The US Supreme Court has decided to take up a case over whether President Donald Trump should be allowed to run for reelection. Democrats are trying to disqualify Trump in multiple states right now on the grounds that he caused an insurrection. It looks like the Supreme Court is just going to nip this Democrat lawfare tactic in the bud before things get any further out of hand.
The case is John Castro v. Donald Trump, and it was filed by a guy out of Florida (more on him in a moment). The case has already been distributed to the justices ahead of a conference on September 26. The high court is expected to rule on the case on or before October 9. This should lay to rest the fantasies taking place in states like Colorado and California, which are having fever dreams right now about keeping the Bad Orange Man off the ballot in 2024.
John Anthony Castro ran for Webb County Commissioner in Texas back in 2004. He ran as a Democrat and came in fifth out of five candidates. In 2008, he wrote an op-ed in the Laredo Morning Times that the George W. Bush administration was planning to suspend the 2008 election and “is now planning on executing the final operation of their dictatorial reign over this country.”
When Obama defeated John McCain in the 2008 election and the peaceful transfer of power took place as always, Castro wrote a follow-up op-ed in which he gloated that Republicans had it coming. Despite his track record of false predictions, Castro has called Donald Trump a false prophet.
Anyway, John Anthony Castro is one of the gaggle of people vying for second place in the Republican primary. His filing with the Supreme Court reads in part:
“Castro and Trump are not only competing for the same political position within the same political party but are also appealing to the same voter base. In fact, throughout his campaigning efforts to date, Castro has spoken to thousands of voters who have expressed that they would vote for Castro only if Trump is not a presidential candidate as they maintain political loyalty to Trump.
Probably more like tens of voters, but whatever. Have you met thousands of people who are pining to vote for someone else—let alone John Anthony Castro—if only Donald Trump was not in the race?
His filing continues:
“Castro will further suffer irreparable competitive injuries if Trump, who is constitutionally ineligible to hold office, is able to attempt to secure votes in primary elections and raise funds. Trump’s constitutionally unauthorized undertaking will put Castro at both a voter and donor disadvantage.”
Trump is stealing votes and campaign donations from a guy no one has ever heard of! That’s the argument that Castro and his attorneys have put forward in order to keep President Trump off the ballot in 2024. It’s… not a very good case.
The hilarious thing about all of this is that the Supreme Court has agreed to hear this case. There are plenty of other lawsuits going on in other states which are all calling for Trump to be kept off the ballot. By striking down this one first, the Supreme Court sets an easy precedent to dismiss all the others in one fell swoop.
The problem with all of these cases, including Castro’s, is that Donald Trump never staged an insurrection, never engaged in a seditious conspiracy, and never waged war against the United States government. Sure, the House impeached him over January 6th, but that’s basically the congressional equivalent of an indictment. In his trial in the US Senate, Donald Trump was found not guilty of insurrection.
Think about it this way. Special prosecutor Jack Smith has indicted Trump twice. Alvin Bragg has indicted him once. Fani Willis has indicted him once. He’s facing a collective 91 counts right now. Not a single one of those charges is for inciting an insurrection. The claim that Trump was doing an insurrection is so flimsy and weak that even this partisan gaggle of hacks doesn’t dare charge him with insurrection. The damage to the narrative would be too severe.
It’s better to just keep saying he did an insurrection, rather than proving it in court. It was a lot easier to claim that Russia collusion happened without any investigations, and it’s the same with the bogus “insurrection” that they’re trying to use to keep him off the 2024 ballot.
Looking forward to this decision!! Put an end to this liberal garbage.
Well said!!!
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Yes end the demoncratic/rino supported attacks once and for all! President Trump won in 2020 and will win in 2024 and the Deep State/Globalists will be crushed finally!
So tired of the Left that I could be sick! The Left can’t run against Donald Trump fairly because they know they will lose.
Not just the democRATs, but the entire deep state that is afraid of being uprooted.
Yes Indeed
Liberal garbage is like an agressive cancer, you can slow it down, put it in remission, but getting rid of it, if possible at all, will require radical surgery to save the life of the patient. Dr. Mike
Yes indeed
The left is totally ridiculous, the lie, cheat, decieve the people with their distractions. And we all know through common sense,if people have any. That the left with their liberal mind set Will destroy this country totally. So people better take notice of the real deal that’s happening right now. And stop these evil jerks from running our lives for us. Because once they get the power again to do so, we’re screwed. China will be taking over our freedom and our lives. If that’s what people want, they’re all sick in the head.!!!!!!!!
Yes indeed
Could not have said it any better! The Democrat Party’s official policy is lie, lie and lie! Biden himself is not just a plagiarist but a congenital liar. He lies with a straight face and is idolized and aped by Mayorkas, Kamala Harris and even Charles Schumer! They have no qualms about lying to the American people!
What I don’t understand why aren’t all these Republicans in office doing anything to stand up for this country. I just don’t get it this is a very unjust country used to be pretty good to live here and I’m just really ashamed to be from United States with what’s going on in this country. If the Republicans don’t start standing up to this and to how the Democrats are ruining our country there is nothing we can do. We the constituents deserve to have a Fair democracy. The Liberals are just trying to make it where it’s a one government country and a communist country at that.
They don’t have a problem asking for donations. I keep telling them all start putting these democratic traitors in jail and protect us like it’s your job because it may well be. Keep in mind what this country suffered the last time the democrats pushed this hard . Look up 1861 threw 1865 if you don’t know
Yes so true
Robin Rostetter, the Republicans are doing a lot of good things but not everybody gets to know their actions and endeavors to right the wrongs. Remember the mainstream and liberal media as well as the Rinos in the Republican Party are in cahoots to block news about Republican actions against the Democrats and the whole Biden government. Together they sow disinformation and covers very little about Republican news.
There is talk of trying to get Trump off the ballot in Michigan also. The democrats are so scared of Trump that they have to use a politicized legal system to try to disqualify him. When they try so hard it makes you know that they know they are in trouble in the polls.
Others in history who tried to have their opponents removed, or imprisoned were … oh say: Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol pot, I’m sure there others, seems that the demo-republicrats uni-party are in kindred company, I’m sure they just love it. Americans, on the other hand, not so much. Keep pushing liberals, demo-republicrats and uni-party adherents and you might find yourself permanently consigned to the minor league, minority status. That would be excellent.
Calling what happened on Jan. 6 an insurrection is stupid. Not only were no “insurrectionists” armed, but Trump offered NG support (which Pelosi turned down), there was his “go peacefully” comment. And he (or anyone) hasn’t been charged with insurrection.
The Supreme Court is a part of the world of corruption ! The Last Days are here ; See ” Jesus in the sky “, YouTube . ” For every knee shall bent and every tongue confess that Jesus is the Christ, in His Mighty name, even , the Lord Jesus Christ, amen .
Amen perfectly said
They best be very careful! One day they will be judged by GOD, THE ULTIMATE, HOLY, MIGHTY, BLESSED, RIGHTEOUS JUDGE!!!!!!!!
yes he did
The Left is pure evil and the 2020 election was stolen from the start. The dirty democrats didn’t want Trump to win so they had to steal with fraudulent ballots the low live rats. Hope snd pray the 2024 election well not end up like 2020 if it does the America people better stand togather and holler.
Even if the Supreme Court were to decide against Trump, they don’t have the authority to do so under any laws, until “AFTER” he’s been charged and Convicted of insurrection or tampering with a Federal Election. Neither being the case the Supreme Court would be committing treason if they ordered Trump ineligible to run. Also, if 2/3 of the registered voters in America voted for him, not even the Supreme Court or Congress could step in and change anything. The people have the real power and could easily shut this down. Society is too weak and this new generation is the weakest yet.