Bridgeport BOMBSHELL: Judge Tosses Democrat Primary Results for Ballot Box Stuffing

Judge William Clark threw out the Democrat primary election results for the mayoral race in Bridgeport, Connecticut on Wednesday. It was just six days before Bridgeport was scheduled to hold its general election. Judge Clark has now ordered a new Democrat primary to be held, after he ruled that video evidence clearly showed city employees stuffing ballot drop boxes in the dead of night before the September 12 primary.

This is the exact method that was highlighted in the film “2,000 Mules,” which showed Americans how the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump.

The Democrat primary election took place in September, and challenger John Gomes “lost” the race to incumbent Democrat Mayor Joe Ganim by just 251 votes. A surveillance video from a city office was publicly leaked, which showed a well-known city employee named Wanda Geter-Pataky stuffing harvested ballots (which are illegal in Connecticut) in the drop box outside her office in the middle of the night, just days before the election.

On the basis of that initial video, Gomes sued and asked the court to either declare him the winner, or to vacate the results and hold a do-over primary. Gomes’ legal team subpoenaed the Bridgeport police department for additional surveillance video, which was released at trial.


In his ruling to overturn the election, Judge Clark wrote that the footage was truly alarming:

“The videos are shocking to the court and should be shocking to all the parties.”

Um… okay…

The videos are exactly the same thing that was revealed to the world in the film “2,000 Mules.”

When Gomes’ legal team got the incumbent mayor on the witness stand, they showed him 18 minutes of footage of the drop box in front of Wanda Geter-Pataky’s city office. Geter-Pataky is the vice chair of the Bridgeport Democratic Town Committee and the operations specialist for the city.

The videos show Geter-Pataky making 12 separate trips to the drop box right outside the building from her reception desk and depositing huge stacks of ballots in it. The stacks of ballots were so big that she had to break them up into smaller piles.

There were also four instances shown when Geter-Pataky handed stacks of ballots to co-workers, who illegally stuffed them in the ballot box. Geter-Pataky did this outside of city office hours, when her office was closed, and often in the middle of the night. One of her trips to the ballot box was timestamped at 5:41 a.m.

Under Connecticut law, ballot harvesting is illegal. The only person who is allowed to return a ballot is the person who cast it. Otherwise, a designated agent is allowed to return one ballot for one person. An example of this would be a person returning a ballot for their elderly parent.

Another person was also identified on the “shocking” 18-minute video that was shown to Mayor Ganim. Former Bridgeport City Council member Eneida Martinez was shown making four separate trips to the same drop box and stuffing it with stacks of ballots.

Both Martinez and Geter-Pataky invoked their Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination when they were asked to take the stand. Both women are now under investigation for their potential violations of election law.

Judge Clark has given the City of Bridgeport until November 17th to come up with a plan and a date for holding a do-over Democrat primary election. If the incumbent Mayor Joe Ganim wins the primary do-over election, he automatically remains the mayor. If challenger John Gomes wins the do-over, however, Bridgeport will have to hold a new city-wide mayoral race, with Gomes facing off against Republican David Herz.

This is the exact remedy that should have taken place after the 2020 election was stolen from the American voters. Multiple groups and individuals sued and brought the exact same type of evidence to the courts after the 2020 coup, only to have the courts dismiss the cases “without standing,” and without ever looking at the evidence.

We’ve been told for three years now that courts cannot overturn elections. Yes, they can. You just have to find a judge who is not a coward or a traitor, who is willing to look at the evidence. No honest person could look at those videos from Bridgeport and say that it was a fair election, just as no honest person could watch “2,000 Mules” and decide that the 2020 election was not stolen.

This is a good day for the voters of Bridgeport. Plus, cities and legislatures everywhere are now going to be talking about this Bridgeport case, and whether drop boxes should be banned before the 2024 election.

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14 thoughts on “Bridgeport BOMBSHELL: Judge Tosses Democrat Primary Results for Ballot Box Stuffing”

  1. I just got paid $7268 working off my laptop this month. And if you think that’s cool, my divorced friend has twin toddlers and made 0ver $ 13892 her first m0nth. It feels so good making so much money when other people have to work for so much less.
    This is what I do………> > > > > >

  2. W­o­r­k­i­n­g o­n­l­i­n­e b­r­i­n­g­s i­n $­2­8­5 d­o­l­l­a­r­s a­n h­o­u­r f­o­r m­e. M­y b­e­s­t b­u­d­d­y s­h­o­w­s m­e h­o­w t­o d­o t­h­i­s a­n­d m­a­k­e­s $­2­9,0­0­0 a m­o­n­t­h d­o­i­n­g i­t, b­u­t I n­e­v­e­r r­e­a­l­i­z­e­d i­t w­a­s r­e­a­l, v­i­s­i­t t­h­e f­o­l­l­o­w­i­n­g ts06 l­i­n­k t­o h­a­v­e.

    A l­o­o­k a­t i­t——————————–>>>

  3. Yes banned all drop boxes– and there should be know mail in votes cause you know election is coming on and you should be in your on state and county to vote in person and show ID. All states should bann mail in votes and drop boxes. It would make voting more fare I believe. Biden is really not our true elective President and should be put out and the real winner put in office to finish out this term and win the next term. Biden is taking the people into so much hard ship that he has to be stopped. He is a crook, a trader, and has committed treason, and he keeps on selling us out he has to be stopped– he is not our elected president so why is he being aloud to destroy America.

    1. People who aren’t interested in voting and can’t be bothered voting shouldn’t be helped to ‘vote anyway’/’vote the way we wanted’…

    2. ONLY WE THE PEOPLE can stop this ? show with a war never before seen. IF MILLIONS of us would go to DC and demand biden and his destructive administration step down, something MIGHT get done. And if nothing gets done then tear DC apart. There is NOT enough military, all reserves and police combined to stop us. That number of them comes to LESS than 4 million. WE THE PEOPLE are 335 million strong. Well, minus the 50 million sheep. WE better do something NOW, not later. Just seems to be easier for people to b*tch and complain on social media than to take action.

  4. I just read/heard about election fraud in Connetticut on Wednesday and on Friday The Judge is throwing out the results of ballot box stuffing? It’s time to investigate “The Judge” now!!!

    1. VIDEO does NOT lie you blind moron. YOU and people like you should NOT be allowed to vote…!!!!!! And FYI, I’m a registered democrat. But unlike you, I’m NOT brainwashed.

    2. Yeah, it takes a judge that goes BY THE LAW to do what he did. YOU sheep can’t grasp what laws are made for. ALL of you are stupid, blind and brainwashed

  5. Gee, what have we been saying for 3 years, and the MSM made us out to be liars and said we were corrupt. The DemoncRATs stole the Presidential election and we all (with any brains) know it.

    1. WHEN the democRATS cheat again in 2024, and they will, It’s NOT gonna turn out for them like it did in 2020. War WILL erupt in DC if it doesn’t erupt sooner because of the current puppet putting America in the toilet. FJB…!!!!

  6. I just got paid $7268 working off my laptop this month. And if you think that’s cool, my divorced friend has twin toddlers and made 0ver(Qs $ 13892 her first m0nth. It feels so good making so much money when other people have to work for so much less.
    This is what I do………> > > > > >

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    fast glances……….

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