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California Gov. Newsom Proposes Free Health Care for Illegal Immigrants

California Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom proposed universal health care for all low-income residents in his state, including illegal immigrants, as he revealed his 2022-23 state budget Monday.

The $213 billion California Blueprint also includes other controversial areas, including a gun buyback program.

“Gov. Newsom’s universal health care proposal, which would expand access to Medi-Cal to all eligible residents regardless of immigration status starting January 2024, still falls short of his 2018 campaign trail promise: to create a single state-funded plan,” CalMatters noted.

Instead, the focus is on health care for all low-income residents, including illegal immigrants. The move would use state taxpayer dollars to provide health care for those in the state illegally, but not for those who make more than a certain level of income.

The state budget plan also includes expanded abortion services in a contrast with many states that are working to limit abortion services. The budget includes taxpayer dollars for abortion services in a move that will certainly anger pro-life Californians.

“As California’s robust recovery continues, we’re doubling down on our work to ensure all our communities can thrive,” Newsom said in a press release.


It’s hard to believe this is coming from a U.S. governor. The plan increasingly sounds like it could be coming from the leader of Venezuela. The results may soon look similar as well.

Newsom’s plan shows full-blown socialism as taxpayers are forced to fund controversial services, including health care for people who broke the law to enter the country. If we weren’t giving immigrants enough reasons to illegally cross the southern border already, Newsom’s new deal could soon shift migration patterns toward his state rather than Arizona or Texas.

The stunning part about the budget reveal is that the state just had the opportunity to remove Newsom in a historic recall effort. The movement to force a recall required massive effort and a large number of angry voters.

On one hand, it seems voters failed to follow through to stop Newsom’s bad actions during the pandemic by not showing up in sufficient numbers to vote. On the other hand, you would think a recent recall would cause Newsom to be more cautious regarding new plans, especially in controversial areas.

Instead, the survival of his recall election appears to have emboldened Newsom to launch ahead one of his most radical, far-left plans yet. That’s not good for America, especially for those living in his state. There’s a reason more people are leaving California than any other state in the country the past two years. It’s not the sunshine or the beaches; it’s the radical, far-left government.

People would rather live in the deserts of Arizona or the winters of Idaho than deal with Newsom and Democrat’s leftist nonsense. Many have left the left coast over the progressive craziness and many more likely will in the days ahead as Newsom veers further left in his latest budget plans that show which direction the state is headed in the years to come.

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11 thoughts on “California Gov. Newsom Proposes Free Health Care for Illegal Immigrants”

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  2. newsome used the old demon rat party go-to. CHEATING. that is why he is still in power. but when his aunt folds, he will just be another politician. no backing from Washington,. he is destroying the state, and he just doesn’t care. big companies are pulling out. yet he brags his economy is robust. the citizens are fleeing to red states. so, newsome, who is going to pay for your big, costly ideas? the people you are giving everything to aren’t going to work. so, again, where is your billions coming from? I’ll wait.

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  3. Newsome and California have really gone off their rocker !! Giving ILLEGAL ALIENS free healthcare , free money , housing , etc.etc. ,, will only make the ILLEGALS around the world find a way to go to California . Rapist , murderers, child molesters , drugs dealers is what California will be full of , and they will all be supported by TAXPAYERS dollars.

  4. Is California governor must be on drug the people will be paying there health care the democates are ignorant or just plane stupid

  5. When people find out Pelosi is behind this January 6th setup. You can bet Newsom will fall fast! This is a family of CRIMINAL WHO KNOW HOW TO ABUSE POWER! But also with a target on their back! Yes, there are some people even Chinese spy who will try to take them out! Or maybe a Russia, or M-13! Who knows? Everything Newsom trying to do in California is ILLEGAL AGAINST THE CONSTITUTION LAWS!

  6. I attended a church in IL where an immigrant from Thailand announced one Sunday that he had become an American Citizen after some 7 seven years of working towards that end. The joy on his face and the pride in his voice at the announcement is something I will never forget. And people like Newsom show only contempt for not only the Rule of Law, but also, and especially, for those people who are willing to adhere to that law and work hard to attain legally was Newsom wants to give away or sell simply to retain political power. What Newsom fails to understand is that there will one day be another person not unlike himself who will be more than happy to throw him under the bus for political gain. Such is his shortsightedness.

  7. Californians must not support illegals with their tax dollars! The state would be better off if those tax dollars were spent on removing them back to their own country and let that country support them.

  8. Newsom has plans of getting his billions to support illegals Not from California’s taxpayers, but from US Taxpayers!
    California is bankrupt, and already has hundreds of billions of dollars in debt.
    He’s planning on his good ole Auntie, giving him taxpayer money, since she controls the purse strings, when it comes to Democrat’s wasting hundreds of billions of dollars!

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