog ? can be trained. You only needhttps://www.goalcast.com/2018/01/19/22-george-orwell-quotes/ a professional
It’s just a damn shame that the GOOD DOG never had a chance to bite that always “Family Ethnic Changing History” Kamala Harris!!! example: she has been Native American, Hispanic, and now African American, and also “The Infamous Lizard Skinned” Nancy Pelosi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It’s just a damn shame that the GOOD DOG never had a chance to bite that always “Family Ethnic Changing History” Kamala Harris!!! example: she has been Native American, Hispanic, and now African American, and also “The Infamous Lizard Skinned” Nancy Pelosi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sad part is, the dogs are the smartest life forms in the white house now!
I usually don’t comment on this kinda stuff but this one I’ll take the bite…{get it} I had a dog and this dog snipped at a beautiful 3 year old baby whom was under my care and as a mother of 2 I immediately had an issue… SO with God given common sense I separated the 2 and put my dog in his cage when this baby would come to my house. NOW only common sense would tell a pet owner that once this kind of behavior is present then that pet is capable of attacking ANY human!!!!!!! What the F is a school or ANYONE going to do to take out of this ANIMAL that wants blood? YOU JUST CAN’T..either keep the damn dog away from humans or put it down, that’s the ONLY choices you have. Don’t make others suffer because of YOUR stupidity !! Yeah you can sue but once you get bitten by an animal that’s for life you never forget it let alone the fear it instills (I have been bitten) My dog NEVER bit anyone and that’s because he was caged when kids were around I wasn’t going to take ANY chances of anyone being hurt…JUST SAYING our white house has gone to the dogs Crap on the steps to the crap that occupies OUR white house . Now I let you know what I think of the stupid dog bites and their crap including their owners! IRRESPONSIBLE IDIOTS!!!!
This is where the “old saying” applies. “The Acorn doesn’t fall too far from the tree” ! ! ! !
Wait till he starts taxing his own dogs. The bites will grow deeper!
Any other citizen would have had the dogs quarantined by the local animal control. The owner would have been issued a citation or arrested for keeping & maintaining vicious animals. A judge would decide if the animals should be euthanized based on track record of attacks. Fumbling, Bumbling, Bozo-Beijing Biden should face the same consequences as any other citizen.
I trust the dogs a lot more than that senile imbecile and his criminal family. Keep the dogs. Send this Biden clan to prison.
Those dogs have more sense than the buffoons that work for Biden.
WE THE PEOPLE (aka SILENT MAJORITY) had countless opportunities to have stopped this nightmare, but we chose to give the DEMOCRATS what they expected of us, to REMAIN SILENT! Thus, making us equally complicit in the fraud perpetrated against United States Americans!
Isn’t it time you actually did something, took action? How much more damage needs to be done?
Can you continue to tolerate gasoline prices, product prices all going up, the WH being run by Harris, Pelosi and Schumer? Literally destroying our country, allowing thousands upon thousands of illegals into our country bringing in God knows what diseases?
Then copy and paste this information into an E-Mail and send to friends and family asking them to make the calls, then forward on to their friends asking them to make the calls and forward on! WE NEED TO MAKE THIS GO VIRAL!
Members of the House
Members of the Senate
When a ‘Leader’ has an idea he presents it to the people and if the people approve he moves forward with the idea. That’s not how it works when the person leading is a de facto dictator.
Biden IS A DOG———ENuff Said…….
Happy Easter to everyone today